Start your future with PUEB!
What studies are you interested in?
Innovation management is an area within the discipline of management, which has been developing very dynamically over the years. Issues of economic innovation have become an integral part of business activity and are expressed not only by the search for innovative products, new business models, especially based on Internet technologies, but also by the steadily growing R&D budgets.
If You are looking for the answers to the questions like:
What do users think about Your web site?
What Internet tools are best for Your company development?
How to monitor Your Internet strategy?
How to effectively arrange commercial space in Your store?
How to introduce new products based on Internet technolologies?
You will find them right here. Choose Innovation Management and take advantage of opportunities we have created especially for You.
Participate in courses that will be carried out in specially designed for the programme laboratories: ShopLab (Eye-tracking Research Laboratory) and ConsumerLab (Internet Consumer Behaviour Laboratory).
Have access to the latest technology and software.
Be innovative – do not hesitate, join us today and have tommorrow at Your fingertips!Programme structureAREAS OF STUDIES
The study programme is based on three groups of subjects:
Basic content, selected courses: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Law, Ethics of Business Activity, Knowledge Based Management
Directional content, selected courses: Enterprise Systems and Platforms, Marketing Intelligence, Financing Innovations, Consumer Behavior, Logistics Management
Specialty content, selected courses: Creativity, Innovative Product Management, E-commerce, Innovative Brand, Marketing ControllingCareer opportunitiesAll the prognoses and job market analyses show that demand for the specialist in the field of the Innovation Management will be growing, not only in Poland but also in Europe and the USA.
The graduates will be equipped with:- the knowledge of company management – in particular innovation management, starting with the phase of generating idea, followed by the step of defining the product, its commercialization and finally the controlling phase,
- the knowledge and necessary skills concerning the Internet as the most important environment for innovative market solutions,
- the knowledge about how to create the financial plan for an innovative venture, including the methods of financing the venture,
- the skills to conduct market research and use sophisticated data analysis techniques,
- the knowledge about the directions of creating Ecoinnovations.
The Innovation Management graduates will be prepared to work in international organizations of different scale of operation (both – small start up’s and big international corporations) as:- Digital marketing manager,
- E-commerce manager,
- E-marketing specialist,
- Social media coordinator,
- R&D manager,
- R&D Department employee,
- Product manager,
- Brand manager,
- Project manager,
- Own business based on Internet technologies.
Are you interested in a managerial career in a global environment?
The Master IB Programme combines the global perspective of international business with the up-to-date strategic thinking, which is required to develop competitive advantage and implement a new strategic design of business. The MSc in International Business attracts a highly cosmopolitan mix of students from a wide variety of academic backgrounds. By interacting with students from different countries of the world you will enhance your understanding of other business, economic, political and legal environments as well as other cultures and ethical issues. The modules of the programme discuss first – the drivers of globalization and internationalization processes and second – how this global business environment influences companies’ competitiveness and strategy.After your studies you will have the competence and qualifications to work with international business related tasks in companies, organizations or in the public sector.
International Business Programme offered at the Poznan University of Economics & Business equips students with the analytical skills to deal with complex qualitative and quantitative data required for strategic decision making.
Our objective is to prepare you to be a successful analyst and manager of medium and high stages of management in international enterprises. The focus is put on the techniques of making a decision in diverse conditions of international business and solving the strategic problems connected with the cultural diversity and political risk.
Programme structureCOURSES:
– Introduction to econometrics
– International economics II
– Mathematical statistics
– International entrepreneurship
– Off-shoring in international marketing decisions
– Contemporary marketing strategies for foreign markets
– International public law
– Globalization and regionalization
– International corporate finance
– International competitiveness vs. economic policy
– Small business on global markets
– Leadership in international business
– Foreign language
– Master seminarSECOND YEAR
– Corporate crisis management
– International logistics II
– International management consulting
– Elective courses (4 courses during the second year)
– International HRM
– International strategies of financing
– Cultural aspects of international business
– International investment
– International trade – advanced course
– Microeconomics of competitiveness (Harvard license course)
– Regional competitiveness
– Master seminarCareer opportunitiesGraduating from the International Business Master Program can lead to many interesting positions, such as:
– support units for boards of directors in companies running the import-export business
– analytical and managerial positions in international corporations, institutions of national and international administration
– diplomatic posts
– run their own business on international scaleOur graduates have gone on to work in a wide range of multinational businesses, management consultancies and financial services, and also central banks and government departments around the world. A number of our alumni now occupy senior management positions in multinational companies, government ministries and international organizations, where they are responsible for developing and implementing global strategy.
Quantitative Finance is a two-year Master’s degree programme, which aims at preparing for careers in financial sector as quantitative analyst or risk manager. The programme is designed for graduates with bachelor’s or engineer degree who are able to undertake a highly-specialized and quantitative-oriented study of finance.
During the study you will have courses with practitioners working in the financial industry as risk managers and specialists for pricing financial instruments.
International Co-operation
The program Quantitative Finance is led with the cooperation of Lisbon School of Economics and Management at the University of Lisbon and University of Lorraine in Nancy (France).
Programme overview
The world of modern finance is increasingly dominated by new technologies, mathematical models and sophisticated statistical techniques. Quantitative Finance is an area of modern finance involved in the application of quantitative methods for the analysis of risks associated with financial investments and in forecasting events in the financial markets. Quantitative Finance deals with, among other things:
- construction of complex investment strategies,
- forecasting the prices of financial instruments,
- the development and pricing of financial instruments,
- risk management of financial investments,
- analysis and modelling of financial markets.
