Department of Information Systems

Comparative analysis of the use of scientific sources in Wikipedia articles depending on the language version and topic

The article by employees of the Department of Information Systems PUEB was published in the "Procedia Computer Science" journal by Elsevier on the ScienceDirect website. As part of the scientific research, hundreds of millions of references in Wikipedia articles from various language versions were analyzed to identify scientific sources of information. In addition, Wikipedia articles have been divided into various topics using information from Wikipedia projects and based on semantic knowledge bases - Wikidata and DBpedia.

Articles on Wikipedia must be based on sources that are considered reliable and that users can check for themselves. However, the assessment of the reliability of these sources may vary and depends on topic and on the language in which the article is written. In many Wikipedia articles we can find references to scientific publications. They are typically considered more reliable than regular websites, mainly because they go through a thorough peer review process and are published by recognized academic institutions. This means that the content contained in these scientific sources has been carefully analyzed by specialists in a given field, which ensures their greater accuracy and credibility.

Work entitled “Understanding the Use of Scientific References in Multilingual Wikipedia across Various Topics” focuses on a comparative analysis of the use of scientific information sources in Wikipedia articles depending on the topic and language version. Authors of the publication: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Krzysztof Węcel, Witold Abramowicz. The results of scientific research were presented during the KES 2023 conference.

This research is supported by the project “OpenFact – artificial intelligence tools for verification of the veracity of information sources and fake news detection” (INFOSTRATEG-I/0035/2021-00), granted within the INFOSTRATEG I program of the National Center for Research and Development, under the topic: Verifying information sources and detecting fake news.

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