Dr hab. Paweł Śliwiński, prof. UEP
Department of International Finance
PUEB Professor
Collegium Altum, room no 1621
Head of Department.
Additional information
Mentzen SA - Member of the Supervisory Board, Nationale-Nederlanden Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. - Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Polish Economic Society - Member, Crowdconnect Sp. z o.o. - Member of the Supervisory Board, Carpathia Capital ASI SA - Chairman of the Management Board, The Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Member of Audit Committee, Academy of International Business - Member, INC Private Equity Alternatywna Spółka Inwestycyjna SA - Vice-President of the Management Board, European Innovation Foundation - Member of the Scientific Council, Nationale-Nederlanden Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. - Chairman of the Audit Committee, INC SA - Chairman of the Management Board, Fundacja Rozwoju Rynku Kapitałowego - Chairman of the Management Board
Duty hours and consultations.
Consultations in the current semester
Dr hab. Paweł Śliwiński, prof. UEP
Collegium Altum, room no 1621