Awards for PUEB scientists in the 26th Competition of Diploma Theses in the field of Business Informatics

During the 10th International Scientific Conference “Knowledge and Information Technologies in Creating Entrepreneurship” and the 5th Congress of Business Informatics, prizes were awarded in the 26th edition of the of the Scientific Society of Business Informatics (Polish abbr. “NTIE”) for the best diploma theses in the field of business informatics defended in 2022. The works written under the supervision of scientists from the Department of Information Systems at the Poznań University of Economics and Business took first places in each of the three categories: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral theses.
Bachelor’s theses
The first place in the competition among bachelor’s or engineering theses was taken by the thesis “Dynamic pricing of advertisements on advertising portals”. Author of the thesis: Jakub Patelski. Supervisor: Prof. Agata Filipowska.
Master’s theses
The first place in the competition among master’s theses was taken by the thesis “Supervised and semi-supervised classification of user intent in queries”. Author of the thesis: Mikołaj Woźniak. Supervisor: Prof. Agata Filipowska.
Doctoral theses
The first place in the competition among doctoral theses was taken by the thesis “Automatic Data-Based Personality Assessment as a Method of Electronic Services Auto-Personalisation”. Author of the thesis: Izabella Krzemińska. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Witold Abramowicz. Auxiliary supervisor: Dr. Marcin Szmydt.
The second place in the competition among doctoral theses was taken by the thesis “Exploring features of paintings for modelling preferences of buyers on the Polish art market”. Author of the thesis: Dominik Filipiak. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Witold Abramowicz. Auxiliary supervisor: Prof. Agata Filipowska.
Congratulations to the authors and supervisors of the works!
Information about the competition can be found at: