Category Students Erasmus+

Erasmus+ qualification

Dear students,

Recruitment for study trips from the Erasmus+ program will be open from 24.02.2025 to 09.03.2025 in the USOS system. Before submitting your application, please read the USOS application instruction available on the website.


The Erasmus+ programme is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for years 2014-2020. It has a total budget of 14,7 billion euros. Erasmus+ is based on the achievements of European educational programmes which have been functioning for 25 years and is the result of a combination of the following European initiatives implemented by the European Commission in years 2007-2013: the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Youth in Action programme, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and cooperation programmes with industrialized countries in the field of higher education.

Program data for PUEB
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (abbreviation: 59287)
Erasmus Code: PL POZNAN03 PIC number: 999839723

Study abroad

Choose the tab or academic year
  • Erasmus+ general rules


    Mobility capital: at each level of study, a student can benefit from a study and internship trips lasting a total of up to 12 months within a single level of study. Previous Erasmus+ trips are included in the total number of months – within each level of study. This rule also applies to doctoral students.

    All students/doctoral candidates registered as students of studies leading to a first and second degree/doctoral diploma may apply for the trip regardless of their citizenship.

    At the time of the study trip, the participant must have the status of a student/doctoral student,  he/she must not be on leave from classes or be a graduate student at that time.

    In the Erasmus+ program, a student/doctoral student may apply for a study trip to partner universities that have signed a cooperation agreement with PUEB for the exchange of students/doctoral students.

    The length of stay at the foreign university must be in accordance with the content of the agreement concluded with that university and the agreement that the student enters into with PUEB.

    The period of study/dissertation at the Doctoral School completed abroad is an integral part of the study/program at the home university.

    The outgoing student retains the right to receive the full amount of scholarships and loans awarded in his/her country, in accordance with the rules governing their award.

    Those who study at PUEB on paid courses may apply for a reduction in tuition fees for the duration of mobility. The application must be submitted before the required payment date.



    Participation in the qualification for study trips is open to PUEB students/doctoral students who are studying on:

    • 1st year of first degree studies – departure in the 2nd year in the winter or summer semester,
    • I, II year of first degree engineering studies (majors in quality sciences) – departure in the second, third year in the winter or summer semester,
    • II year of first degree studies (bachelor’s) – departure for the 3rd year only in the winter semester (the last semester of studies must be completed at PUEB),
    • First year of second degree studies – departure in the second year in the winter or summer semester,
    • Newly admitted to the first year of the second degree program in quality sciences – departure in the following winter or summer semester,
    • at the Doctoral School.


    The minimum grade point average to qualify a student is 3.5 from the entire study at the current level.

    Knowledge of the language in which classes are taught at the partner university (min. B2 level).

    Students in the final year of their first degree program are excluded from the qualification. In case of taking up master’s studies at PUEB, the above-mentioned students will be able to take part in the additional qualification.



    Doctoral students, in addition to the application form, must provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed willingness to accept the candidate for a study visit within the Erasmus+ program, for example in a form of electronic correspondence. It is also required to obtain the approval of the Vice Rector for Cooperation for the trip through the IRO and the director of the Doctoral School.

    The grade point average, which is taken into account for the qualification of a doctoral student, is the average of the total education at the Doctoral School confirmed by the Doctoral School Office.

    Doctoral students determine their academic/study program with the thesis supervisor and the director of the Doctoral School.



    Participation in the qualification is open to those who correctly submit an application by the specified deadline via the online application (USOS). A certificate of grade point average (opinion function) must be attached to the application. Applications without grade point average or not sent by the deadline will not be considered.

    One person can apply only once, even when studying two majors.

    Attachments to the application form (if applicable):

    • Students/doctoral students who wish to obtain an exemption from the language test send a scan of the authorizing document to the IRO via e-mail.
    • Doctoral students provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed willingness to accept the candidate for study as part of the Erasmus+ program



    The list of partner universities is available only in the USOS system. The number of available places depends on the terms of the cooperation agreements.

    Students/doctoral students indicate at least one partner university (maximum four), guided by:

    • language competence,
    • convergence of learning outcomes/curricula, respectively, with the course of study pursued at PUEB,
    • cost of living,
    • semester dates (especially applies to summer semester trips) and their interests.

    Students independently familiarize themselves with the subjects offered by foreign universities.

    It is possible to take two language exams and choose universities with different languages of instruction. Such students also indicate a maximum of 4 universities.

    In the case of large program discrepancies in the selected university, the student should expect to complete the program in the following semesters or after returning from a trip abroad.

    When choosing a university, students should take into account the entry next to the university concerning the level of study (I or II degree). The above provisions result from bilateral agreements between partner universities in the Erasmus+ program.



    Knowledge of a foreign language is confirmed by passing the Erasmus+ language test organized by PUEB.

    The language test is exempt from:

    1. passing such a test in previous editions of the Erasmus+ program at PUEB,
    2. possession of the original of the aforementioned certificate specified by the rules (to be consulted). In the case of study tours, it is not sufficient to submit a certificate from the lecturer,
    3. submission of a copy of the results after completing a study stay at a foreign university, Transcript of Records, (a minimum of 15 ECTS earned for subjects in a given language),
    4. possession of the International Baccalaureate, which exempts you from language tests when applying for study abroad (original for review),
    5. graduation in English, Germanic, French or Spanish philology (diploma to be seen),
    6. possession of the original diploma of graduation from a foreign language first or second degree program (for review),
    7. a certificate confirming the knowledge allowing the student to study abroad from the unit providing foreign language teaching from the university  – applies to doctoral students,


    The qualification is preceded by language tests (B2 level). If the lecturer finds that a test has not been written on their own, the student will be disqualified and excluded from the qualification until the end of their studies at UPUEB.

    Those who study at PUEB in English-thought programs are exempt from wititng a language test or sending a certficate/document confirming the language proficiency of english language.



    Selection to a foreign university, one of those indicated by the student/doctoral candidate, is determined by confirmation of knowledge of the relevant foreign language and grade point average.

    Selection of students to the indicated universities is made by ranking – on the basis of the average of studies at a given level of study, including the academic year 2024/2025; also applies to doctoral students.

    The minimum grade point average that allows a student to qualify is 3.5 from all studies at a given degree level; also applies to doctoral students.

    In the case of identical averages and the same university indications, priority for departure will be given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ study tours at a given level of study or students from higher years of study or with a higher language qualification score; also applies to doctoral students.

    Those who have been qualified for study trips in the October 2024 qualification and who have opted out of the trip are excluded from the qualification (does not apply to those who have not met the prerequisites for the trip).

    Students who, at the time of qualification, are entitled to a social grant for the 2024/2025 academic year, after qualifying for study abroad and documenting their right to the grant no later than April 30, 2025, will receive additional support. The amount of support will be specified in the financial rules after the university receives information on the funding rates.

    PUEB qualifies the student/doctoral student for a study trip within the Erasmus+ program, the final decision on admission of the student/doctoral student is made by the foreign partner university.


    The applicable financial rules and scholarship rates will be determined after the university receives information on the amount of financial support and may differ from the rates in effect for the 2024/25 academic year.

    Study trips will be funded first from available funds from previous editions of the program, until the project funds are exhausted.


    The qualifying committee for study trips within the Erasmus+ program is composed of: the Vice-Rector Cooperation, the Vice-Rector for Education, the Head of International Relations Office, an employee of the International Relations Office din charge of the Erasmus+ program at PUEB. The student/doctoral student has the right to appeal the decision on the qualification process and results. The appeal body is the Rector of PUEB.

    Eligibility and implementation of the trips depend primarily on the ability to travel and the consent of the partner university to accept the student/doctoral student, as well as the introduction on the territory of the Republic of Poland or a part thereof, or in the country where the student/doctoral student plans to complete part of his/her studies, of additional solutions related to the prevention, prevention and control of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and emergencies caused by them, which may prevent the trip.

  • Erasmus+ USOS application instruction

    USOS student exchange instruction

    in attachment there is USOS instruction of application for the exchange within Erasmus+ program.
  • Studies in academic year 2024/25



    1. Mobility Capital: at each level of study, a student is entitled to benefit from a study and work placement trip(s) lasting up to a total of 12 months within a single level of study. Previous Erasmus trips are included in the total number of months – within each level of study. This rule also applies to doctoral students.
    2. All students/ postgraduates registered as students of programs leading to a first and second degree/doctoral diploma may apply for the trip regardless of their citizenship.
    3. At the time of realization of the trip, the participant must have the status of a student/doctoral student, i.e. he/she cannot be on leave from classes or be a graduate student at that time.
    4. In the Erasmus+ program, a student/doctoral student may apply for a study trip to partner universities that have signed a cooperation agreement with UEP for the exchange of students/doctoral students.
    5. The length of stay at a foreign university must be in accordance with the content of the agreement concluded with that university and the agreement that the student concludes with PUEB.
    6. The period of study/study at the Doctoral School completed abroad is an integral part of the study program at the home university.
    7. The outgoing student retains the right to receive in full the scholarships and loans granted in his/her home country, in accordance with the rules governing their award.
    8. Those who study at PUEB in paid courses may apply for a reduction of tuition fees for the duration of mobility. The application must be submitted before the required payment date.



    Participation in the qualification for study trips is open to PUEB students/doctoral students who are studying at:

    1st year of first-degree studies – departure in the 2nd year in the winter or summer semester,

    • I, II year of first degree engineering studies (majors in quality sciences) – departure in the second, third year in the winter or summer semester,
    • II year of first degree studies (bachelor’s) – departure for the third year only in the winter semester (the last semester of studies must be completed at PUEB),
    • First year of second degree studies – departure in the second year in the winter or summer semester,
    • newly admitted to the first year of the second degree program from the quality sciences – departure in the following winter or summer semester,
    • In the Doctoral School.

    The minimum grade point average to qualify a student is 3,5 from all studies at the current level of study.

    Knowledge of the language in which classes are conducted at the partner university (min. B2 level).

    Students of the final year of the first degree program are excluded from participation in the qualification. In the case of taking up master’s studies at PUEB, the above-mentioned students will be able to take part in the supplementary qualification.



    1. Doctoral students, in addition to the application form, provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed its willingness to accept the candidate for a study stay under the Erasmus+ program, e.g. in the form of electronic correspondence. It is also required to obtain the approval of the Vice-Rector for Science and Foreign Cooperation for the trip through the IRO and the director of the Doctoral School.
    2. The grade point average, which is taken into account for the qualification of a doctoral student, is the average of the total education at the Doctoral School confirmed by the Doctoral School Office.
    3. Doctoral students determine their academic/study program with the thesis supervisor and the director of the Doctoral School.



    Participation in the qualification is open to those who correctly send an application by the specified deadline via the online application (USOS). A certificate of grade point average (opinion function) must be attached to the application. Applications without grade point average or not sent by the deadline will not be considered.

    One person can apply only once, even when studying two majors.

