Student Research Groups

See how students are developing their passions and interests!

Get to know student research groups

  • SRG for Internal Audit and Compliance

    Tutor: dr hab. Sławomira Kańduła, prof. UEP

    Department of Public Finance

  • SRG Banker (SRG for Banking and Financial Intermediation)

    Tutor: dr hab. Krzysztof Waliszewski, prof. UEP and dr Anna Warchlewska

    Department of Money and Banking

  • SRG for International Business Synergy Group

    Tutor: dr Aleksandra Kania

    Department of International Competitiveness

  • SRG CommodityLab

    Tutor: dr hab. Renata Dobrucka, prof. UEP

    Department of Industrial Product and Packaging Quality

    Student Research Group CommodityLab has been operating since 2015. Its main objective is to develop students’ passions and interests. Conducting interesting research projects aims to improve knowledge and gain insight into previously unknown secrets of science.

  • SRG Commodum Cantavit

    Tutors: dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Mikołajczyk-Bator, prof. UEP and dr hab. Dariusz Kikut-Ligaj

    Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance

    Student Research Group Commodum Cantavit deals extensively with the quality and consumer popularity of food, industrial, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.  Bio, eco, organic and many other so-called ‘natural’ products are the basis for conscious and responsible consumption, which in our view is pro-environmental, harmonious, low-carbon and low-cost. We design products that do not emit anything into the environment that does not naturally occur in it, adhering to our motto ‘Nature knows best’. We assess product ingredients in terms of, among others, their availability, functionality, low levels of processing, ease of assessment of physicochemical indices and ecological characteristics, by means of state-of-the-art analytical equipment and fast and simple methods for analysing measurement data. We examine products and raw materials in the natural category for their antioxidant and health-enhancing qualities, as well as their sensory attributes. These are:

    • herbs and herbal products,
    • spices,
    • flavoured honeys,
    • cosmetic creams and emulsions,
    • beverages such as coffee and tea,
    • natural food raw materials, i.e.: fruits of wild plants, mushrooms, algae and inflorescences of edible plants,
    • beeswax and vegetable waxes.
  • SRG Compertus

    Tutor: dr hab. Maja Sajdak, prof. UEP

    Department of Strategic Management

    The Student Research Group Compertus is a dynamic community focused on consulting, economic advisory, and business. We promote activity, knowledge and gaining practical skills in these areas. Our Group is open to all interested individuals. We support ambitious people who want to do “a little bit more”.

    Keywords: consulting, economic advisory, business, community

    Website: www

  • SRG for Controlling

    Tutor: dr inż. Aleksandra Szulczewska-Remi and dr hab. Dawid Szutowski, prof. UEP

    Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation

    The Student Research Group for Controlling brings together students from the Poznań University of Economics who are passionate about by the subject of controlling. The research group was founded on 30 October 2013 and is the result of mutual inspiration and work of students as well as academics. The main goal of the SRG is to increase the  practical and theoretical understanding of controlling among both the group members and other PUEB students. The first tutor of the SRG was dr hab. Cezary Kochalski, prof. nadzw. UEP.

  • SRG Data Minds

    Tutor: dr Justyna Wilak

    Department of Labour and Social Policy

    Data Minds Student Research Group is a newly founded SRG that brings together enthusiasts of data analysis, artificial intelligence and new technologies. Our main goal is to develop members’ analytical and interpersonal skills through knowledge sharing, participation in meetings, workshops and interesting projects. We aim to give our members a chance to solve real-world problems related to data acquisition, analysis and visualization, and to gain valuable experience in teamwork.

    SRG Data minds website

  • SRG for Data Science

    Tutor: dr Włodzimierz Lewoniewski

    Department of Information Systems

    Website www

  • SRG for E-commerce

    Tutor: dr Marcin Lewicki

    Department of Commerce and Marketing

  • SRG for Eco-business

    Tutor: dr inż. Joanna Witczak

    Department of Industrial Product and Packaging Quality

    The Student Research Group Eco-business is a gathering of students from Poznań University of Economics and Business who are passionate about the topic of sustainable development. We focus on expanding our knowledge of the relationship between meeting human needs and maintaining harmony with nature, both in practical and theoretical terms.

