
Results of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to inform you that today we received the decision of the Minister of Education and Science on the results of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities.

Our University received a B+ in both evaluated disciplines, which means that we met our strategic goal.

Thank you very much for your involvement in preparing for the evaluation. I am glad that we have met its challenges. The evaluation takes into account the achievements of all employees, publications and research projects carried out at the University, as well as the impact of our scientific research on the economy and society.

Dear Sir or Madam, the result obtained in the evaluation is our joint success. At our University, we have consciously given up unethical activities to improve the outcome of the evaluation. Our attention to the integrity and quality of scientific research has resulted in PUEB being seen in the community as a leader of positive change.

Yours faithfully,



prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski


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