    Attachments to the application form (if applicable):

    1. students/doctoral students who wish to obtain an exemption from the language test send a scan of the authorizing document to the IRO .
    2. doctoral students provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed willingness to accept the candidate for study within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, e.g., in the form of electronic correspondence.



    The list of partner universities will be available only in the USOS system. The number of available places depends on the provisions in the cooperation agreements.

    Students/doctoral students indicate at least one partner university (maximum four), guided by language competence, convergence of learning outcomes/curricula, respectively, with the course of study pursued at PUEB, cost of living, semester dates (especially applies to summer semester trips) and their interests. Students independently familiarize themselves with the subjects offered by foreign universities. It is possible to take two language exams and choose universities with different languages of instruction. Such pestudents ople also indicate a maximum of 4 universities.

    In the case of large discrepancies in the program at the selected university, the student should expect the need to complete the program in subsequent semesters or after returning from a trip abroad.

    When choosing a university, students should take into account the entry next to the university concerning the level of study (I or II degree). The above provisions result from bilateral agreements between partner universities in the Erasmus+ program.

    The International Relations Office, together with PUEB students, maintains a blog of partner universities, which can be found at: We encourage you to read impressions from the stays of Erasmus+ participants. The blog presents practical information on partner universities and countries of stay.



    Students who study at the PUEB in English-language faculties, provide to the IRO (room 221A) a certificate confirming that they are studying in English.

    Knowledge of a foreign language is confirmed by passing the Erasmus+ language test organized by PUEB.

    The language test is exempt from:

    1. passing such a test in previous editions of the Erasmus+ program at UEP,
    2. possession of the original of the aforementioned certificate specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language Teaching for a given language (to be inspected). In the case of study trips, it is not sufficient to submit a certificate from the lecturer,
    3. submission of a copy of the results upon completion of the study stay at a foreign university, i.e. Transcript of Records, (a minimum of 15 ECTS earned for subjects in a given language),
    4. possession of the International Baccalaureate, which exempts from language tests when applying for study abroad (original for review),
    5. graduation in English, Germanic, Romance or Spanish philology (diploma to be seen),
    6. possession of an original diploma of first or second degree in foreign language studies (original to be seen),
    7. a certificate confirming the knowledge allowing the student to study abroad from the unit providing foreign language teaching from the university – applies to doctoral students,

    The qualification will be preceded by language tests (B2 level) according to the schedule. If the lecturer finds that the paper has not been written independently, the student will be disqualified and excluded from the qualification until the end of his/her studies at PUEB.



    1. Selection to a foreign university, one of those indicated by the student/doctoral student, is determined by confirmation of knowledge of the relevant foreign language and grade point average.
    2. Selection of students to the indicated universities is made by ranking – on the basis of the average of studies at a given level of study, including the academic year 2023/2024; also applies to doctoral students.
    3. The minimum grade point average to qualify a student is 3.5 from all studies at a given degree level; also applies to doctoral students.
    4. In the case of identical grade point averages and the same university indications, priority for departure will be given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ study tours at a given level of study or students from higher years of study or with a higher language qualification score; also applies to doctoral students.
    5. Persons who were qualified for study trips in the qualification in October 2023 and who have resigned from the trip are excluded from the qualification (does not apply to those who have not met the prerequisites for the trip).
    6. Students who, at the time of qualification, are entitled to a social scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year, after qualifying for study abroad and documenting their right to the scholarship no later than April 30, 2024, will receive additional support. The amount of support will be specified in the financial rules after the university receives information on the funding rates.
    7. PUEB qualifies the student/doctoral student for a study trip within the Erasmus+ program, the final decision on the admission of the student/doctoral student is made by the foreign partner university.



    1. The applicable financial rules and scholarship rates will be determined after the university receives information about the amount of financial support and may differ from the rates applied for the 2023/24 academic year.
    2. Trips will first be funded from available funds from previous editions of the program, until the project funds are exhausted.



    The qualifying committee for study tours within the Erasmus+ program is composed of: the Vice-Rector for Science and Foreign Cooperation, the Vice-Rector for Education and Students, the Head of the International Relations Office, an employee of the International Relations Office in charge of the Erasmus+ program at PUEB. The student/doctoral student has the right to appeal the decision on the qualification process and results. The appeal body is the Rector of PUEB.



    22-31.01.2024 – sharing the application form/registration for language tests online Moodle platform,

    01-29.02.2024 – online information meetings on Zoom platform with partner universities (International Days),

    05.02.2024 – German language test,

    05.02.2024 – Spanish language test,

    06.02.2024 – French language test,

    06.02.2024 – test from English language,

    Tests will be conducted only on the dates specified above.


    26.02.2024 – opening of recruitment for study tours online on the USOS platform,

    01-05.03.2024 – online submission of information about the results of language tests,

    08.03.2024 – end of acceptance of applications for study tours and deadline for submission of grade point average (from room 120A). Applications not submitted by the deadline or without a certificate of grade point average will not be considered,

    11-15.03.2024 – verification of applications and allocation of places,

    20-22.03.2024 – online information for qualified applicants and confirmation of offers by applicants,

    22.03.2024 – announcement of the remaining universities to students from the reserve list (for those who did not receive a place),

    25.03.2024 – deadline for e-mailing the reselection of universities for candidates from the reserve list (there is an allocation of a place in the university and then confirmation of the offer). The list of universities will be sent by email,

    28.03.2024 – 2 p.m. online meeting with those qualified to study in the Erasmus+ program on the Zoom platform.

    The above dates are still subject to change.


    Qualification and implementation of the trips depend primarily on the ability to travel and the consent of the partner university to accept the student/doctoral student, as well as the introduction on the territory of the Republic of Poland or a part thereof, or in the country where the student/doctoral student plans to complete part of his/her studies, of additional solutions related to the prevention, prevention and control of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and emergencies caused by them, which may prevent the trip.

  • Additional qualification

    Schedule of additional qualification for Erasmus+ study visits in the spring semester 2024/2025

    01.10.2024 to 08.10.2024r. – additional qualification on the USOS web platform

    Before starting to fill out the application form, please consider the university offer and check the language of instruction, as it is not possible to change the selected universities after submitting the form. On the PUEP website there is a USOS application instruction in the “USOS application instruction” tab, please refer to the available information.

    Please indicate The Head of the student Service Office Ms Joanna Juśkiewicz as the opinionator of the grade point average information. In the field of “other experience”, please enter the type of foreign language proof you have (cerificate, studies in English).

    In the additional qualification, a waiting list is not created.

    9.10.2024 – downloading the application database for ERASMUS+. The student should complete and send the application by this time. In the application as the opinion of the information on the average grades should be selected from the list the Head of the Student Service Office.

    In the case of students starting master degree, the grades from the first degree will be taken into consideration. Applications that are in the system (prepared), but not sent by the student or without an opinion on the grades or those without proof of language skills (certificate, for example) will not be considered.

    16.10.2024 to 21.10.2024 – e-mail information to qualified persons, confirmation of readiness for exchange by students – completion of data on the USOS platform.

    22-30.10.2024 – sending nominations to universities.


  • Preliminary schedule od qualifiaction

    Preliminary qualification schedule

    22-31.01.2024    enrolment for Erasmus+ language tests on Moodle:

    Students with certificates are exempt from the test.


    German test: German24

    Spanish test: Spanish24

    French test: French24

    English test: group I English24, group II English242


    06.03.2024                   Erasmus+ Information Day – meetings with IRO, room 111A,

    9.30-2 pm.

    05-06.02.2024                    language tests

    – German  05.02.2024 (Monday), godz. 10.00 – 11.30, room 418 A

    – Spanish 05.02.2024 (poniedziałek), godz. 11.30-13.00, room 418A

    – French 06.02.2024 (wtorek), godz. 10.30-11.30, room 418 A

    – English 06.02.2024. godz. 10.00-11.30 Group I, 11.45 – 13.15 group II – Aula build. A

    the test will be provided only in the indicated time.

    26.02.2024                          openning of the on-line qualification on USOS

    01-05.03.2024                    language tests scores

    08.03.2024                          application in USOS deadline

    Aplcations prepared but not sentor with no opinion from the head of the student service office will not be taken into consideration.

    11-15.03.2024                   application verification and allocation of the places

    20-22.03.2024                   information about the results by USOS and the confirmation of the willingness to go for exchange (filling the form in USOS concerning the personal data and mibility details)

    22.03.2024                          information for the students with no places allocated (waiting list)

    25.03.2024                          deadline for choosing the universities again for the waiting list.

    28.03.2024  time: 14.00 online meeting on Zoom.

    The dates are the subject to change.

  • Mobility for studies in academic year 2023/2024

    1. Mobility capital: at each level of study, a student is entitled for study and internship placements lasting up to a total of 12 months within a single level of study. Previous Erasmus trips are included in the total number of months – within each level of study. This rule also applies to doctoral students.
    2. All students/doctoral candidates registered as students of studies leading to a first and second degree/doctoral diploma may apply for the trip, regardless of their citizenship.
    3. At the time of realization of the trip, the participant must have the status of a student/doctoral student, i.e. a student cannot be on leave from classes or be a graduate student at that time.
    4. In the Erasmus+ program, a student/doctoral student may apply for a study trip to partner universities that have signed a cooperation agreement with UEP for the exchange of students/doctoral students.
    5. The length of stay at a foreign university must be in accordance with the content of the agreement concluded with that university and the agreement that the student concludes with PUEB.
    6. The period of study at the Doctoral School completed abroad is an integral part of the study program/program at the home university.
    7. The outgoing student retains the right to receive in full the scholarships and loans granted in the country, in accordance with the rules governing their award.
    8. Those who study at PUEB in paid courses may apply for a reduction of tuition fees for the duration of mobility. The application must be submitted before the required payment date.


    1. Participation in the qualification for study trips is open to PUEB students/doctoral students who are studying at:

    – 1st year of first-degree studies – trip in the 2nd year in the winter or summer semester,

    – I, II year of first degree engineering studies (majors in quality sciences) – trip in the second, third year in the winter or summer semester,

    – II year of first degree studies (bachelor’s) – trip in the third year only in the winter semester (the last semester of studies must be completed at PUEB),

    – First year of second degree studies – trip in the second year in the winter or summer semester,

    – newly admitted to the first year of the second degree program from the quality sciences, trip in the following winter or summer semester,

    – doctoral studies and in the Doctoral School.

    2. The minimum grade point average for a student to qualify is 3.0 from all the semesters of the studies at the current level of study.

    3. Knowledge of the language in which classes are conducted at the partner university (min. B2 level).

    4. Students of the final year of the first degree program are excluded from participation in the qualification. In the case of taking up master’s studies at UEP, the above-mentioned students will be able to take part in the supplementary qualification.



