Saleh Md Arman awarded the Santander Prize

Prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek and Dr. Łukasz Małys received individual awards from the JM Rector of the Poznań University of Economics for original and creative scientific achievements in the year 2023.
Prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek in a series of awarded articles addresses the importance of Industry 4.0 technology for the decision-making process of managers at different stages of value creation in the supply chain (article), resources as an important element of value co-creation processes in management and marketing (article) and adaptation of marketing activities .
Dr. Łukasz Małys, in an award-winning article, analyzes the approach of companies to cooperation in the implementation of sustainable development (article).
Prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek was also awarded for her involvement in the preparation, coordination and implementation of the University’s key Regional Excellence Initiative project titled “Ekonomia w obliczu nowej gospodarki” [Economics in the Wake of New Economy].