
First place for PUEB in the IDOL competition in the category of Institution Open to the Blind

July 5, 2022

The Poznań University of Economics and Business was awarded the first place at the provincial stage in the IDOL competition organized by the Chance for the Blind Foundation. Its goal is to identify institutions that are friendly to the blind and that are taking measures to enable these people to be fully integrated into society. We won in the category of Institution Open to the Blind.

Our University implements and applies solutions that allow blind or visually impaired people to take advantage of PUEB’s educational offer. All of the University’s buildings have been equipped with Braille placards and a navigation system for the blind. The carried out activities are accessible to visually impaired students. We regularly carry out activities for the benefit of the blind community, such as collecting educational materials to support cognitive and sensory competencies in blind children from the school in Owińska.

We respect the environment by acting in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.


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