
The New Generation in the New Economy - a study by PUEB researchers

June 18, 2022

A team of researchers consisting of dr hab. Sylwester Białowąs, prof. PUEB, dr Krzysztof Golata, prof. dr hab. Grażyna Krzyminiewska (coordinator), dr hab. Iwona Olejnik, prof. PUEB, dr Olena Shelest-Szumilas, dr Anna Waligóra, dr hab. Halina Zboroń, prof. PUEB, undertook to develop a methodology for a cyclical study on the economic preparedness of the young generation for technological revolution. The tools have been developed, which allow the process of simulating the challenges that the young generation will face when choosing a career path. A survey was conducted in June 2021, which included students in the second grades of high schools, technical schools and trade schools.


The tasks explored competencies that previous analyses have identified as particularly important for the future: mathematical literacy (which enables the determination of analytical competence), ethical and civic competencies, communication, creativity, teamwork, self-organization of work and planning of activities, creation of digital content and the ability to search for information using IT, as well as competencies that help in learning new issues. They concern not only technology, but also new ways of working.

The tasks performed indicated competence deficits among students, which are significant primarily among students of trade schools.

We invite you to take a look at the results of the study:


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