Strategy of the Poznań University of Economics and Business for 2025-2028

Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the PUEB academic community,

we are pleased to invite you to actively participate in the process of updating our University’s strategy for 2025-2028.

The Poznań University of Economics and Business is a place where diverse ideas, talents and experiences meet. So we want our future to be shaped by all members of our academic community.

We realize that the holiday season is a time for rest and recuperation before the new academic year. That is why, we are opening a special communication channel that will enable you to share your ideas and suggestions. We encourage you to contact us via the dedicated email box: or via the form below. We look forward to receiving your messages with suggestions, ideas or reflections as input for further work on our joint strategy.

After the start of the new academic year, we will invite you to a strategy meeting, which will allow us to jointly discuss strategic directions for the coming years.

Co-creating the strategy of our University is a unique opportunity to have a real impact on the future of our UEP. Your involvement is crucial to the success of this endeavor.

We invite you to contact us and follow updates on the work on the strategy.

With best regards,

Barbara Jankowska
Rector-elect of the Poznań University of Economics and Business

Dawid Szutowski
Pro-rector-elect for finance of PUEB
Chairman of the Team for Updating the PUEB Strategy for 2025-2028

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    Details on the update of the Strategy of the Poznań University of Economics and Business for 2025-2028 are available after logging in.

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