June 30 - July 10, 2023
First Edition of the Summer School
Spinnaker – Intensive International Curricula
June 30, 2023 Organizational Meeting
10:00 Start of the meeting and welcoming participants of the Summer School – Maria Brendel
10:05 Welcome speech – Dr. hab. Andrzej Niemiec
10:15 Presentation by a representative of the City Hall of Poznań, Ms. Anna Wawdysz
10:30 Presentation by a representative of the Department of Foreigners’ Affairs – Ms. Joanna Ciesielczak – to be confirmed
10:45 Presentation on DWZZ – offered English-language programs, study costs, recruitment, accommodation, scholarships, etc.
11:00-11:05 Break
11:05-11:30 Organizational part – formal matters – document submission, form completion, Q&A
01.07.2023 Cultural module (total 10h)
9:00 AM Meeting with the guide in front of the Cathedral at Ostrów Tumski, Ostrów Tumski 17.
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Ostrów Tumski with the Cathedral, the tombs of the first Piasts – the birthplace of the Polish state, Lubrański Academy – the first higher education institution in Poznań
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Visit to the Interactive Center of Ostrów Tumski History (audio guide or ICHOT staff with English language).
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Transfer to the Old Market Square.
12:00 PM Presentation of the goats on the Town Hall tower.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Free time on the Old Market Square.
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Tour of the Old Market Square and its surroundings, including the following topics:
- The Old Market Square as the birthplace of Poznań.
- The Royal Castle on Przemysł Hill, the royal history of Poznań.
- The parish church and the former Jesuit College as the first university in Poznań.
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Freedom Square, 27 December, Zamkowa District:
- Poznań during the Prussian partition,
- Poznań as a university city.
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Visit to the Enigma Code Center (audio guide in English).
7:00 PM Conclusion of the tour.
PowerBI training (7h/14h)
We meet at Towarowa 55, 60-995 Poznań, Poland (Room 4.12)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Break 14:10 14:20 00:10
1 lesson 14:20 15:05 00:45
PowerBI training (14h/14h)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Break 14:10 14:20 00:10
1 lesson 14:20 15:05 00:45
Evening lectures (Teams) – Tableau (4h/4h)
2 lessons 16:00 17:30 01:30
Break 17:30 17:45 00:15
2 lessons 17:45 19:15 01:30
Liquidity and financial strength analysis (6h/24h) (Dr. Agata Sierpińska-Sawicz)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Evening lectures (Teams) – The definition, subject, and objectives of financial analysis, sources of information in financial analysis, methods of financial analysis (2h/8h)
2 lessons 16:00 17:30 01:30
Assets analysis, working capital analysis, liabilities analysis, financial covering of assets analysis (12h/24h) (Dr. hab. Andrzej Niemiec)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Evening lectures (Teams) – Criteria and methods of financial analysis (4h/8h)
2 lessons 16:00 17:30 01:30
Revenue analysis, costs analysis, profit and profitability analysis (18h/24h) (Dr. Jarosław Nowicki)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Evening lectures (Teams) – Need for reporting sustainable development (6h/8h)
2 lessons 16:00 17:30 01:30
Value creation analysis, analysis of companies’ position on the capital market (24h/24h) (Dr. hab. Andrzej Niemiec)
Schedule Start End Duration
2 lessons 09:00 10:30 01:30
Break 10:30 10:40 00:10
2 lessons 10:40 12:10 01:30
Break 12:10 12:40 00:30
2 lessons 12:40 14:10 01:30
Evening lectures (Teams) – Content of sustainable reports and their analysis (8h/8h)
2 lessons 16:00 17:30 01:30
Ceremonial closing of the Summer School