Department of Macroeconomics and Development Research

The Department of Macroeconomics and Development Research was established in 1999 after the division of the previously functioning Department of Macroeconomics. In 2014, the Department was joined by staff from the Department of History and Theory of Economics, which continued the tradition of the three previously existing separate units: the Department of History of Economic Thought, the Department of Economic History and the Department of Consumer Economics.

About the Department

Currently, the Department employs fourteen academic staff members, of whom seven are professors and university professors. In the scientific sphere, the Department staff carry out research, including ones funded by organisations such as the National Science Centre, the National Centre for Research and Development and the National Agency for Academic Exchange. Research relates primarily to macroeconomics, the history of economic development, as well as various sectors of the economy. The Department staff teach core subjects such as Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought and Economic History, and compulsory and elective courses in several fields of study, including Economics and Law and Economics, in Polish and English. Subjects dedicated to specific majors include Economic Doctrines and their development, The State as an Economic Subject, Fundamentals of Economics, State Policy in the Labour Market and Labour Market and Gender inequalities. A specialisation in Managerial and Global Economics, the Department employees’ original idea, is regularly launched at the undergraduate level. The staff also deliver very popular undergraduate and graduate seminars. A student scientific association Maximus also operates at the Department.

Consultations in the current semester


Mgr Anna Stawna-Dudniczek Coordinator
Collegium Altum, room no 1014
Mgr Magdalena Kowalska starszy specjalista do spraw administracyjnych
Collegium Altum, room no 1015

Department of Macroeconomics and Development Research
Al. Niepodległości 10
61-875 Poznań

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