Overdue fines payment via the Przelewy24 app

Starting from 18.12.2023, fines for returning overdue books can be settled online through the Przelewy24 app.


  1. Go to the Main Library online catalogue and log in to your Reader Account at the following address:  https://ue-hip.pfsl.poznan.pl/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1646SS279R790.76492&profile=ks&menu=account&ts=1646042796836
  2. Information regarding accrued fines can be found in the ‘Fines/Blocks’ tab.
  3. There, you can also pay fines for overdue books you have not returned yet.
  4. After payment, the due date for the books will be extended by three working days.
  5. If you do not return the books or extend their rental period within three working days, the fine will start to accrue again.
  6. To settle a fine, click on the Przelewy24 logo. You will be redirected to the Przelewy24 website, where you can choose the payment method (BLIK, quick transfer).
  7. After the payment is completed, you will be redirected back to the Main Library catalogue, where you will see a payment confirmation.
  8. If the payment was successful, the amount of the fees will change to 0.00. You should also receive an email from the Przelewy24 service.

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