    1. Doctoral students, in addition to the application form, provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed its willingness to accept the candidate for a study stay under the Erasmus+ program, e.g. in the form of electronic correspondence. It is also required to obtain the approval of the Vice-Rector for Science and Foreign Cooperation for the trip through the IRO and the head of doctoral studies/director of the Doctoral School.

    2. The grade point average, taken into account for the qualification of a doctoral student, is the average of the total doctoral studies/education at the Doctoral School confirmed by the Doctoral School Office (BSD).

    3. Doctoral students determine their academic/study program with their dissertation supervisor and the Director of the Doctoral School.



    Participation in the qualification is open to those who correctly send an application via the online application (USOS) by the specified deadline.

    A certificate of grade point average (opinion function) must be requested in the application. Go to the instruction. Applications without grade point average or not sent by the deadline will not be considered.

    One person can apply only once, even when studying two majors.


    Attachments to the application form (if applicable):

    1. Students/doctoral students who wish to obtain an exemption from the language test send a scan of the authorizing document to the IRO .

    2. Doctoral students provide confirmation that the partner university has expressed its willingness to accept the candidate for study under the Erasmus+ program, e.g. in the form of electronic correspondence.



    The list of partner universities will be available only in the USOS system. The number of available places depends on the provisions in the cooperation agreements.


    Students/doctoral students indicate at least one partner university (maximum four), guided by language competencies, convergence of learning outcomes/curricula, respectively, with the course of study, pursued at UEP, cost of living, semester dates (applies especially to summer semester trips) and their interests. Students independently familiarize themselves with the subjects offered by foreign universities. It is possible to take two language exams and choose universities with different languages of instruction. Such individuals also indicate a maximum of 4 universities.

    In the case of large program discrepancies in the selected university, the student should expect to complete the program in the following semesters or after returning from a trip abroad.

    When choosing a university, students should take into account the provision next to the university regarding the level of study. The above provisions result from bilateral agreements between partner universities in the Erasmus+ program.

    The IRO, together with PUEB students, maintains a blog of partner universities, which can be found at: We encourage you to read impressions from the stays of Erasmus+ participants. The blog presents practical information on partner universities and countries of stay.



    Knowledge of a foreign language is confirmed by passing the Erasmus+ language test organized by UEP.

    The language test is exempt from:

    1. passing such a test in previous editions of Erasmus+ at PUEB,

    2. possession of the original of the certificate specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language Teaching for a given language (to be inspected). In the case of study trips, it is not sufficient to submit a certificate from the lecturer

    3. submission of a copy of the results upon completion of the study stay at a foreign university, i.e. Transcript of Records, (a minimum of 15 ECTS earned for subjects in a given language),

    4. possession of the International Baccalaureate, which exempts from language tests when applying for study abroad (original for review)

    5. graduation in English, Germanic, Romance or Spanish philology (diploma to be seen)

    6. possession of an original diploma of first or second degree in foreign language studies (original to be seen)

    7. A certificate confirming the knowledge allowing the student to study abroad from the unit providing foreign language teaching from the university (at PUEB it is SPNJO) – applies to doctoral students,

    Persons who study English-language majors at PUEB deliver to the IRO a certificate from the English Studies Office confirming that they are studying in English.

    Certificates specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language of PUEB can be found at:


    Qualification is preceded by language tests (B2 level) according to the schedule. If the lecturer determines that the work was not written independently, this will result in exclusion from future qualification.


    Rules for granting places:

    1. Selection to a foreign university, one of those indicated by the student/doctoral student, is determined by confirmation of knowledge of the relevant foreign language and grade point average.

    2. Selection of students to the indicated universities is made by ranking – on the basis of the average of studies at a given level of study, including the academic year 2022/2023; also applies to doctoral students.

    3. The minimum grade point average for a student to qualify is 3.0 from all the semesters of the studies at the current level of study, this also applies to doctoral students.

    4. In the case of identical averages and the same university indications, priority for departure will be given to students who have not participated in study trips within the Erasmus+ program at a given level of study or students from higher years of study or with higher language qualification score; also applies to doctoral students.

    5. Individuals who were qualified for study trips in the October 2022 qualification and who have resigned from the trip are excluded from the qualification. (Does not apply to those who have not met the prerequisites for the trip).

    6. Students who, at the time of qualification, are entitled to a social scholarship for the 2022/2023 academic year, after qualifying for study abroad and documenting their right to the scholarship no later than April 30, 2023, will receive additional support. The amount of support will be specified in the financial rules after the university receives information on the funding rates.

    7. PUEB qualifies the student/doctoral student for a study trip within the Erasmus+ program, the final decision on admission of the student/doctoral student is made by the foreign partner university.



    The applicable financial rules and scholarship rates will be determined after the university receives information on the amount of financial support.



    The qualifying committee for study tours within the Erasmus+ program is composed of: the Vice-Rector for Science and Foreign Cooperation, the Vice-Rector for Education and Students, the Head of the IRO, an employee of the IRO dealing with the Erasmus+ program at UEP. The student/doctoral student has the right to appeal the decision on the qualification process and results. The appeal body is the Rector of PUEB.


    The qualification and realization of the trips depend primarily on the possibility of travel and the consent of the partner university to accept the student/doctoral student, as well as the introduction on the territory of the Republic of Poland or a part thereof, or in the country where the student/doctoral student plans to take part of his/her studies, of additional solutions related to the prevention, prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, which may make the trip impossible.

  • Rates of the grant

    Group 1

    – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and countries in the region 14,   550

    Group 2

    – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain and the countries of the region 13,  550€

    Group 3

    – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary,  450€

    Countries in region 14: Switzerland, Faroe Islands, United Kingdom
    Countries of region 13: Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City State, San Marino
  • Additional qualification for Erasmus+ exchange in summer semester 2023/2024

    Preliminary schedule

    From 25.09.2023 to 29.09.2023 – enrolment for language tests on Moodle platform – enrollment only with the university email address.
    From 02.10.2023 to 09.10.2032r. –  list of offers and recruitment for Erasmus+ applicants on the USOS web platform
    Before starting to fill out the application form, please consider the university offers in detail and check the language of instruction, as it is not possible to change the selected universities after submitting the form! Ms. Head of BOS MA Joanna Juśkiewicz should be indicated as the opinionator of the information on the average grade.

    In the additional qualification the waiting list is not created .

    Number of available places: about 40.

    3 – 5.10.2023 – language tests. The tests will be held stationary.

    3.10.2023, 12.00-13.00 hrs, room 308 building A – German language test,
    4.10.2023 hrs. 10.00 -11.00, room 308 building A – French language test,
    4.10.2023 12.00 -13.00 p.m., room 308  building A – Spanish language test,
    05.10.2023, 11.30 a.m. check of attendance, 12-13.00 Auditorium, building A – English language test.
    Tests for additional qualification will be conducted once, only w/ dates.

    10.10.2023 – downloading the base of aplicants for the ERASMUS+ program. The student should complete and send the application before the deadline. In the application, as the opinion of the average information should be selected from the list Ms. Head of Student Service Office. In the case of those who begin a master’s degree program, the average of the first degree (only PUEB’s graduates). Applicant who have finished foreign universities will not be taken into consideration.

    Applications that are in the system (prepared), but not sent by the student or without an opinion on the average gradesor those without proof of language proficiency (participation in a test or certificate) will not be considered.

    19.10.2023 to 23.10.2023 – email information to qualified persons, confirmation of readiness for exchange by students – completion of data on USOS platform.

    10.2023 – online information meeting for qualified persons on the Zoom platform.
    The time and identifier of the meeting will be provided later.

  • Mobility in spring semester - rates of the grant

    Group 1

    – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and countries in the region 14,   670

    Group 2

    – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain and the countries of the region 13,  670€

    Group 3

    – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary,  600€

    Countries in region 14: Switzerland, Faroe Islands, United Kingdom
    Countries of region 13: Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City State, San Marino
  • Financial rules

    Principles of financing mobility for studies in the Erasmus+ program for students of the Poznań University of Economics in the winter or summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024 from the ERASMUS+ program funds under the agreement 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 and 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000125996

    1.The principles of financing student mobility have been developed based on:

    – Erasmus+ Program Guide, Rules for Allocation and Use of Funds for Educational Travel (Mobility) in Higher Education in the 2022 and 2023 editions;
    – Financial agreements for the Erasmus+ Program Project, concluded between FRSE and the Poznań University of Economics,

    -guidelines of the Erasmus National Agency.
    The term of the Erasmus+ Program contract in the academic year 2023/2024.

    Project 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 is valid from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2024.

    Project 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000125996 is effective from June 1, 2023. through May 31, 2025.

    The mobility must be completed in the 2023/2024 academic year. Funding for extended study time (following semester within the same academic year) depends on the home university’s Erasmus+ funding. In case of lack of funds, the extension of stay will be possible only with zero funding.

    Student mobility for one semester (winter) will be financed from the project budget 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 until funds are exhausted.

    Long-term student study mobility (SMS) from the project in the winter semester:

    Group 1 – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden 550 €.
    Group 2 – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.
    Group 3 – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary €450

    Long-term student study trips (SMS) annual trips and in the spring semester from the 2023 project:

    Group 1 – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden 670 €.
    Group 2 – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.
    Group 3 – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary €600

    3.1 A student will receive an Erasmus+ grant for the period of study abroad calculatedwith accuracy to one day. For billing purposes, the European Commission has assumed that one month equals 30 days. In the case of incomplete months, the scholarship amount will be calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month by 1/30 of this amount. Example of scholarship calculation: study stay in Bulgaria from 01.10.2023 to 15.01.2024 is: October (30) + November (30) + December (30) + January (15) = 105 days = 3 months and 15 days. The monthly rate for study in Bulgaria is €450. Maximum scholarship amount: 3 x 450 + (450/30)*15=1350+225, which is €1575.

    3.2 Students with fewer opportunities (qualified for a the exchange in the Erasmus+ program in the 2023/2024 academic year) who have submitted to tIRO a decision on a social grant or a disability certificate will receive a supplementary payment to individual support under the EU Erasmus+ grant of €250 per month. The definition of “persons with fewer opportunities” includes:

    – persons with disabilities (Disability Decision)
    – Persons from impoverished backgrounds (Decision of the university to grant a social grant or a group of students meeting the criteria specified in the rector’s order).

    3.3 The grant received from the Erasmus+ program is intended to cover additional and not full costs related to the students’ departure and stay at the host university – it is a type of support as a contribution to their additional travel and living expenses related to the period of study or internship abroad.

    Green travel
    Students may choose to travel both trips using green travel (green travel – travel using low-emission modes of transportation such as bus, train or car sharing of min. 2 people for the same purpose ). In this case, they will receive a one-time payment of EUR 50 as a supplement to individual support after submitting a written statement on the means of transportation (applies to the return trip there and back), and if necessary, they can receive up to 2 days of additional individual support to cover the cost of the return trip. If traveling by train or bus, it will be necessary to send scans of tickets documenting travel to the foreign university.

