Doctoral Student Council
The Doctoral Students’ Council
Since 2006, the Doctoral Students’ Council has been active at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, representing the interests of doctoral program participants and expressing opinions and submitting proposals on matters related to third-cycle studies. Through various scientific, training, and integrative initiatives, the Doctoral Students’ Council of UEP also plays a significant role in mobilizing the doctoral community. Additionally, the Council supports UEP doctoral students in seeking and securing funding for personal development and promoting ongoing research work.
The Doctoral Students’ Council operates under the Regulations of the Doctoral Students’ Council of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, dated February 15, 2022. According to the Regulations, the Council’s governing bodies are:
- The Assembly of Doctoral Program Participants,
- The Doctoral Council,
- The Audit Committee of the Doctoral Students’ Council