Doctoral dissertations prior to defence

Doctoral dissertations whose authors began their PhD program before the 2019/2020 academic year

The Main Library provides access to printed versions of doctoral dissertations prior to their public defence at the Poznań University of Economics and Business.

The dissertations (along with their reviews and abstracts) can be read until the day of the defence in the Reading Room – after requesting them from the librarians on duty. Requests are processed on an ongoing basis.

Duplication/photocopying of dissertations is prohibited.

After the defence, dissertations remain in the Library’s collection. A list of all dissertations defended at PUEB is available in the online catalogue. Since 2009, the Library has enabled selected post-defence dissertations to be used in a full-text digital version. The dissertations are placed online in the collection of the Digital Library of Greater Poland.


Doctoral dissertations whose authors began their PhD program after the 2019/2020 academic year

The full texts of the dissertations, abstracts and reviews are only available in electronic form on the Public Information Bulletin of the Poznań University of Economics and Business website.


The Reading Room is now providing the following full print versions of pre-defence dissertations:

No dissertations in print before public defence.



The following digital versions of pre-defence dissertations are now available on the Public Information Bulletin of the Poznań University of Economics and Business website:

mgr Philipp Heinzl

„Interrelations between the leadership style of owners in German SMEs and the leadership style of their subordinate managers”

„Zależności między stylem przywództwa właścicieli w niemieckich MŚP a stylem przywództwa podległych im menedżerów”

• supervisor: dr hab. Agnieszka Ignyś, prof. PUEB
• asocciate supervisor: dr Maciej Brzozowski, PUEB
• reviewers:
dr hab. Tomasz Ingram, prof. University of Economics in Katowice
dr hab. Rafał Mrówka, prof. SGH
– dr hab. Witold Szumowski, prof. WUEB

• defence: 6.02.2025, 12.00 p.m. or via ZOOM
abstract of the dissertation, reviews, information about the defence

mgr Julianna Stasicka

„Conditions of working environment determining physicians’ retention in public hospitals in Poland”

„Czynniki środowiska pracy determinujące zatrzymanie lekarzy w szpitalach publicznych w Polsce”

• supervisor: dr hab. Marcin Gołembski, PUEB
• asocciate supervisor: dr hab. Beata Skowron-Mielnik, prof. PUEB
• reviewers:
– prof. dr hab. Anna Rakowska, UMCS
– dr hab. Agnieszka Springer, prof. WSB Merito University Poznan
– dr hab. Jarosław Waśniewski, prof. University of Gdansk

• defence: 19.02.2025, 10.00 a.m. or via ZOOM
full text of the dissertation, reviews, information about the defence


mgr Michał Hebdzyński


 „Housing Rental Market in Selected Polish Cities in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Hedonic Perspective
Rynek najmu mieszkań w wybranych polskich miastach wobec pandemii COVID-19 – perspektywa hedoniczna

• supervisor: dr hab. Radosław Trojanek, prof. PUEB
•  reviewers:
– dr hab. Bartłomiej Marona, prof. UEK
– prof. dr hab. Michał Rubaszek, SGH
– dr hab. Radosław Wiśniewski, prof. University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw

• defence: 28.02.2025, 11.00 a.m. in Building D of the Poznań University of Economics and Business
full text of the dissertation, reviews, information about the defence



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