Study visit to Nofima, Norway

From 1 to 7 May, 2022, staff from the Institute of Quality Science made a study visit to the Norwegian Nofima Institute for Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research in Ås:
- dr hab. inż. A. Dankowska, prof. PUEB,
- dr hab. K. Pawlak-Lemańska, prof. PUEB,
- dr hab. inż. U. Samotyja, prof. PUEB,
- prof. E. Sikorska,
- dr inż. K. Wójcicki.
Nofima is one of Europe’s leading centers for basic and applied research in food science. The visit was hosted by dr Jens Petter Wold, director of the research-based innovation center – Digital Food Quality (DigiFoods).
The experience gained during the visit will be used in research and teaching.
Project No. EOG/21/K1/D1/W/0035 entitled “Sustainable food – development of knowledge and competence of research and teaching staff at the Poznań University of Economics and Business” benefits from grant of EUR 11,875 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Funds. The aim of the project is to enhance the competence and professional development of the research and teaching staff of the PUEB Institute of Quality Sciences, to develop the quality of education at PUEB, and to establish cooperation between the PUEB Institute of Quality Sciences and the Norwegian Nofima Institute for Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research.