Programme structureAreas of study
The program is based on four main areas:
- Risk management, selected courses: Financial risk management, Actuarial methods, Financial markets and instruments.
- Corporate finance, selected courses: Corporate finance, Advanced corporate finance, Long-term incentive schemes, Advanced financial analysis of enterprises
- Pricing of financial instruments, selected courses: Derivatives pricing, Interest rates modelling, Stochastic finance in continuous time
- Investments, selected courses: Portfolio theory, Exotic options, Alternative investments, Hedge funds
Programme content:
Year 1 – selected courses
Year 2 – selected courses
Calculus General equilibrium theory Probability theory and stochastic processes Corporate finance Econometrics Advanced financial market modeling Financial reporting Asset and wealth management Portfolio theory Financial analysis Financial markets and instruments Advanced macroeconomics Interest rates modelling Financial risk management Advanced derivatives pricing Financial econometrics Actuarial methods Corporate taxation Advanced corporate finance Derivatives pricing Financial engineering – project Insurance market MSc Seminar Ethics Detailed syllabus can be found here.
CFA Institute® AccreditacionSince academic year 2023/2024 Quantitative Finance is accredited by CFA Institute® within University Affiliation Program.
The purpose of UAP is to recognize the efforts of academic institutions that embed a significant portion of the CFA ® Program Candidate Body of Knowledge™ (CBOK), including the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, into their curricula.
Established in 1962, the CFA® Program sets the global standard for investment knowledge, standards, and ethics. Earning the credential can serve as a passport to entry or advancement within the investment profession around the world. The designation tells clients, employers, and colleagues that the Charterholder has mastered a rigorous curriculum covering a broad range of investment topics and that he or she is committed to the highest ethical standards in the profession.
The Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) credential is the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world.
The CFA® Program provides a strong foundation of advanced investment analysis and real-world portfolio management skills that will give you a career advantage.With CFA® you can gain:
· International Recognition – Employers and media around the world praise the CFA designation
· Credibility – Clients and colleagues regard you with a presumption of expertise
· Respect – Your efforts connect you with the prestige of existing charterholders
· Competitive Advantage – Employers and clients require professionals who demonstrate competence in implementing international investment strategies
· Knowledge with a Global Perspective – A practice analysis is conducted every five years to determine a globally relevant, broad-based curriculum.
· Connections – You join the more than 100,000 charterholders who are active investment professionals with senior responsibility.Career opportunitiesMaster’s degree programme in Quantitative Finance prepares highly qualified specialists in this area: financial engineers prepared to deal with investments’ analysis and risk management in banks and investment funds. Graduates of this course have a unique expertise on economic and financial modelling
Potential employers:
- Banks
- Central banks
- Financial supervisory authorities
- Investment funds
- Companies engaged in financial consulting
- Companies with divisions of financial analysis
Programme coordinator:
– dr hab. Paweł Kliber, prof. UEP (pawel.kliber@ue.poznan.pl)
– dr hab. Elżbieta Rychłowska-Musiał, prof. UEP (elzbieta.rychlowska-musial@ue.poznan.pl)
Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments (TISE) is a unique, multidisciplinary and innovative programme focused on social systems in transformation. Its completion enables students to obtain a diploma from the following four universities that are jointly conducting the programme: Donau-Universität Krems (Austria), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), University College Dublin (Ireland) and the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland). Students learn the working and transformation of social systems, their dynamics and interactions in science, technology, ethics and economics. The programme uses innovative teaching methods and a wide range of instruments that help to analyse complex socio-economic problems, and to develop multidimensional strategies for a sustainable development of the global economy.
Programme structureBasic information:
- studies in the field of: International Economics
- name of the programme: Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments
- studies: full-time second-cycle programme,track: general academic
- leading discipline: economics and finance
- studies conducted in English
- programme conducted jointly by four universities: Donau-Universität Krems (Austria), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), University College Dublin (Ireland) and Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)
Enrolment for the programme is conducted by Donau-Universität Krems (Austria).
- Company owner
- CEO/ Managing director (in different departments of an organization)
- Organizational-development specialist
- Market analyst
- Social work specialist
- Consultant
- Teacher
- Researcher
Recruitment calendar
April 7
start of online applications
July 17
application&video deadline + registration fee deadline
language tests
July 24
qualification results
Aug 1
documents submission deadline
Sept 30
Orientation Day
Oct 1
start of classes

In pursuing our mission, we act in accordance with the following VALUES, i.e. principles which we consider important on a daily basis:
- We are OPEN to other people and the ever-changing world.
- We are RESPONSIBLE for the quality of education and research, as well as our environment.
- We are BOLD in our thinking and WISE in our actions.
- We are COMPETENT and TRUSTWORTHY as a partner for business, public administration and non-governmental organisations.
Recruitment - step by step
All candidates need to fill in an application form: https://e-rekrutacja.ue.poznan.pl/en-gb/.
After registration the system will guide you through the list of documents you need to upload.
The documents are then verified by the admissions staff. Depending on the amount of applications this can take up to 2 weeks.
If the candidate’s documents are accepted and the candidate meets all the formal requirements, they will be given the account number to which they should transfer the registration and first semester tuition fees. When we confirm the transfer we will issue the admission letter which will be used to apply for a visa.