Dr hab. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, prof. UEP, dr Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes, dr Marcin Wieczerzycki, together with dr hab. Maja Sajdak, prof. UEP published a paper "Guiding entrepreneurial ecosystems towards sustainability: identifying key changes and future research directions" in the „Journal of Organizational Change Management” (Impact Factor 2.7).

This conceptual paper identifies the necessary transformations required to evolve entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) into sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems (SEEs) and to explore the primary challenges involved. As SEE intentionally addresses all three dimensions of sustainability—social, ecological and economic – it requires both a genuine will and effort from individual actors to increase their sustainability and, an establishment of systemic conditions at the ecosystem level. The paper presents a model that delineates the conditions for the development of SEE and identifies the requisite changes necessary to foster sustainability within the EE.
The paper can be found here: