Dr hab. Zygmunt Waśkowski, prof. UEP
Dr hab. Zygmunt Waśkowski, prof. UEP
Director of the Institute of Marketing
Department of Marketing Strategies
PUEB Professor
Collegium Altum, room no 718
Director of the Institute of Marketing, Rector’s Committee on PUEB Statutes - Chair.

Additional information

Polish Academy of Sciences - Member of the scientific committee, Portal branżowy Biegowe.pl - Expert, Committee on Organisation and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Member of the committee, Polish Scientific Marketing Association - President, Polish Economic Society - Member of the Polish Economic Society, Carry Hope Fundation - Chairman of the Concil, Poznań University of Economics and Business - Chairman of the Concil

Duty hours and consultations.

Consultations in the current semester

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