
Our student received the Student Nobel Prize for social activity

June 8, 2022

Agata Szewczykowska, a first-year graduate level management student, received the Student Nobel Prize in the social activity category. Thus, she was in an elite group of 9 winners from all over Poland, awarded in a competition honoring outstanding students.


Our student has been involved in working with non-governmental organisations for 12 years, and has a track record of organizing numerous events and charity initiatives, the Social Activist of the Year title and many hours devoted to charity.


Agata Szewczykowska is active in the Foundation for Creation of Shared Value by Students, led by dr Adam Weinert and mgr Robert Banaś, where she is responsible for connecting the business community with the third sector. The winner conducts many trainings, projects and workshops at Poznań universities, and supports local government initiatives.


The Student Nobel Prize is a cyclical nationwide competition organized by the Independent Students’ Association to recognize students with outstanding achievements in various fields. It is organized with the support of MEiN and Santander Scholarships. The awards are given in nine categories: technical sciences, arts, journalism and culture, life sciences and energy, physics and astronomy, medicine and pharmacy, social sciences, economic sciences, social activities. Only one person is awarded in each category in the three-stage competition procedure.


We sincerely congratulate!

We cultivate the tradition of our University created by entrepreneurs and draw on the experience of a dynamically developing region.


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