    5.Period of funding for mobility.
    5.1 The period of study is considered to be the duration of the student’s physical stay at the host university not longer than the period between the beginning of the first activities intended for foreign students (e.g., language course organized by the host university, orientation program, didactic classes) and the end of the first examination session (or classes if the examination session is in progress; the re-takes are not taken into account). The course must be included in the Learning Agreement even if the student does not receive ECTS credits.

    5.2 The student’s stay at the university must be no shorter than 2 months and no longer than an academic year[1].

    5.3 The total period of stay abroad (mobility capital), at a given degree level, within the framework of the Erasmus+ program cannot exceed 12 months (including possible language preparation, examination sessions and internship).

    6.Rules for determining the amount of individual funding (depending on the length of stay).

    6.1 The final amount of funding from the Erasmus+ budget will be determined by the university on the basis of a certificate from the host university specifying the start and end dates of the mobility period (Certificate of attendance).

    6.2 If the period of stay is shorter (ends earlier), up to 5 days, than the one indicated in the agreement, the amount of the grant will not be changed. If the student’s stay is shorter by more than 5 days, then the length of stay and the resulting amount of individual support will be adjusted (the student will receive a proportionally reduced final installment of the grant or will be required to repay a part of the  grant within the period specified by the University for all days of the shortened stay).

    If the period of stay is shorter than the required minimum duration of mobility, i.e. 60 days, the student will be required to return the entire grant already received.

    6.3 Extension of the student’s stay abroad, should be reported by the student (via e-mail) only during the mobility at the host university (at least 30 days before the end of the stay indicated in the financial agreement), certified in the Certificate of attendance may be recognized by the home university after the student submits an explanation of the reasons for extending the study time (the student’s obligatory attendance at the university resulting from passing exams at a different time, participation in classes, confirmed by the host university).

    Funding for the extended study time depends on the home university’s funding from the Erasmus+ program. In the absence of funds, the extended period will be considered a period with zero funding.

    6.4 A change in the duration of study will necessitate an amendment or supplement to the contract in the form of an addendum or unilateral notification to the student of the change.

    7.Rules for payment of financial support.
    Payment of the scholarship to students going for one semester will be made in two installments:

    The first, no later than 30 days from the date of signing of the Agreement by both parties , in the amount constituting the entire scholarship specified in Article 3 less half of the monthly rate. In a situation where the Participant does not provide the required documents within the timeframe specified by the University, a later advance payment is exceptionally allowed.
    The remaining amount of the stipend will be paid after the Participant submits a certificate of attendance, an individual trip report in the online EU survey system (on the Beneficiary Module platform). The University has 30 calendar days to pay the remaining amount or to issue a refund order, if such a refund is due. In a situation where the Participant fails to provide the required documents within the timeframe specified by the University (fails to complete the formalities), a later payment is exceptionally permissible.

    ayment of the scholarship to students going to the host university for the academic year will be made in three installments:

    The first installment, which is half of the total scholarship amount and is reduced by half of the monthly scholarship rate within 30 days from the date of signing of the Agreement by both parties.
    The second installment in the amount of the scholarship less the paid amount of the first installment, after the delivery of a certificate of attendance at the host university in the winter semester (Certificate of attendance).
    The third installment amounting to half of the monthly stipend rate will be paid after the Participant submits a certificate of length of stay covering the entire period of mobility, an individual mobility report in the online EU survey system (on the Beneficiary Module platform). The University has 30 calendar days to pay the remaining amount or to issue a refund order, if such a refund is due. In a situation where the Participant fails to provide the required documents within the timeframe specified by the University (fails to complete the formalities), a later  payment is exceptionally permissible.

    The amount of the grant cannot be increased after the end of the mobility. If the confirmed period of stay is longer than the one stipulated in the grant agreement (and the extension has not been notified with justification in the required time, during the mobility), the additional days will be considered a zero grant period.

    8. Settlement of the mobility.
    The student undertakes to provide/complete online the documents required by the home university (i.e.: Certificate of attendance at the foreign university – Certificate of attendance, mobility report – participant’s individual trip report online EU survey) after the end of the mobility period, no later than 30 days after the end of the stay abroad.

    UEP reserves the right to make changes to the content of the rules regarding the implementation of Erasmus+ participants’ trips. These changes may result from new arrangements communicated by the European Commission and the National Agency during the project.





    ECTS coordinators

    ECTS coordinators on PUEB

    The faculty coordinator acts as a “contact person” for students and academic teachers and deals with the majority of didactic issues related to the ECTS.

    Tasks of the faculty coordinator

    • helping the student in the selection of subjects carried out at a foreign university,
    • approval of the study program before the student’s departure,
    • recognition of the results of studies carried out at the partner university and helping incoming foreign students in integrating with the university environment,
    • sharing information about the ECTS system among faculty employees and about principles of assigning ECTS points to subjects taught at the faculty.


    Departmental ECTS coordinators

    Economics, social policy, economy and law

    dr Łukasz Kryszak e-mail:


    Dr hab. Sławomira Kańduła, prof. UEP

    Bachelor in Business Administration, Master in International Business, Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environmentsdr Grzegorz Mazur e-mail:

    Quantitative Finance

    dr hab . Michał Konopczyński, prof. UEP e-mail:

    Quality Science, Product & Process Management

    dr inż. Krzysztof Juś e-mail:

    Innovation management

    dr Maciej Koszel e-mail:

    Accounting and Finance Management

    dr Marek Kawacki e-mail:


    The most important task of the institutional coordinator is to create the basis for the proper implementation of the principles and mechanisms of the ECTS system.
    Learning Agreement

    In attachment you can find the form of Learning Agreement which should be used for the mobility.

    Please do not fill the ESI number field if you fill the paper version of LA. In electronic version in USOS the number will be given automatically (your album number).
    ISCED codes
    ISCED codes (field of studies) for LA
    0311 Economics
    0312 Political sciences and civics
    04 Business, administration and law
    041 Business and administration
    0411 Accounting and taxation
    0412 Finance, banking and insurance
    0413 Management and administration
    0414 Marketing and advertising
    042 Law 0421 Law
    054 Mathematics and statistics
    0541 Mathematics
    0542 Statistics
    06 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
    061 Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICTs)
    0611 Computer use
    0612 Database and network design and administration
    0613 Software and applications development and analysis
    07 Engineering,manufacturing and construction
    071 Engineering and engineering trades
    0711 Chemical engineering and processes
    0712 Environmental protection technology
    0714 Electronics and automation
    072 Manufacturing and processing
    0721 Food processing
    0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)
    0723 Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather)
  • USOS application instruction

    USOS student exchange instruction

    in attachment there is USOS instruction of application for the exchange within Erasmus+ program.
  • Partner university application

    Partner university application:

    – grade list (Transcript of Records ToR) – an application with a request to prepare a grade list in English should be sent to Center of Studies in English, room 120A

    – language proficiency certificate, if you wrote the test – send the request by email to IRO – does not concern students from English programs;

    – certificate needed for the EHIC card – send the request by e-mail to DWZZ (IRO) with the dates of mobility;

    – Learning Agreement – should be established in consultation with the ECTS coordinator for your field of studies – IRO does not coordinate issues related to study programs

  • Before the departure

    Before the departure a student should:

    – obtain the permission of the Director of studies for the mobility – submit an appropriate application to Student Service Office room 120A

    complete other formalities required by Student Service Office; – submit a signed Learning Agreement (signature of a student, coordinator at PUEB, foreign university);

    pass the exam session (you cannot leave without completing the session, with a “conditional promotion “, while you are away from classes – on the leave).


    After completing the formalities towards Student Service Office, about two weeks before your departure, you must provide the IRO 221A with:

    • a certificate in which Student Service Office confirms that the formalities have been completed and the session has been completed (hard copy)
    • the insurance statement (hard copy)
    • IRO will also need the dates of the mobility (from acceptance letter).

    The start date of the study mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving university. In case of study visit shall be the first day of classes and lectures, language course (which is included in the Learning Agreement) or orientation programme (adaptation days).

    The end date of the period abroad shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving university: the end of the first examination period or the end of the classes and lectures.

    Departure without signing the contract will be an unauthorized departure.

    If your semester abroard starts earlier than at PUEB you should write arequest to the Director of your studies to receive permission to pass the exams earlier. With the permission you can individually contact the proffessors and ask to settle the earlier date of the exams (see the study rules and regulations concerning the mobility).

    If you decide to withdraw from Erasmus+ exchange please inform IRO and the partner university about your decision by e-mail.

  • After the mobility

    Settlement of the mobility
    Within 30 days after completing the mobility, it is required to:
    1. provide the IRO room 221 A the Certificate of Attendance (can be issued on the print used by PUEB – template in the Erasmus + tab on the website, you can get it at the International Office at a foreign university).
    You can send the document by e-mail ( or regular post.
    Please, make sure that there are no corrections on the document.
    Please check whether the dates of your stay match the dates on the financing agreement. If the stay is shorter, depending on the number of days it has been shortened, the second installment of the scholarship will be proportionally reduced or yu will have to refund a part of the grant.
    The period of the mobility cannot be extended ater the date which was stated in the financial agreement as a end of the mobility.
    To extend the mobility you have to contact with IRO by e-mail at least 30 days before the end date and send the confirmation from the partner university and the reason of prolonging the stay.
    2. complete the EU survey in the platform Beneficiary Module  (invitation will be sent automatically as an e-mail, please check spam)
    Provide to the Student Service Office (room 120A) the Learning Agreement and a list of assessments (Transcript of Records).
    If the date of receiving grades is later than the end of the semester at PUEB, an application for extension of the session should be submitted.
    Request to prolong the mobility (ex. due to the extended main exam session) should be send to IRO at least a month before the end date stated in the financial agreement.
    Prolongation of the mobility period after the mobility will be not possible even if confirmed by the partner university.
    Mobility offers

    IRO has offers for the mobility to to partner universities within bilateral agreements to countries outside the EU.

    Prior to departure, the following must be submitted to the IRO:

    • a signed statement regarding insurance.
    • confirmation that the student has no obligations to the Office of Student Services (BOS) of his/her major. Such confirmation can be obtained by a student who has passed the session and completed all other formalities required by the BOS, including obtaining the approval of the Director of Studies for the trip.

    Each student is obliged to meet the deadlines of both the partner university and PUEP, including the deadline for passing the session at home university, which, if necessary (e.g. due to lack of results from the foreign university upon return), should be extended at BOS.
    Students going to partner universities outside the EU must apply for a visa in accordance with the procedures of the country.

    The offers for exchange are published in the period when the partner universities open application period.

    Fall semester in IPADE

    Opportunity to travel to study in the fall semester of 2025/2026

    in IPADE in Peru within bilateral agreement.

    Exchange information:

    Course information: website

    Number of available places: 2 (first degree students – during 3rd or 5th semester, second degree students – during  3rd semester)

    Required knowledge of English or Spanish at the level of min. B2 (certificate) for undergraduades and C1 for graduates.

