Department of Sport and Physical Education

  • About us

    Dożynkowa 9 J

    61-622, Poznań

  • Facilities (for rent)

    Kindly note that rentals are available exclusively on weekends as the facilities are occupied with teaching activities during the week.

    Sports hall
    Dożynkowa 9 J
    61-662 Poznań

    For rent:
    -team games: 150,00 PLN + VAT = 184,50 PLN,
    -tennis, badminton, and the like:  100,00 PLN + VAT = 123,00 PLN

    Dożynkowa 9 J (II-nd floor)
    61-662 Poznań

    For rent:
    – with air-conditioning: 70,00 PLN + VAT = 86,10 PLN,
    – without air-conditioning: 60,00 pln + VAT = 73,80 PLN

    Bank account (Santander Bank Polska JSCo.):

    54 1090 1359 0000 0000 3501 8918

    Payment for one-time access to the premises must be made before the scheduled rental. The person covering the cost of the hall/gym must give the attendant a printed confirmation of the payment. Otherwise, tenants will not be allowed into the leased premises.

  • How to find us?

    Dożynkowa 9J

    61 – 622 Poznań

    (the sports hall)

    Street View

    Google Maps

  • Plans


  • DSPE activities

    Sports scholarship

    Dear Students,

    We would like to inform you that members of sports sections can apply for the Rector’s Scholarship for sports achievements.

    For detailed information, please contact the Student Services Office – Social and Benefits and Scholarship Unit, or the Vice-Head of DSPE, mgr Dariusz Nowaczyk.

    Go to the material aid page:

    Mandatory classes

    Medical exemptions

    Students who have medical exemptions (L4), enrol for courses online and within the first 2 weeks of an academic year, inform the class instructor of their exemption (in the third week of an academic year those who have not contacted their instructor are removed from the student list).

    Transfer of grades

    Students who have earned credit for physical education courses at another department or university must register for the course online and present a document authorizing the transfer of their grades to the class instructor within the first two weeks of the academic year. Grades eligible for transfer are limited to 4,0 and 5,0.

    Students with transferred grades are obliged to attend at least 5 classes at PUEB, other than the first and the last class in a semester.

    Regulations for passing the course of physical education

  • AZS University Club sections

    For more information, please go to the page below.

    AZS University Club website
  • Competitions and achievements of the PUEB DSPE Section

    Academic Championships of Poland

    Academic Championships of Poland


    DOC 50.9 KIB

    Academic Championship of Wielkopolska

    October 17, 2018. The Wielkopolska Gala of Academic Sports, an edition summing up the athletic competition of students in the 2017/18 academic year, was held at the PACHA Club in Poznań.

    In last year’s edition of the Academic Championship of Wielkopolska, 20 AZS student teams representing universities from Poznań, Kalisz, Piła, and Leszno participated.

    Medal classification:

    1. Poznań University of Technology
    2. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
    3. Poznań University of Economics and Business

    General classification:

    1. Poznań University of Technology
    2. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
    3. Poznań University of Economics and Business

    The athletes of the Poznań University of Economics and Business were victorious in the following competitions:

    – women’s indoor tennis  – coach mgr Marek Tadyszak

    – men’s indor tennis – coach mgr Marek Tadyszak

    – women’s outdoor tennis – coach mgr Marek Tadyszak

    – men’s outdoor tennis – coach mgr Marek Tadyszak

    – men’s street basket – coach mgr Eugeniusz Kijewski

    – chess – coach mgr Sławomir Szymanowski

    – women’s bowling – tutor  of AZS UC Marcin Ciarkowski

    -men’s bowling – tutor  AZS UC Marcin Ciarkowski

    – women’s badminton – coach mgr Dariusz Nowaczyk

    – men’s badminton – coach mgr Dariusz Nowaczyk

    In view of the fact that Wielkopolska has the most extensive academic leagues in Poland, taking third place in the in the above-mentioned classifications should be considered a great achievement, which is the result of very good cooperation between DSPE and PUEB UC AZS.

    Academic Championships of Europe

    KOBE 2018

    COIMBRA 2017


    World Championships

DSPE Office

Dear Students, the DSPE Office deals only with matters related to physical education classes. For student matters (including student certificates, transfers of grades in all subjects, change of name, renewal of ID cards, tuition fees, etc.), please contact the Student Services Office dedicated to the course you are studying.
Mgr Marta Zalińska-Izydorek specjalista do spraw administracyjnych
Hala Sportowa (Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu), room no 108

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