Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance

The Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance, functioning within the Institute of Quality Sciences at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, focuses the staff’s research interests and the teaching process on broadly defined issues in life sciences: chemistry, physics, biochemistry, microbiology and related fields. These sciences form the foundation of the life sciences branch of the Quality Sciences, constituting an essential element of their interdisciplinary character.

About the Department

The knowledge provided by the life sciences and the package of analytical methods create the tools necessary for the comprehensive analysis of product quality at all stages of their life, from the design and acquisition of raw materials, through the processes associated with production, distribution, use, to the management of post-consumer waste. Integration of the entire spectrum of issues in the field of life sciences within one organisational unit strengthens the scientific potential of the Department. It influences the development of the educational offer of the faculties of Quality and Product Development and Production Management and Engineering. Due to the specific nature of the scientific and didactic area, teaching activities conducted at the Department take place in the early years of studies as a necessary basis for further development of the specialist competencies in the students of the majors as mentioned above. The Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance is a continuation of the tradition and achievements of its predecessors: The Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, the Department of General Chemistry and the Department of Natural Products Chemistry, from the merger of which it was established in 2011.

Staff members

Consultations in the current semester


Mgr inż. Iwona Stempkowska starszy specjalista do spraw administracyjnych
Budynek A, room no 032
Bud. A-skrzydło, room no 313

Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance
Poznań University of Economics and Business
al. Niepodległości 10
61-875 Poznań

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