    A study visit within a bilateral agreement is a visit without a scholarship.

    Exchange students do not paya tuition fee, but  cover the costs related to transportation, accommodation, food, insurance, etc. on his/her own.

    Please read cerefully the information related to visa and proof of funds for the stay.

    UEP students interested in the trip should send to: a completed and signed by all parties application form with the proof of English language skills (min. B2 certificate ) by March 27 2025.

    Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

    Fall semester in NTPU

    Opportunity to travel to study in the fall semester of 2025/2026 (September- December 2025) in NTPU in Taiwan within bilateral agreement.

    Exchange information:

    Course information: website

    Number of available places: 2 (first degree students – during 3rd or 5th semester, second degree students – during  3rd semester)

    Required knowledge of English at the level of min. B2 (certificate)

    A study visit within a bilateral agreement is a visit without a scholarship.

    Exchange students do not paya tuition fee, but  cover the costs related to transportation, accommodation, food, insurance, etc. on his/her own.

    Please read cerefully the information related to visa and proof of funds for the stay.

    UEP students interested in the trip should send to: a completed and signed by all parties application form with the proof of English language skills (min. B2 – TOEFL (iBT) 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785) ) by March 28 2025.

    Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

    Fall semester in Canada

    Opportunity to travel to study in the fall semester of 2025 (September- December 2025) in University of Lethbridge in Canadawithin bilateral agreement.

    Exchange information:

    Course information: website

    Number of available places with the Erasmus+ KA171 project grant: 2 (graduate students only students – during  3rd semester)

    Required knowledge of English at the level of min. B2 (certificate) see website.

    A study visit to Canada will by supported with the Erasmus+ KA171 project grant. More information in the attachment. Only two places are available for one semester mobility.

    Please read cerefully the information related to visa and proof of funds for the stay.

    UEP students interested in the trip should send to: and deliver the hard copy to IRO, room 221A, a completed and signed by all parties application form with the proof of English language skills (min. B2 ) by March 25 2025.

    Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Internships abroad

The qualification for Erasmus+ internships will start in May 2025.

To see more select a tab
  • ERASMUS+ internships - rules

    The following rules for the qualification of students, graduates and doctoral students for internships are established:



    1. Mobility capital: undergraduate and graduate students and doctoral students are entitled to take advantage of the departure or departures for study/education at the PUEB Doctoral School and professional practice. The trips can last up to a total of 12 months within one level of education. Previous trips from Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus are included in the total number of months within each level of education.
    2. In the 2023 edition of the program, re-exits for internships are allowed, subject to the principle of mobility capital (applies to the possibility of departure by persons who went for internships in the previous edition of the program).
    3. Trips will be funded from the 2023 project edition, until the project funds are exhausted. Internships funded from the 2023 edition of the project can begin on 20.06.2024 and should end before 28.02.2025 due to the deadline for settlement of project funding.

    The following may apply for the internship trip:

    a) full-time and part-time students of the first degree (undergraduate or engineering), after completing the first year of study,

    b) full-time and part-time students of the second degree,

    c) graduates of first- and second-level studies

    d) doctoral students of the Doctoral School of the PUEB

    regardless of their citizenship.


    1. If a qualified student pays tuition fees for study at PUEB, he/she continues to pay tuition fees at PUEB also during the period of professional practice abroad.
    2. Internships can be carried out by students during the course of their studies (according to the PUEB study schedule). The possibility of internships under the Erasmus + program is also extended to graduate students, but recruitment must take place in the final year of study (before the defense of the thesis). The graduate’s internship can take place within one year of the defense of the thesis (and end no later than 28.02.2025). The length of stay in the internship is included in the total duration of mobility at the level of study at which the student was qualified for the trip.
    3. All the rules contained in this document regarding the participation of students in the Erasmus+ program shall also apply to first and second degree graduates.
    4. Each student/graduate/doctoral student may go on an internship, under one qualification, only once.
    5. internships can only take place in countries formally admitted to participate in the Erasmus+ program, these are: 26 EU member states and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia.


    In order to carry out an internship abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, participants can go to a host institution, which they can find on their own or use the offers found on the website of the IRO and

    1. The work carried out as part of the internship must be full-time and coincide with the student’s/graduate’s study profile or the doctoral student’s training program.
    2. internships may take place in foreign institutions, for example, an enterprise/company, a scientific research institution, a non-profit organization and other institutions. Erasmus+ internships cannot take place in EU institutions, in institutions responsible for managing EU programs, or in Polish diplomatic missions abroad.
    3. If the internship takes place at another higher education institution, that institution must have a valid Erasmus Charter of Higher Education (ECHE) granted by the European Commission.
    4. A participant qualified for an Erasmus + internship trip must meet the following formal criteria:

    a) during the entire stay at the host institution, he/she must be registered as a student of the first or second degree, a doctoral student of the doctoral program or of the Doctoral School of the PUEB or be a graduate of the first or second degree program referred to in point I.4.

    b) at the time of departure, the participant must have completed at least the first year of education at the respective level of study or education at the Doctoral School,

    c) at the time of the trip, the student/doctoral student must not be on leave from classes and must have completed the semester preceding the placement.


    1. In the case of students, the fact of placement within the Erasmus+ program will be entered in the supplement to the participant’s diploma (does not apply to graduates who have already been issued a diploma supplement).
    2. payment of domestic scholarships (social, scientific), to which the student/doctoral student has acquired the right before departure, will continue during the student’s/doctoral student’s stay in practice abroad.



    • Recruitment for placements under the Erasmus+ Program with funding from the 2023 edition will begin at PUEB from 20.05.2023 and will continue until 15.11.2024 or until funding is exhausted. Eligibility for the trip will be on a first come first served basis.
    • Due to limited funds, it is assumed that the grant for the internship trip will be paid up to a maximum of 90 days. It is possible to extend the duration of the internship within the limit specified in section II.1. and the deadline specified in section I.3 .The extended stay will be carried out with a zero grant. The extension of the internship period should be reported during the mobility.
    •  A person eligible to apply for an internship trip is required to submit a set of required internship eligibility documents to the IRO.
    • the period for processing application documents is min. 14 calendar days from the moment of submission of the set of documents to the IRO. Throughout the recruitment period, you must have the status of a student/doctoral student. During the period from June 1 to September 30, 2024, the IRO reserves the possibility of processing documents up to 30 calendar days, due to vacations. Therefore, it is recommended that you submit your documents taking into account the aforementioned deadline.


    Documents that are the basis for eligibility:

    • application form; in the case of students, the form must be signed by the relevant director of studies and the Office of Student Services – room 120A (the part concerning confirmation of the grade point average); in the case of doctoral students of the Doctoral School, the form must be signed by the Director of the Doctoral School of PUEB,
    • certificate of proficiency in the foreign language in which the internship will be carried out (one of the following):


    • a certificate from a lecturer of PUEB or a lecturer from another graduated university certifying a B2 language level in the language in question,
    • passing the test in the given language in previous editions of Erasmus+ at PUEB,
    • possession of the original of the above mentioned certificate specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language Teaching for a given language (to be inspected),
    • presenting a copy of the results after the completion of the study stay in a foreign university, i.e. Transcript of Records (min. 15 ECTS), proving that the student/doctoral student has completed partial studies in a given foreign language,
    • possession of an International Baccalaureate that exempts from language tests when applying for study abroad (original for review),
    • completion of studies in English, Germanic, Romance and Spanish philology (diploma to be inspected),
    •  possession of an original diploma of a first or second degree in a foreign language (for review),
    • persons who study English-language specializations at PUEBare exempted from the need to document their knowledge of English and the national language.


    Certificates specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language of PUEB:

    English language:

    1. LCCI IQ, EFB, levels 3 and 4.
    2. TELC B2 Business English Purposes.
    3. Cambridge University, BEC, Vantage and Higher levels.
    4. the University of Cambridge, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
    5. University of Cambridge, Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
    6. University of Cambridge, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) levels 6.0 and above.
    7. BULATS B2, C1 or C2.
    8. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):

    – paper based test, from 550 points

    – computer based test, from 213 points

    – internet based test, from 80 points.


    French language: CCIP diplomas:

    DFP Affaires B2; DFP Juridique B2; DFP Affaires C1.

    DELF and DALF diplomas: DELF B2; DALF C1; DALF C2.


    Spanish language:

    Dele Intermedio B2, Dele C1, Dele C2,TELC Español B2.


    German language:

    Zertifikat Deutsch – ZD (Level B1)

    Telc B2 – ZD Plus (Level B2)

    Goethe Zertifikat B2 (Level B2)

    Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf – ZDfB (Level B2)

    Goethe Zertifikat C1 – ZMP (Level B2-C1)

    Telc Deutsch C1 (Level C1)

    TestDaF – Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Level B2-C1)

    DSH – Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level C1-C2)

    Goethe Zertifikat C2 – ZOP (Level C2)

    KDS – Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Level C2)

    GDS – Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Level C2)


    c) Learning Agreement for Traineeships – an agreement on the internship program (Section to be completed before the mobility), approved by the host institution for the internship.


    The qualifying body for internship trips is the qualifying committee, which is composed of the Vice Rector for Foreign Cooperation, the Vice Rector for Education and Students, the Head of the IRO and the IRO employee in charge of the Erasmus+ program – internships at PUEB. The student/doctoral student has the right to appeal the decision on the qualification process and results within 7 days of their announcement. The appeal body is the Rector.


    The qualification is based on the documentation submitted by candidates until the exhaustion of places and funds.



    1. The stay of an intern with a scholarship in the host institution may last from 60 days to 90 days and must be started and completed in the period from 20.06.2024 to 28.02.2025.
    2. timing of the internship:
    3. it is recommended that the period for the implementation of the internship be the summer vacation period, after the completion of the semester. Staying on the internship during the academic year requires the student to obtain the approval of the relevant director of studies for the trip (granting the student an individual organization of studies (IOS) before the start of the internship), and in the case of a doctoral student – the approval of the director of the Doctoral School. The internship should be completed by 28.02.2025,
    4. in the case of a graduate student, it is an arbitrary date provided that the practice is completed by 28.02.2025,
    5. the time spent on the Erasmus + internship must not overlap with the time spent on the Erasmus + study program.


    Each participant qualified for an internship under the Erasmus+ program before departure is required to:

    a) pass the semester preceding the internship (in the case of a graduate trip, defend the thesis),

    b) agree with the appropriate director of studies (students), director of the Doctoral School (doctoral students of the Doctoral School) an individual internship program in the form of a document Learning Agreement for Traineeships – internship program agreement (Section to be completed before the mobility),

    c) submit to the room 120A (in the case of students) or to the Office of the Doctoral School (in the case of doctoral students) an application to the appropriate Director of Studies/Director of the Doctoral School for the internship trip,

    d) submit to the IRO a confirmation that all obligations to the office 120A (in the case of students) or the Office of the Doctoral School (in the case of doctoral students) have been fulfilled, and a statement of insurance,

    e) sign a financial agreement at the IRO between the intern and the Vice-Rector for Foreign Cooperation.


