PhD position in Digital Finance, Data Science and AI

We are looking for a highly motivated and creative Ph.D. candidate interested in developing and applying AI models to create cryptocurrency risk indices.


Job Information

  • Organisation/Company

    Poznań University of Economics and Business; Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics
  • Research Field

    Other; Economics » Applied economics; Economics » Financial science; All
  • Researcher Profile

    First Stage Researcher (R1)
  • Country

  • Application Deadline

    20 June 2024 – 00:00 CET (Europe/Warsaw)
  • Type of Contract

  • Job Status

  • Hours Per Week

  • Offer Starting Date

    1 Jul 2024
  • Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

    HE / MSCA
  • Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

  • Net salary

    1300 euro per month

Offer Description

  • Work on exciting research and innovation projects focused on data science, AI and ML applications in finance together with industry and academic experts from Poland, Germany and Luxembourg.
  • Join the MSCA Doctoral Network on Digital Finance, providing a European-wide doctorate in Digital Finance, with leading institutions such as the European Central Bank.
  • Write a cumulative doctoral thesis and scientific articles with the aim of publication in international top-tier scientific journals.
  • Active contribution to the acquisition of third-party funding for research projects, adding content to and
  • Active contribution to the research projects (IDA Institute Digital Assets and AI4EFin Artificial Intelligence for Energy Finance).
  • Receive the opportunity to complete a doctorate in cooperation with a leading international university (Poznań University of Economics and Business) and be part of a team that leads large international research networks (through EU projects, COST Actions and research collaborations) including over 300 researchers from 50 countries.
  • The position includes two research stays at industrial partners:
  • During those secondments, PhD students will gain hands-on experience on industry-relevant research projects related to applications of AI in finance. The details of the secondments can change, both the duration and the companies. European mobility is required.
  • Individual Research Project:

Risk index for cryptos | Digital Finance MSCA (



Education Level: Master’s degree or equivalent


  • You have a very good Master’s degree in business/economics or a related field (e.g. Statistics, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science) or you are about to complete.
  • You have experience or a strong interest in quantitative empirical work and very good working knowledge in the application of statistical methods (R, Python).
  • Ideally you have knowledge in the following areas: quantitative modelling of financial markets, econometrics, machine learning or quantitative empirical research methods.
  • You have an excellent command of written and spoken English.
  • You have perseverance, a strong interest and enthusiasm for science and academic research.



Academic supervisors:

Prof. Wolfgang Karl Härdle

Prof. Barbara Będowska-Sójka


Are you interested in being part of our team? Please submit your application before 20 June 2024.

The application should include:

  • A cover letter (maximum 2 pages A4), emphasizing your specific interest, qualifications, and motivations to apply for this position;
  • A Curriculum Vitae, including a list of all courses attended and grades obtained, and, if applicable, a list of publications and references;
  • An IELTS-test, Internet TOEFL test (TOEFL-iBT), Cambridge CAE-C (CPE), or equivalent
  • A declaration that you have not resided in Poland for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.

Academic Supervisors

  • prof. Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Humboldt University and The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) ORCID
  • prof. Barbara Będowska-Sójka, Poznań University of Economics and Business ORCID

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available: 1

Company/Institute: Poznań University of Economics and Business

Country: Poland

Where to apply


City: Poznań


Street: Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875

Postal Code: 61-875

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