51040 / 14th Online Seminar in Finance: Sebastian Müller, Technical University of Munich (0)

50468 / Impact of the PUEB (0)

50439 / Social Responsibility of the University (0)

50443 / Map of Volunteerism (Empathy Map) of the PUEB community (0)

50308 / The commercialisation of research findings and intellectual property (0)

50297 / Positive programme evaluation for our fields of study (0)

50149 / 13th Online Seminar in Finance: Söhnke M Bartram, Warwick Business School (0)

50091 / Professors Beręsewicz and Szymkowiak appointed to task force at UNECE (0)

49708 / Professor Elżbieta Gołata elected Chairwoman of the Committee on Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2024-2027 (0)

49140 / The Executive MBA Poznań-Atlanta program takes 3rd place in the Perspektywy MBA Ranking 2024 (0)

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