
Our student is a world champion in duathlon

June 14, 2022

Przemyslaw Gaj, student of management and production engineering on graduate level, won the gold medal at the M20-24 World Championships in Romania on the standard distance duathlon (10 km running, 40 km cycling, 5 km running). The top step on the podium was achieved thanks to his excellent technical and fitness preparation, very good physical form and determination.

“If someone had once told me that I would stand on the top step of the podium of the world championship, I would have had a hard time believing it, and today that is exactly what happened. I finish the race in Romania’s Targu Mures with the title of World Champion in AG M20-24, while placing 4th among 218 athletes,” said our student after being handed the medals.

We sincerely congratulate!

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