Doctoral Seminars in English
The DSE at The Poznań Univeristy of Economics and Business represents a elite programme designed mainly for small group of participants. The DSE programme is not based on formal lectures and credits but on individual, interpersonal forms of studying: seminars, workshops and summer schools; intended to provide the students with knowledge and experience in a active and direct way. All programmes of study are regularly reviewed to ensure that the teaching arrangements are satisfactory and that students are making appropriate progress.
About DSE
A class at a university when a small group of participants and a supervisor meet to discuss or study a particular topic, provide presentations and exchange ideas. The Doctoral Seminars in English programme is designed to provide interns with an opportunity for direct, close and interactive cooperation with their supervisors and seminars will make up more than half of all classes. Although cooperation between supervisor and intern is very much a joint decision, it is planned that most of the hours will be in the form of ONLINE SEMINARS. This formula is proposed to meet the needs of non-Polish participants who are not able to visit Poland very often, as well as those who are very busy with their work, family or communities.
Workshop I, theme one – Topic for PhD thesis; theme two – Foundations and methodology of scientific research.
The workshop is devoted to providing theoretical and practical knowledge in the methodology of scientific research as well as providing advice on choosing a PhD thesis topic. The workshop focuses on: characteristics of the ‘scientific approach’,key characteristics of a PhD, the role of the thesis and doctoral regulations, criteria for choosing a topic, identifying a research problem, designing a study and the key concepts: originality in thinking, contribution to knowledge, appropriate methods, systematic enquiry.
Workshop II Research methodology– qualitative and quantitative research methods.
The workshop provides an overview of research methods and the course content includes: types of qualitative and quantitative research, the main methods of data collection and analysis, the limitations of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Workshop III. Academic writing – the PhD thesis and journal articles.
The workshop provides advice and information on how to write a thesis, on the specific form of academic writing in English and on the examination process. Course content includes: literature search, library and IT skills, academic writing, research ethics, presentation skills, assessing research, the external examiner’s perspective and responsibilities; organisation, planning and time management while writing, the thesis reviewer, understanding the role of the supervisor and advisors and preparing for the defence.
Doctoral Seminars in English is a programme designed for MSc or MA, Polish and foreign students interested in preparing a PhD thesis in English. One edition of DSE lasts for 3 years (6 semesters).
To be eligible you need to:
complete a master’s degree that gives you the right to apply for a PhD in your country;
have good command of English language (at least CEFR level B2);
on the basis of documents enclosed you must be found likely to be able to follow successfully the programme to which application refers.
In order to provide evaluators with relevant information to perform their work efficiently, DSE applicants have to submit (in PDF format):
- CV
- copy of master’s degree,
- copy of master’s degree study record (list of courses)
- filled out and submitted application form – apply here
- research proposal – DOWNLOAD A TEMPLATE
- list of publications (if available)
- letters of recommendation from scholars who are familiar with their academic work (if available)
- confirmation of transferring the application fee
All application documents must be uploaded in the recruitment system.
Application deadline every year is 10 SEPTEMBER (do not hesitate to send it sooner). The candidates who successfully pass the online documents verification are invited by email for the 15 minutes Skype (or personal) interview.
Application Fee: PLN equivalent of EUR 200
Bank Account:
IBAN: PL 37 1090 1359 0000 0001 1944 0943
BZ WBK, Poland
Application Fee: 200 EUR
DSE Fee: 11400 EUR (paid in 3 instalments, 3800 EUR each year)
The defence costs are not included in the tuition fee.
Account Name: Poznan University of Economics and Business
Address: al. Niepodleglosci 1061-875 Poznan, Poland
Name of the bank: Santander
Branch name: 4 O. w Poznaniu
Bank address: ul. Powstancow Wielkopolskich 16, 61-895 Poznan
Bank Account: 37 1090 1359 0000 0001 1944 0943
IBAN: PL 37 1090 1359 0000 0001 1944 0943
Tutors and Supervisors
DSE graduates
Poznań University of Economics and Business
al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań Poland