
Training for mentors of foreign students

Do you want to be a mentor of a foreign student?
Register for training and take part in this intercultural adventure this autumn!

International Relations Office invites people who would like to become a mentor of a foreign student to a two-day training which will prepare you for this role.

The training in English is organized on 11—12 July, 2024 from 9:00 – 15:00 at PUEB.

Due to the fact that the number of places is limited, the order of applications decides about the qualification.

On the first day, we will try to resolve your doubts and explain what the mentee can expect from the mentor. We will explain how the organization of stay at PUEB looks like for an exchange student and a student of full-time studies in English. You will also learn how to efficiently deal with the legalization of stay in Poland which is something that your buddy faces at the beginning of their adventure in Poznań.

On the second day you will learn the secrets of intercultural communication. Effective intercultural cooperation is not only about communication. Participants of the training will learn all the factors that determine successful cooperation in an international team.
The training will take the form of a workshop engaging participants. It will be carried out using the Lego Serious Play method.

Each training participant will receive a certificate confirming the acquisition of intercultural competencies.

In addition, the project includes integration activities for mentors and foreign students, which will also be an opportunity for foreigners to get to know Polish culture. A visit to one of Poznań’s museums and a joint dinner in a restaurant are planned. The dates of these October’s events will be announced in September.

People interested in participating in the training are asked to register using the registration form.

In case of any questions please contact at

The project is financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange from the Welcome to Poland program.

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