Doctoral school

BUP PhD Students Training

This event will take place 22-26 November at Łódź University of Technology in Poland. The training is a fantastic opportunity for PhD students from all over the Baltic Sea Region to come together, network with each other, and become acquainted with other scholarly perspectives, in a stimulating academic environment.

The program of this free training includes: lectures, workshops, students’ presentations of PhD work, and individual consultancies of PhD work with international experts. The event will consist of a maximum of 30 students, that will be accompanied by an expert team of supervisors.

The objective of the training is to give PhD students from BUP participating universities, the possibility to meet and discuss scientific enquiries, problems and investigations with a focus on sustainable development in an interdisciplinary, intercultural, and regional context. Students will be exposed to different academic perspectives, traditions and cultures, and they will foster key skills. This international training will enrich the students’ own perspectives on sustainable development with experiences and perspectives from other disciplines and other countries.

The application deadline for students to apply is 15 October 2023.

Read more about the BUP PhD Students Training.

BUP Course Platform launch

On Monday 16 October at 14:00 (CEST), the BUP will host a kick-off meeting for the BUP Course Platform. This will be an opportunity to learn more about our free courses and how the material can be used for educational purposes at your university. You will also learn more about our courses that are created as free massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are unique in that they focus on sustainability in a Baltic Sea Region context.

All of the courses are linked to the 10 themes of the BUP, all of which have a base in sustainability science. Currently, the BUP has five courses open to enroll in;

·        Conditions and Challenges of Sustainability

·        Economic Sustainability- an introduction

·        Sustainable Food Systems in the Baltic Sea Region

·        Sustainable Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region

·        The Baltic Sea Environment; Challenges and Solutions

 All of which can be accessed on the BUP Course Platform.

 The kick-off meeting will take place online via Zoom Monday 16 October at 14:00 (CEST):


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