Department of Insurance

For more than seven decades, we have been developing insurance science in close cooperation with the practice of the insurance sector. We undertake to solve scientific problems, responding to the particularly relevant and always current needs of the insurance market in Poland.

About the Department

We educate highly qualified personnel for the sector. In the didactic process, as in science, we focus on integrating theory and practice. Our market partners participate in preparing students to take up professional challenges by giving them lectures and workshops or inviting them to internships and placements. The Department of Insurance of the Poznań University of Economics and Business was established in 1948. It is the oldest, still active research centre in Poland dedicated to the issues of business insurance. For years, our employees have been co-initiators and co-creators of the transformation of the Polish insurance market. Today’s Department comprises a group of experienced scientists, practitioners, experts and close observers of the insurance market. Cooperating with practitioners and scientists from the Polish and foreign insurance market, including, above all, experts from the Eastern European Risk and Insurance Association (EERIA), the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA), and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), we undertake research in the area of, among others, new technologies in the insurance market, environmental and farm risk management, motor, life and financial insurance, and insurers’ finances.

Consultations in the current semester


Mgr Ewa Herkowiak Coordinator
Collegium Altum, room no 1312a
Mgr Małgorzata Kaczmarek specjalista
Collegium Altum, room no 1312
Mgr inż. Anna Kluczyńska starszy referent administracyjny
Budynek B, room no 19

Department of Insurance
Poznań University of Economics and Business
al. Niepodległości 10
61-875 Poznań


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