13110 / Prof. Waldemar Budner received the title of professor (0)

1259 / University (0)

13113 / The “Poznań Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology” (Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny) in the Google Scholar Metrics 2022 ranking (0)

13116 / Results of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities (0)

13115 / Results of the first stage of the competition for the best-managed non-governmental organisation (0)

13117 / PUEB will implement two NAWA Intervention Grants projects (0)

13118 / HAI Lab members’ article in ”International Journal of Bilingualism” (0)

13137 / Winners of the OPUS 22 + LAP/Weave competition (0)

13133 / Delegation from Zeppelin University in Germany at PUEB (0)

13142 / Visit of a delegation from the D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (0)

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