Short facts about Poland

Name: Republic of Poland

Capital: Warsaw

Population: 37 368 000

Average age: 43,3

Population density: 122 per km2

Total area: 312 696 km2

Language: Polish

Religion: catholic

Currency: Polish zloty             1 Euro = 4,3 zł

National day: November 11th (Independence Day)

Policy: democracy

State type: parliamentary republic

President: Andrzej Duda

Internet code: .pl

Calling code: +48

Climate: moderate between continental and oceanic, average year temperature +7◦ C

Geographical description: land between Baltic see and Carpathians/Sudetes, situated in Central Europe; known of its varied landscape, including the highest peak in the Tatra Mountains – Rysy (2499 masl) and the Mazury – Land of Thousand Lakes, and the Baltic seaside, and Natural Forest – Puszcza Białowieska.

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