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Entry requirements for the first-cycle candidates

Start your future with PUEB!
The studies at the Poznań University of Economics and Business are characterized by a practical approach. They guarantee good career prospects with earnings above the national average (according to the Sedlak & Sedlak ranking). The study curriculum provides the graduates with qualifications required from the management personnel, high-class specialists and business leaders. The feedback from the labor market shows, that our graduates are highly valued and are quickly advancing in their careers.
Student Science Clubs
Agreements with partner universities
Job and internship offers per year
Ranked first among business schools
„With a sense of social responsibility, we conduct innovative research and educate leaders of the future.”

In pursuing our mission, we act in accordance with the following VALUES, i.e. principles which we consider important on a daily basis:
- We are OPEN to other people and the ever-changing world.
- We are RESPONSIBLE for the quality of education and research, as well as our environment.
- We are BOLD in our thinking and WISE in our actions.
- We are COMPETENT and TRUSTWORTHY as a partner for business, public administration and non-governmental organisations.