    (5) Before departure, each trainee is obliged to familiarize himself with information on legalization of residence and legal employment in the countries to which he goes for practice under the Erasmus+ program. Due to the limited possibility of providing logistical support with regard to accommodation, issues related to obtaining a visa/residence or work permit, insurance related to the implementation of the internship, participants are urged to seek information on the above-mentioned issues on their own and to contact institutions/companies.

    (6) It is allowed for students/graduates/doctoral students to go on internship without a scholarship, the so-called trip with zero funding from EU funds – Erasmus+ program or EU funds – Erasmus + program combined with zero funding. In this case, the rules of qualification and participation in the program are the same as for trips with a scholarship.

    (8) Each participant of the Erasmus+ program is obliged to insure before departure against accidents, medical expenses, third party liability and obtain adequate health insurance, which is guaranteed by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by the National Health Fund (the card is valid only in the countries of the European Union and covers ONLY part of the benefits related to medical treatment). Insurance companies offer basic insurance packages covering medical expenses, accident consequences and assistance. The amount of insurance depends, among other things, on the sum insured, the age of the participant and the duration of the internship.

    (9) Financing of the internship trip is carried out according to the rules specified in the document Principles of Financing Erasmus+ Internship Trips of Students/Graduates/Doctoral Students of the Poznań University of Economics from the funds of the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM under contract agreement 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED- 000125996. PUEB may decide to pay the participant a part of the due stipend in the amount of half of the due monthly rate only after the participant returns from abroad and the participant correctly settles the contractually required documents related to the trip.


    Participants who meet the criteria included in the definition of “persons with fewer opportunities” (persons with disabilities, from impoverished backgrounds) will receive an additional amount of EUR 250 for each month of stay. This does not apply to graduate trips.

    10) Participants who choose low-emission means of transport for the return trip within the framework of Green Travel (bus, train, carpooling of a minimum of 2 people for the same purpose) will receive a one-time financial support of EUR 50. To receive the support, the participant is required to provide a statement on the choice of means of transportation to the AGM before the financial contract is drawn up, and to show proof of travel, i.e. tickets for the trip.

    The participant will receive an additional 2 days of individual support in the case of choosing low-emission means of transportation.


    (11) The participant is obliged to provide all required documents to the IRO within 14 days from the date of completion of the internship.

    1. required documents that are the basis for settlement of the internship:
    2. a) Learning Agreement for Traineeships – internship agreement (Section to be completed after the mobility),
    3. b) Certificate of Attendance – completed on letterhead by the host institution, signed by an authorized person or with the institution’s stamp,
    4. c) the participant’s report on the internship sent electronically to the address of the person responsible for Erasmus + internships at the IRO,
    5. d) completed online questionnaire (Mobility Tool/Beneficiates Module).


    (12) The IRO reserves the right to make changes to the content of the rules regarding eligibility and implementation of Erasmus+ participants’ mobility. Such changes may result from new arrangements communicated by the European Commission and the Erasmus+ National Agency in the course of the program. The Erasmus+ participant is obliged to familiarize himself/herself with the assumptions of the Erasmus+ program and check the IRO website, where information about the program is posted and updated.

  • Documents needed for qualification

    Documents that are the basis for qualification:


    1. Application form available under the “offers” tab. Access code: Erasmus2024
    2. Learning Agreement for Traineeships
    3. Confirmation of language skills (if you want to do your internship in a language other than English)


    Application form – application form created on the platform, printed and signed by the student

    Learning Agreement for Traineeships – completed document, signed by the student, director of studies and employer


    Confirmation of language proficiency – a certificate of proficiency in the foreign language in which the internship will be carried out (one of the following):

    – a certificate from a teacher certifying a B2 language level in the language in question,

    – passing a test in a given language in previous editions of Erasmus+ at PUEB,

    – possession of the original of the above-mentioned certificate specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language Teaching for a given language (to be inspected),

    – presenting a copy of the results after the completion of the study stay in a foreign university, i.e. Transcript of Records (min. 15 ECTS), proving that the student/doctoral student has completed partial studies in a given foreign language.



    Remember, only complete applications will be considered.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:

  • Before departure



    After completing the semester (passing all of the exams), student submits to the room 120A an application to the Director of Studies for permission fo the mobility, which later needs to be delivered to IRO room 221A.

    Approximately 2 weeks before departure, deliver to 221A:

    – confirmation from room 120A that the pre-departure formalities have been completed (doc.3 )

    – statement about insurance (doc.2)




    For graduate internships, please deliver to room 221A:

    • certificate of defense from room 120A
    • certificate of insurance (doc 2)




    Upon receipt of the above-mentioned documents, a financial agreement will be prepared before departure and emailed to the student.


  • Rules of qualification for internships under the ERASMUS+ program

    The following rules for the qualification of students, graduates and doctoral students for internships are established:



    1. Mobility capital: undergraduate and graduate students and doctoral students are entitled to take advantage of the departure or departures for study/education at the Doctoral School and professional practice. The trips can last up to a total of 12 months within one level of education. Previous trips from Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus are included in the total number of months within each level of education.
    2. In the 2021 and 2022 editions of the program, it is permissible to re-exit for internships with the principle of mobility capital (applies to the possibility of departure by persons who left for internships in the previous edition of the program).
    3. Departures will first be financed from the 2021 project edition, until the project funds are exhausted. Internships financed from the 2021 project edition may begin on 20.06.2023 and should end before 30.09.2023 due to the deadline for settlement of project funding. Departures carried out outside of the aforementioned deadline, and departures whose end date is planned after 20.06.2023 will be financed from the 2022 project funds and should end before 29.02.2024.
    4. Internship trips may be applied for by:

    (a) full-time and part-time students of the first degree (undergraduate or engineering), after completing the first year of study,

    1. b) full-time and part-time students of the second degree,
    2. c) graduates of first- and second-cycle studies
    3. d) doctoral students of doctoral studies and the Doctoral School of the PUEB

    regardless of their citizenship.

    1. If a qualified student pays tuition fees for study at UEP, he/she continues to pay tuition fees at PUEB also during the period of professional practice abroad.
    2. Internships can be carried out by students during the course of their studies (according to the PUEB study schedule). The possibility of internships under the Erasmus + program is also extended to graduate students, but recruitment must take place in the final year of study (before the defense of the thesis). The graduate’s internship can take place within one year of the defense of the thesis (and end no later than 29.02.2024). The length of stay in the internship is included in the total duration of mobility at the level of study at which the student was qualified for the trip.
    3. All the rules contained in this document regarding the participation of students in the Erasmus+ program shall also apply to first and second degree graduates.
    4. Each student/graduate/doctoral student may go on an internship, under one qualification, only once.
    5. internships can only take place in countries formally admitted to participate in the Erasmus+ program, these are: 26 EU member states and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia.


    1. In order to carry out an internship abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, participants can go to a host institution, which they can find on their own or use the offers found on the website of the IRO and
    2. The work performed as part of the internship must be full-time and coincide with the student’s/graduate’s study profile or doctoral training program.
    3. Internships may take place in foreign institutions, for example, an enterprise/company, a scientific research institution, a non-profit organization and other institutions. Erasmus+ internships cannot take place in EU institutions, in institutions responsible for managing EU programs, or in Polish diplomatic missions abroad.
    4. If the internship takes place in another higher education institution, this institution must have a valid Erasmus Charter of Higher Education (ECHE) granted by the European Commission.
    5. A participant qualified for an Erasmus + internship trip must meet the following formal criteria:
    6. a) during the entire stay at the host institution, he/she must be registered as a student of the first or second degree, a doctoral student of the doctoral program or of the Doctoral School of the UEP, or be a graduate of the first or second degree program
    7. b) at the time of departure, the participant must have completed at least the first year of education at a given level of study or education in a doctoral program or in a Doctoral School,
    8. c) at the time of the trip, the student/doctoral student must not be on leave from classes and must have passed the semester preceding the internship trip.
    9. In the case of students, the fact of placement within the Erasmus+ program will be entered in the supplement to the participant’s diploma (does not apply to graduates who have already been issued a diploma supplement).
    10. Payment of domestic scholarships (social, scientific), to which the student/doctoral student has acquired the right before departure, will continue during the student’s/doctoral student’s stay at the practice abroad.



    1. Recruitment for internships under the Erasmus+ Program with funding from the 2021 and 2022 editions will begin at PUEB from 10.05.2023 and will continue until 08.12.2023 or until funding is exhausted. Approximately 41 internship places are expected (about 14 places from the 2021 project, and 27 places from the 2022 project). Qualification for the trip will be on a first come first served basis.
    2. Due to limited funds, it is assumed that the grant for the internship trip will be paid up to a maximum of 90 days. It is possible to extend the duration of the internship within the limit specified in section II.1. and the deadline specified in section I.6. The extended stay will be carried out with a zero grant. The extension of the internship period must be reported during the mobility.
    3. A person eligible to apply for an internship trip is required to submit a set of required internship eligibility documents to the International Relations Office (room 221A).
    4. The period for processing application documents is min. 14 calendar days from the moment of submission of the set of documents to the IRO. Throughout the recruitment period, you must have the status of a student/doctoral student. During the period from June 1 to September 30, 2023 the IRO reserves the possibility of processing documents up to 30 calendar days, due to vacations. Therefore, it is recommended that you submit your documents taking into account the aforementioned deadline.
    5. documents that are the basis for qualification:

    (a) the application form; in the case of students, the form must be signed by the relevant director of studies and the Student Service Office (the part concerning confirmation of the average grade); in the case of doctoral students of the Doctoral School, the documents must be signed by the Director of the Doctoral School of PUEB,

    1. b) certificate of proficiency in the foreign language in which the internship will be carried out (one of the following):
    • a certificate from a lecturer of PUEB or a lecturer from another graduated university certifying a B2 language level in the language in question,
    • passing the test in the given language in previous editions of Erasmus+ at PUEB,
    • possession of the original of the above mentioned certificate specified by the Study of Practical Foreign Language Teaching for a given language (to be inspected),
    • presenting a copy of the results after the completion of the study stay in a foreign university, i.e. Transcript of Records (min. 15 ECTS), proving that the student/doctoral student has completed partial studies in a given foreign language,
    • possession of an International Baccalaureate that exempts from language tests when applying for study abroad (original for review),
    • completion of studies in English, Germanic, Romance and Spanish philology (diploma to be inspected),
    • possession of an original diploma of first or second degree in foreign language studies (to be inspected),
    • people who study English-language specializations at PUEB are exempted from the need to document knowledge of English and the national language.

