Mgr Maciej Bartkowiak Awarded Grant in Young Scientists Competition (Młodzi Naukowcy)

September 21, 2024

Mgr Maciej Bartkowiak, a participant of the Doctoral School at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, has been awarded a grant in the Young Scientists Competition (Młodzi Naukowcy), securing him free participation in the 52nd Conference on Applications of Mathematics (LII Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki). The conference took place from September 16th to 21st, 2024, in Kościelisko, with the grant funded by KGHM Polska Miedź and SAMSUNG.

During the event, Mr. Bartkowiak delivered a presentation titled “Envy-Freeness and Its Relaxations as Criteria for Quality in Fair Allocation of Goods and Resources.” His talk explored issues related to resource allocation theory, where “envy-freeness” is a key criterion for evaluating the fairness of resource distribution. Mgr Bartkowiak also discussed potential relaxations and modifications of this criterion to better suit real-world economic scenarios.

conference program page

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