Legal stay

EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Swithzerland

As an EU citizen, you do not need a visa entering Poland, you will only need a valid passport or ID card proving your citizenship.

Those who want to stay longer than 3 months are obliged to register their stay in the Voivodship Office of the region of their residency.

For Poznań these are:

Registration of stay | Department for Foreigners (

Department for Foreigners | The Office of Wielkopolska Province in Poznan


Researchers from non-EU countries:

In general researchers from non-EU countries have to apply for residence permit to legalise their stay if they plan to come to Poland for the period of time longer than 3 months.

Please note that this process takes time to get a residence card, so we advice you to apply as soon as you get the confirmation letter about admission to our university.

More information about required documents and procedure you can find here:

Voivodship office in Poznań:

Department for Foreigners | The Office of Wielkopolska Province in Poznan


Or at the Info Point: Welcome Centre UAM, Sw. Marcin Street 78, Poznań, Wednesdays from 8:00 to 16:00

If you register your stay in Poland you are eligable to get your personal identity number – PESEL to get benefits such as:

Healthcare, opening a bank account, getting insurance.

An application for the assigning of a PESEL Number you will find here:

Obtain a PESEL Number – a service provided to foreigners – – Portal (

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