Dr hab. Maciej Cieślukowski, prof. UEP
Budynek C, room no 209
Senacka Komisja ds. Organizacji i Rozwoju Uczelni - Członek, Kolegium Elektorów UEP - Członek, Komisja Dyscyplinarna dla Doktorantów - Członek
Additional information
Marshal Office of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship - Expert in the assessment of applications for co-financing from European funds, Member of the board, National Centre for Research and Development - Expert in the assessment of applications for funding from the programme European Funds for Modern Economy, PKO Bank Polski S.A. - Member of the Supervisory Board
Duty hours and consultations.
Consultations in the current semester

Dr hab. Maciej Cieślukowski, prof. UEP
Budynek C, room no 209