    Key words: Circular Economy, LCA, ESG, SDG, environmental footprint

  • Ecological Student Research Group Ekosfera

    Tutor: dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Wybieralska, prof. UEP

    Department of Technology and Instrumental Analysis

    In our activities, we try to raise the most current issues regarding ecology, environmental protection and climate change. The main tasks of the SRG are: conducting research aimed at analyzing and promoting an ecological lifestyle, learning about new pro-ecological technologies and integrating students of various faculties around environmental protection problems, as well as the related exchange of experiences and information. We also make efforts to deepen students’ professional knowledge and improve their qualifications in various fields related to ecology. Our task is the continuous development of members, establishing contacts and cooperation with organizations dealing with environmental protection and companies offering the so-called technologies for the environment, participating in inter-university conferences on ecological topics, publishing articles in monographs or magazines, organizing trips and scientific workshops. We conduct various types of comprehensive research related to the assessment of the quality of products or services, directly or indirectly related to ecological aspects.

    Keywords: ecology, eco-technologies, education, research, quality

  • SRG Propertus for Economics of Investment and Real Estate

    Tutors: dr Łukasz Strączkowski, dr Maciej Koszel

    Department of Investment and Real Estate

    Student Research Group Propertus operates at the Department of Investment and Real Estate. We are involved in the issues of real estate market functioning and real estate investment. Our goal is to develop skills and competencies related to the analysis and operation of the real estate market and real estate management and investment. We organize jointly with representatives of the practice lectures, workshops and training courses in the area of our interest. We conduct ongoing monitoring and analysis of the situation related to the housing market in Poland.
    Keywords: real estate, real estate market, investment, real estate trading, housing market

    Linkedin SKN

  • SRG for Economy of Sustainable Development

    Tutor: dr Jakub Staniszewski

    Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics

    Student research Group (SRG) of Sustainable Development Economics focuses on the interdisciplinary analysis of economic concepts that combine economic, social and environmental aspects. Members of the SRG seek ways to achieve a balance between economic development and environmental protection. Students within the SRG deepen their knowledge of sustainable development economics through participation in research projects, conferences, preparation of scientific publications or study trips.
    Keywords: sustainability, environmental economics, energy economics, resource economics

  • SRG Enactus

    Tutor: dr Marcin Bielicki

    Department of Investment and Capital Markets

  • SRG Europe

    Tutor: dr Judyta Cabańska

    Department of European Studies

    The Student Research Group EUrope, operating at the Department of European Studies, is created by a group of euro enthusiastic students who willingly share their knowledge about the European Union and implement European projects. Our interests include not only the functioning of the EU, but also diplomacy and international relations. We organize conferences, workshops and open lectures for all students of our university. We also work for the local community (conducting European workshops for high school students and co-creating European-themed events in Poznań, such as Europe Day or Scientists’ Night.
    Keywords: European Union, European education, Europe

    Website www

  • SRG Corporate Finance

    Tutors: dr Bartosz Kabaciński and dr Agnieszka Stróżyńska-Szajek

    Department of Corporate Finance

    The Student Research Group Corporate Finance is a community of students focused on exploring corporate finance and its management. The Group organises meetings, workshops and lectures with PUEB staff and renowned experts from the financial industry. Members have the opportunity to develop their analytical skills, gain practical experience and build a network of professional contacts. In addition, the Group supports participation in competitions, conferences or research projects, thus enabling the development of passions, competences and interests in corporate finance. It also regularly hold workshops in MS Excel. We invite you to join the SRG Corporate Finance to collectively shape the future of business finance and gain valuable experience.

    Keywords: corporate finance, finance management, financial markets, MS Excel, empirical research

  • SRG GameDev

    Tutor: mgr Mikołaj Maik

    Department of Information Technologies

    The goal of the Student Research Group GameDev is to delve into the techniques and tools essential for game development. By working on various games, students gain skills in game engine management, 3D modeling, and designing applications based on VR and AR technologies. We actively participate in game jams and hackathons each year, with the results of our work being presented at various conferences. We invite everyone interested in Unity programming, 3D modeling, creating 2D graphics, and writing game scripts to join us.
    Keywords: Game Development, programming, 3D modeling, 2D graphics, VR/AR