    Certificates as defined by the Study of Practical Foreign Language of PUEB:English language:

    1. LCCI IQ, EFB, levels 3 and 4.
    2. TELC B2 Business English Purposes.
    3. Cambridge University, BEC, Vantage and Higher levels.
    4. the University of Cambridge, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
    5. University of Cambridge, Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
    6. University of Cambridge, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) levels 6.0 and above.
    7. BULATS B2, C1 or C2.
    8. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):

    – paper based test, from 550 points

    – computer based test, from 213 points

    – internet based test, from 80 points.

    French language: CCIP diplomas: DFP Affaires B2; DFP Juridique B2; DFP Affaires C1.

    DELF and DALF diplomas: DELF B2; DALF C1; DALF C2.

    Spanish language: Dele Intermedio B2, Dele C1, Dele C2,TELC Español B2.

    General German:

    Zertifikat Deutsch – ZD (Level B1).

    Telc B2 – ZD Plus (Level B2).

    Goethe Zertifikat B2 (Level B2)

    Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf – ZDfB (Level B2).

    Goethe Zertifikat C1 – ZMP (Level B2-C1)

    Telc Deutsch C1 (Level C1)

    TestDaF – Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Level B2-C1)

    DSH – Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level C1-C2)

    Goethe Zertifikat C2 – ZOP (Level C2)

    KDS – Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Level C2)

    GDS – Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Level C2)


    1. c) Learning Agreement for Traineeships – an agreement on the internship program (Section to be completed before the mobility), approved by the host institution for the internship.



    1. The qualifying body for internship trips is the qualifying committee, which is composed of theVice-Rector for Research and International Relations, the Vice Chancellor for Education and Students, the Head of IRO and the IRO employee in charge of the Erasmus+ program – internships at UPUEB. The student/doctoral student has the right to appeal the decision on the qualification process and results within 7 days of their announcement. The appeal body is the Rector.
    2. The qualification is based on the documentation submitted by candidates until the exhaustion of places and funds.




    1. The stay of an intern with a scholarship in the host institution may last from 60 days to 90 days and must be started and completed in the period from 20.06.2023 to 29.02.2024.
    2. Timing of the internship:
    3. it is recommended that the internship period be the summer vacation period, after the completion of the semester. Staying for the internship during the academic year requires the student to obtain the approval of the relevant director of studies for the trip (granting the student an individual organization of studies (IOS) before the start of the internship), and in the case of a doctoral student – the approval of the director of the Doctoral School or the head of doctoral studies. The internship should end by 29.02.2024,
    4. in the case of a graduate student, it is an arbitrary date provided that the practice is completed by 29.02.2024,
    5. the time spent on the Erasmus + internship must not coincide with the time spent on the Erasmus + studies.
    6. Each participant qualified for an internship under the Erasmus+ program before departure is required to:
    7. a) pass the semester preceding the internship (in the case of a graduate trip, defend the thesis),
    8. b) agree on an individual internship program in the form of a Learning Agreement for Traineeships document (Section to be completed before the mobility) with the appropriate director of studies (students), director of the Doctoral School (doctoral students of the Doctoral School),
    9. c) submit to the Student Service Office (in the case of students) or to the Office of the Doctoral School (in the case of doctoral students) an application to the appropriate director of studies/director of the Doctoral School for the internship trip,
    10. d) submit to the IRO a confirmation that all obligations to the Student Service Office (for students) or the Office of the Doctoral School (for doctoral students) have been fulfilled, and a statement of insurance,
    11. e) sign a financial agreement at the IRO between the intern and the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.
    12. It is permissible for students/graduates/doctoral students to go on internship without a scholarship, the so-called trip with zero funding from EU funds – Erasmus+ program or EU funds – Erasmus + program combined with zero funding. In this case, the rules of qualification and participation in the program are the same as for trips with a scholarship.
    13. Before departure, each trainee is obliged to familiarize himself with information on legalization of residence and legal employment in the countries to which he goes for practice under the Erasmus+ program. Due to the limited possibility of providing logistical support with regard to accommodation, issues related to obtaining a visa/residence or work permit, insurance related to the implementation of the internship, participants are urged to seek information on the above-mentioned issues on their own and to contact institutions/companies.
    14. Each participant of the Erasmus+ program is obliged to insure himself/herself prior to departure against accidents, medical expenses, third party liability, and to obtain adequate health insurance, which is guaranteed by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by the National Health Fund (the card is valid only in the countries of the European Union and covers ONLY part of the benefits related to medical treatment). Insurance companies offer basic insurance packages covering medical expenses, accident consequences and assistance. The amount of insurance depends on the sum insured, the age of the participant and the duration of the practice, among other factors.
    15. Financing of the placement trip is carried out according to the rules specified in the document Principles of Financing Erasmus+ Students/Graduates/Doctoral Students of the Poznań University of Economics and Business from the funds of the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM under agreement 2021-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000005441 and agreement 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595. PUEB may decide to pay the participant a portion of the stipend due in the amount of half of the monthly rate due only after the participant returns from abroad and the participant correctly settles the contractually required documents related to the trip.
    16. Participants who meet the criteria included in the definition of “persons with fewer opportunities” (persons with disabilities, from impoverished backgrounds) will receive an additional amount of EUR 250 for each month of stay. This does not apply to graduate trips.
    17. Participants who choose low-emission means of transport for the return trip within the framework of Green Travel (bus, train, carpooling of a minimum of 2 people for the same purpose) will receive a one-time financial support of EUR 50. To receive the support, the participant is required to provide a statement on the choice of means of transportation to the IRO prior to the drawing up of the financial agreement, and to show proof of travel, i.e. travel tickets.
    18. The participant will receive an additional 2 days of individual support in the case of selection of low-carbon means of transport.
    19. The participant is required to provide all required documents to the AGM within 14 days from the date of completion of the internship.
    20. Required documents that are the basis for settlement of the internship:
    21. a) Learning Agreement for Traineeships – internship agreement (Section to be completed after the mobility),
    22. b) Certificate of Attendance – completed on letterhead by the host institution, signed by an authorized person or with the institution’s stamp,
    23. c) the participant’s report on the internship sent electronically to the address of the person responsible for Erasmus + internships at the IRO,
    24. d) completed online questionnaire (Mobility Tool/Beneficiates Module).
    25. The IRO reserves the right to make changes to the content of the rules regarding eligibility and implementation of Erasmus+ participants’ mobility. Such changes may result from new arrangements communicated by the European Commission and the Erasmus+ National Agency in the course of the program. The Erasmus+ participant is obliged to familiarize himself/herself with the assumptions of the Erasmus+ program and check the IRO website, where information about the program is posted and updated.
  • Funding rules

    Principles of financing Erasmus+ placement trips:


    1. The rules for financing student and graduate mobility have been developed based on the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the rules for the allocation and use of funds for decentralized activities of the Erasmus+ programme educational travel (mobility) – higher education and the financial agreements for the Erasmus+ Programme Project concluded between the Foundation for the Development of the Education System and the Poznań University of Economics and the guidelines of the Erasmus National Agency.
    2. The PUEB Erasmus+ budget for individual support:

    – internship trips from contract 2021-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000005441 is EUR 28,460,

    – internship trips from contract 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 is 53,460EUR.


    1. Contract period of Erasmus+ edition 2021 – 2023 and 2022-2024.

    The scholarship stay must be started and completed within the stated contract period. In order to make financial settlements, PUEB stipulated that all trips, regardless of the source of funding, must be completed by February 29, 2024.


    1. Amount of individual support – scholarship rates

    The scholarship (grant) received is intended to cover additional, not full, costs associated with the trip and stay at the host institution. The National Agency (NA), based on the guidelines of the European Commission, in consultation with the national authority responsible for higher education, has determined the following scholarship rates applicable to a given project to particular groups of destination countries:


    Internship trips subsidized by the Erasmus+ program in the edition financed by contract 2021-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000005441

    Group countries Basic monthly stipend rate in the Erasmus+ program.

    Group 1 – 670 EUR

    Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

    Group 2 – 670 EUR

    Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

    Group 3 – 600 EUR

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


    Internship trips subsidized by the Erasmus+ program in the edition financed by contract 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595


    Group countries Basic monthly stipend rate in the Erasmus+ program.

    Group 1 – 700 EUR

    Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

    Group 2 – 700 EUR

    Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

    Group 3 – 600 EUR

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


    Trips in the first instance will be financed from the 2021 project edition, until the project funds are exhausted. Internships financed from the 2021 project edition can start on 20.06.2023 and should end before 30.09.2023 due to the deadline for settlement of project funding. Departures carried out outside of the aforementioned deadline, and departures whose end date is planned after 20.06.2023 will be financed from the 2022 project funds and should end before 29.02.2024

    The participant will receive individual support under the Erasmus+ program for the period of practice abroad calculated to the nearest day. For billing purposes, the European Commission has assumed that one month equals 30 days. In the case of incomplete months, the amount of the grant will be calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month by 1/30 of this amount.

    Example for calculating the amount of the stipend: the stay on internship in Austria from 01.03 to 15.06.2022 is: March (30) + April (30) + May (30) + June (15) = 105 days = 3 months and 15 days. The monthly rate for an internship in Austria is 650EUR. Maximum stipend amount: 3 x 650 + (650/30)*15=1950+325= 2275EUR.

    4.1 The scholarship received is intended to cover additional and not full costs related to the trip and stay at the host university – it is a kind of support (grant).

    4.2 Students who meet the criteria included in the definition of “persons with fewer opportunities” (financially disadvantaged or disabled persons) will be eligible for the internship trip from the contract 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 and will receive from the program budget an additional amount of EUR 250 for each month of stay.

    Students with documented entitlement to a social grant from PUEB or a disability certificate on the date of the university’s recruitment decision relating to internship trips with funding from contract 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053595 will be treated as having fewer opportunities.

    Individuals with a current disability certificate may apply for funding for other than standard travel and living expenses while abroad (based on a separate application submitted to NA). Detailed information will be provided by the IRO.

    4.3 Students who become eligible for a social grant at PUEB during a placement trip with Erasmus+ funds will not be entitled to increased funding.

    4.4 Any issues not covered by the above provisions will be considered on a case-by-case basis while respecting the student’s right to equal and fair treatment. Decisions will be made by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.


    1. Funding period

    5.1 The internship stay shall not be shorter than 2 months (60 days).

    5.2 The University guarantees funding of the internship for up to 90 days. The remaining period of the internship will be considered a zero-funded internship period. Each student/graduate/doctoral student may go on internship, under one qualification and receive funding only once.


    1. Rules for determining the final amount of individual funding (depending on the length of stay)

    6.1 The final amount of funding from the Erasmus+ budget will be determined by the university on the basis of a certificate from the host institution specifying the start and end dates of the mobility period (Certificate of Attendance).

    6.2 If a participant shortens his/her stay on the placement, the home university will require him/her to return part of the grant (the amount calculated proportionally to the shortened stay) or the entire grant in the situation of a stay shorter than 60 days.

