34401 / Conference program (0)

26162 / Application to the Academic Advancement for the conferment of the doctoral degree extramural (0)

16496 / PUEB Senate Resolution no. 97 (2020/21) – confirming learning outcomes of a foreign language -B2 (0)

16493 / PUEB Senate Resolution No. 96 (2020/2021) – verification for qualifications at the level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF)- PhD degree in extramural mode (0)

16490 / Resolution no.110 (2019/2020) of the Senate of the PUEB – public doctoral thesis defenses in a remote mode (0)

16481 / Resolution No 20 (2023/2024) of the Senate of the PUEB on the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree (0)

16476 / ACT of 20 July 2018 – The Law on Higher Education and Science (0)

16390 / Doctoral dissertation – editing and formatting requirements (0)

16368 / Description of collection of thematically cohesive articles and studies (0)

16364 / Consent of the person acting as auxiliary supervisor (0)

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