Halls of residence

The University offers its students self-catering accommodation in its three halls of residence, named "Feniks", "Atol" and "Dewizka". They are located not far from the city center, and are well linked with the University by public transportation. All the buildings have recently been refurbished. Most of the rooms are double and equipped with a high-speed Internet connection.

Other accommodation options that PUEB students often choose include private dormitories and rooms in shared flats.
Dom studencki ATOL
Halls of residence

ATOL Dormitory

ul. Andrzejewskiego 11/17
ul. Andrzejewskiego 11/17
Dom studenckiDEWIZKA
Halls of residence

DEWIZKA Dormitory

ul. Dożynkowa 9 D
ul. Dożynkowa 9 D
Dom studencki FENIKS
Halls of residence

FENIKS Dormitory

ul. Dożynkowa9 F
ul. Dożynkowa9 F

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