47462 / Green and digital transition in the EU – international seminar (0)

47460 / Poster2 (0)

47459 / Poster1 (0)

46606 / The Baltic University Programme for PhD Students (0)

46588 / Awards in the 26th Competition for the Best Diploma Theses in the field of Business Informatics (0)

46493 / Cooperation within EIOPA partnerships programme. (0)

46166 / The Director of the National Science Centrm has awarded funding for a project whose applicant is a PhD student from the UEP Doctoral School (0)

45982 / Prof. Marian Gorynia has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Wroclaw University of Economics (0)

45940 / News & events (0)

45005 / The International Women’s Day Conference in Economics, Finance and Management (0)

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