    6.3 Extension of the participant’s stay abroad, certified in the Certificate of Attendance, may be recognized by the home university after the participant submits an explanation of the reasons for the extension to the home university at least two weeks before the end of the stay. Funding for the extended internship period depends on the home university’s funding from the Erasmus+ program, the maximum funding covers a period of 90 days. In case of lack of funds, the extended period will be considered a period with zero funding. After the end of the internship, it is not possible to increase the funding for the extended period.

    6.4 A change in the duration of the internship will necessitate an amendment or supplement to the contract in the form of an addendum or unilateral notification of the change to the mobility participant.

    In the case of long-term student mobility, with the obligation to comply with the minimum duration of the trip, if the confirmed period of stay in the organization is shorter than that agreed in the agreement or any addendum to the agreement, and the difference is greater than 5 days, the participant will be called to refund part of the grant in proportion to the duration of the shortened stay. In the case of a confirmed period of stay of less than or equal to 5 days in relation to that agreed in the contract or any annex to the contract, reimbursement will not be required.


    1. Supplementary payment to individual support for travel using environmentally friendly means of transport, so-called “green travel”.

    In the case of travel using low-emission means of transport such as bus, train, boat or joint car ride of a minimum of 2 people for the same purpose, the Participant will receive a one-time surcharge on individual support in the amount of EUR 50. In the case of using sustainable means of transportation, a statement signed by the person receiving the subsidy will be the supporting document. The Participant will also be required to keep proof of travel and present it to the University upon request.


    1. Principles of management of released funds (rules of re-distribution).

    8.1 First of all, the additional funds will be used to subsidize more mobility (number of outgoing trainees). Applies to mobility participants who received zero funding for the period spent abroad under the Erasmus+ program.

    8.2 In the second place, additional funds will be granted to those who will realize more months, (for which the grant was awarded) from the number of months constituting the basis for calculating the grant included in the agreement concluded between the student and the home university (refers to point 6.3). If funds are available, a student extending his/her stay will receive a grant for the entire extended period of stay or a partial grant.


    1. Payment rules

    9.1 The stipend shall be paid upon receipt by PUEB of funds from the Erasmus+ program.

    9.2 Payment of the advance payment to Participants leaving for practice will be made in two installments:

    – the first installment representing the entire subsidy less half of the monthly subsidy rate: after signing the agreement and providing the documents required by the IRO,

    – the second installment representing half of the monthly grant rate: upon completion of the stay abroad and delivery to the IRO of the following documents:

    – Learning Agreement for Traineeships – Section to be completed after the mobility,

    – Certificate of Attendance – completed on letterhead by the host institution, signed by an authorized person and/or with the institution’s stamp,

    – participant’s reports on the internship – sent to the e-mail address of the person responsible in the IRO for Erasmus + internships;

    – completion of an online survey (EU Survey/Beneficiary module)


    1. The University undertakes to pay the first installment of the advance payment prior to the Participant’s departure to the host organization in a situation where the Participant provides the required documents and signs the agreement three weeks before the mobility start date. In a situation where the Participant does not provide the required documents by the date specified by the University, a later advance payment is allowed.


    1. The Participant undertakes to provide the documents required by the University, listed in Section 9, after the end of the mobility period, no later than 30 days after the end of the stay abroad. The University has 45 days to pay the remaining amount or to issue a refund order, if such refund is due.


      1. PUEB reserves the right to make changes to the content of the rules regarding the implementation of the Erasmus+ participants’ trips. These changes may result from new arrangements communicated by the European Commission and the National Agency during the course of the program.
  • Recruitment - documents and formalities

    Documents used as a basis for qualification:

    1. Application form available at:
    2. Learning Agreement for Traineeships
    3. Proof of language skills


    Application form – application form created on the platform, printed and signed by the student and the Director of studies and confirmed by the Student Service Office (room 120A)  in the place with information about the average grade (there may also be a separate certificate from the Student Service Office about the average).

    In the case of students, the form must be signed by the appropriate study Director and the Student Service Office (the part concerning confirmation of the grade point average); in the case of doctoral students of the Doctoral School, the documents must be signed by the Director of the Doctoral School of PUEB

    Learning Agreement for Traineeships – completed document, signed by the student, director of studies and employer

    Confirmation of language proficiency – a certificate of proficiency in the foreign language in which the internship will be carried out


    The above-mentioned documents must be printed and delivered with the appropriate signatures to room 221 during duty hours.

    Only complete applications will be considered.


  • Documents before departure

    Before the departure

    After completing the semester, the student submits an application to the Director of Studies at the Student Service Office for permission to leave, which is then delivered to the IRO room 221A. For graduate internships, a defense certificate from the Student Service Office must be provided.


    Approximately 2-3 weeks prior to departure, one should deliver to 221A:

    – confirmation from Student Service Office that the pre-departure formalities have been completed (doc.3 ),

    – statement of insurance (doc.2),



    Upon receipt of the above-mentioned pre-departure documents, a financial agreement will be prepared and emailed to the student.

  • Internship opportunities erasmusintern

    Internship search engine: 

    My Internship career platform brings many benefits for students and future graduates in terms of searching, landing and conducting internship abroad.

    The aim is to ensure a quality and valuable learning experience, so that students can grow professionally and personally. And all for free!

    More information:


  • Internship platform

    My Internship career platform brings many benefits for students and future graduates in terms of searching, landing and conducting internship abroad.

    The aim is to ensure a quality and valuable learning experience, so that students can grow professionally and personally. And all for free!

    More information:

  • Traineeships in ESIC Business &Marketing School

    ESIC is looking for a graduate intern with strong commitment to tasks and learn digital skills whilst helping the organisation of the International Relations office of one of the top business school in Spain.

    ESIC will provide all the equipment necessary, workspace, IT equipment, as well as the training to work with the required software (Office 365: Sharepoint, Teams,…).

    You will be dealing with the welfare of incoming and outgoing students and support the department. This position cn be carried out 100% online, if external factors (i.e. the pandemic) require it.
    Dates can be flexible.
    More information:
  • Internship in Salamanca, Spain

    Didactical Center in Salamanca invites you to take part in Erasmus+ Traineeship!

    DICE – Didactical Center is a center specialized in teaching Spanish and in organizing study trips to Salamanca, for schools, colleges and universities. It is a medium-sized school located in the city center of Salamanca just a few minutes away from the prestigious Plaza Mayor. Our center has two floors, an extensive reception area, six large and bright classrooms fully equipped with all the students needs, a staff room and a student lounge where the library is located.
    Our extensive experience in this sector enables us to provide customized programs, organized according to the needs and wants of the schools, always keeping in mind the budget and personal attention.

    Economic field of the company: Education, Tourism (Spanish school for foreigners);
    Professional area of the company/institution where the trainee will get in: marketing and sales.

    Trainee’s profile:
    – Language/s required: Polish, English. NO Spanish language required;
    – Faculty/Instruction: All faculties;
    – Computer skills: Windows;
    – Abilities: Hard working, flexible, willing to learn.

    Vocational Training – contents
    The candidate will deal with commercial prospecting, market research, opening of new international markets, creation of databases, support in the activities of groups of students;
    The candidate will work in an international and dynamic environment, focused on study holidays;

    He/She will be able to take on responsibilities in the short term and will be an important member of the team;

    He/She will be able to manage different projects at the same time and will be assisted by people with experience in the marketing field.

    In the office we will speak both Spanish and English and it will be possible to improve both languages.


    If you want to apply, please contact at: or

  • ESA - Erasmus Student Association traineeship offer

    ESA – Erasmus Student Association international non-profit organization, that supports international students mobility in Naples.


  • Erasmus internship opportunities in Slovakia

    Dear Students,

    We have prepared for you new Erasmus internship opportunities with the start in June-August 2023.  

     To find all our open positions, you can click here. Moreover, you can submit an online application at our website and state the sectors you would like to have internships in. Afterwards, if you meet all requirements, we will invite you for the first intreview.

     The conditions of our program:
    – no fees for students,
    – free accommodation provided,
    – lunch allowance provided
    – professional training and courses
    – constant support by our team.

     Placement Slovakia

  • Placement in Portugal

    We are an organisation operating in Lisbon, since 2012, being our mission to help graduates and young professionals looking for international jobs to find an internship in Portugal, which matches their skills, education and preferences.

    It’s free of charge for both university and students, and you won’t deal with the bureaucratic process, as we give 100% support.

    Our wide network of contacts has enabled us to develop an extensive database of available internships in both Portuguese and international companies specialised in the most diverse academic areas, having a lot of different positions available, in the most diverse languages. We also support accommodation and other needs students may have.  These companies are trying to hire new candidates that could be best suited for the positions:




    For those interested, all the information to proceed with the application will be available on our website ( .

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Placement in Portugal

  • Erasmus+ traineeship offer in Bratislava

    Attached, you will find the information sheet  about a traineeship opportunity at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia.

    Students from all the faculties are welcome to apply. The main requirement is a sufficient level of English language and a bit of creativity.

    We will be happy to welcome students to the International Relations Office at EUBA

  • Internship opportunities at OFoundation from The Netherlands

    Internship opportunities at OFoundation from The Netherlands

    At OFoundation, our mission revolves around nurturing and empowering Interns and Trainees by providing them with practical, real-world experience across three diverse projects: AI robotic, Health Care, and Ecommerce & Marketing.

    We deeply value the contributions that interns bring to our organization and are committed to aiding students in their career development journey, enabling them to realize their full potential.


    Our current openings include roles in various domains such as:

    • Finance Specialist
    • Talent Acquisition & HR
    • Online Marketing & E-Commerce
    • Graphic Design
    • Web Development
    • Legal Affairs
    • Video Editing
    • Artificial Intelligence Development
    • Managerial Assistance
    • App Development
    • Social Media Management
    • Podcast Management


    To gain insight into OFoundation’s ethos and operations, I invite you to explore our website:


    Should any of students express interest in the aforementioned positions, they can apply directly through the following link:, or alternatively, submit their CV and a motivational letter to .

  • Business Department at VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk

    Dear Students,

    Greetings from the Business Department at VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk, Belgium!

    Each semester we have an exchange student as an intern at our Global Engagement Office. Although the next academic year is still a while away, we want to send out a first call to possible internship candidates. During this internship, the student will work in close contact with the colleagues at the office as well as all incoming students of the Business Department at our campus in Kortrijk. Additionally the intern will also play a large part in welcoming and supporting incoming guest lecturers in our VIVES Business Academy.

    The student will be involved in all aspects of the G.E.O. as well as the daily running of our exchange program. Moreover, the student will be extremely involved in organizing our International Staff Week (November).


    We prefer students with a business background or students with an interest in business but will also consider students which a different, non-business background.


    We are only able to accept one intern per semester so it’s important to note that not all students who apply will be accepted or considered for the position. Should you be interested, please contact Stéphanie Bovie, and send their CV and motivation letter in English as is stated in our flyer.

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