STRATEGY of Poznań University of Economics and Business for the Years 2021-2024
With a sense of social responsibility, we conduct innovative research and educate leaders of the future.
Our mission assumes that:
- We cultivate the tradition of our University created by entrepreneurs and draw on the experience of a dynamically developing region.
- We set trends in scientific research.
- We educate leaders who build a better social and economic reality.
- We are a source of expert solutions and innovations for private and public sector entities.
- We respect the environment by acting in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

In pursuing our mission, we act in accordance with the following VALUES, i.e. principles which we consider important on a daily basis:
- We are OPEN to other people and the ever-changing world.
- We are RESPONSIBLE for the quality of education and research, as well as our environment.
- We are BOLD in our thinking and WISE in our actions.
- We are COMPETENT and TRUSTWORTHY as a partner for business, public administration and non-governmental organisations.
We strive for a continuous development, therefore THE VISION OF THE POZNAŃ UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS assumes the following:
By 2030, PUEB is to become a university bringing together an international academic community, contributing to world economic knowledge, supporting development of modern business and enhancing social progress in accordance with the sustainable development goals.
The Strategy of Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB) defines the University’s development policy for the years 2021 – 2024
The following document has been created on the basis of the SWOT analysis, the diagnosis of the most important trends and recommendations of organizations responsible for granting international accreditations, as well as on experiences of the co-creators of this strategy. All of us are responsible for the strength of the University, this is why the strategy is an effect of an intense cooperation between the Team specially dedicated for this purpose, as well as consultations with employees, doctoral students, students, and the University’s Council. The work on this project embraced not only strategic meetings with the University community, but also qualitative group interviews with: office administration workers, research-didactic employees, Polish and English-speaking students, and doctoral students.