Student questionnaires

Dear Students!
We kindly remind you that in the USOSweb system, the possibility of filling in student questionnaires on the evaluation of didactic classes conducted in the summer semester 2022/2023 has been launched.
The questionnaires will be available to you in the MY USOSWEB tab until July 15 this year.
We would like to remind you that the surveys are fully anonymous and their results are used by the University to:
• make self-assessment and take actions to improve the education process at the University,
• evaluate the teachers conducting classes at PUEB and take actions to improve the education process by organizational units responsible for conducting classes.
• evaluate the teachers conducting classes at PUEB and take actions to improve the education process by organizational units responsible for conducting classes.
Each vote matters, because the low percentage of completed questionnaires does not give a reliable result that can then be properly used.
Please use appropriate and inoffensive language.