  • SRG for Agricultural Economics

    Tutor: dr Michał Borychowski

    Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics

    Student Research Group of Food Economics is linked to the Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics. We are an active and dynamic team interested in contemporary issues of food economy, globalisation in the food market and bioeconomy. We regularly participate in scientific conferences and seminars where we present the results of our research, as well as initiatives to popularise science and research. We publish our results in scientific journals as well as magazines, and we gain experiences during study trips to various economic entities – enterprises, institutions, farms.
    Keywords: food economy under globalisation, food production systems, consumer trends and preferences on the food market, bioeconomy, agricultural markets

  • SRG HaeR

    Tutor: dr Przemysław Piasecki

    Department of Labour and Social Policy

    The activities of Student Research Group (SRG) HaeR focus on human resource management, career development and the labour market. SRG members organise discussions on contemporary trends in people management, workshops (e.g. on modern recruitment software) and meetings with invited guests – academics and practitioners. Members gain a broad knowledge of HR processes such as employee selection, career path development or remuneration, in addition to developing specific skills (e.g. using Trello to support project management or SAP HCM software).
    Keywords: human resource management, labour market, career development, training

  • SRG HAI - Humans & AI

    Tutor: dr Paweł Niszczota

    Department of International Finance

    The Student Research Group (SRG) HAI: Humans & AI focuses on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on human behavior. Our mission is to acquire, deepen, and share knowledge at the intersection of economics, management, psychology, and computer science. With a keen interest in large language models like GPT (ChatGPT), SRG also explores consumer attitudes and behaviors towards AI-based products and services. In our meetings, we discuss advancements in AI, alongside cutting-edge research in the psychology of new technologies, economic psychology, behavioral economics and finance, and experimental economics. The successes of SRG include organizing lectures with AI specialists and publishing an article about ChatGPT in an influential journal.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, large language models, behavioral economics and finance, experimental economics
  • SRG HRview

    Tutors: dr Bartosz Marcinkowski and dr Sebastian Narojczyk

    Department of Corporate Resources Management

    Student Research Group HRview brings together people interested in human resources management. It provides opportunities for personal development in areas such as recruitment, CV creation, soft skills. Additionally, thanks to their presence on social media, club members can learn how to create posts and graphics. HRview is a great choice for anyone who wants to join a group of ambitious people who want to develop.

  • SRG Idea

    Tutor: dr Katarzyna Śmiałowicz

    Department of Product Marketing

    Student Research Group IDEA’s mission is to acquire and apply MORE knowledge. We are dedicated to broadening and deepening our understanding of marketing, particularly in the areas of in particular the topics of product management, consumer behaviour, design and marketing research. What do we do?
    – we cultivate skills in the design, planning and execution of research, advertising and charity projects,
    – we collaborate and share experiences with other organisations,
    –  we organise and participate in seminars, conferences, lectures and more.
    Keywords: marketing, research, organising events and promotional activities, charitable activities

  • SRG Innova

    Tutor: dr inż. Katarzyna Michocka

    Department of Technology and Instrumental Analysis

    The purpose of the  Student Research Group (SRG) Innova is to deepen knowledge and interest in innovation, quality research, and environmental issues in the design and production of non-food products in the idea of sustainable development. SRG Innova conducts its goals in particular through:
    – discussion meetings of members of the SIG,
    – studying the professional literature,
    – collaborative trips,
    – collaboration with other organizations and SIGs in Poland and abroad,
    – participation in scientific conferences.
    Keywords: innovation, cosmetics, household chemistry, research, quality, sustainability

  • SKN Inventum

    Tutor: dr hab. inż. Daniela Gwiazdowska, prof. UEP

    Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance

    Student Research Group Inventum is a science, passion and endless ideas. We carry out various research projects, including: creating innovative products consistent with the idea of sustainable development and searching for new, environmentally friendly ways of combating undesirable microorganisms throughout the food chain. Our activity is in line with current trends in science and economy. Members of the organization participate in popular science events such as Scientists’ Night or the Science and Art Festival, present their research at national and international conferences, and publish the results of their research in scientific journals.
    Keywords: innovative products, sustainable development, safety in the food chain, production safety and hygiene, microbiology

  • SRG Profit for Capital Investment

    Tutor: dr Przemysław Grobelny

    Department of Investment and Financial Markets

    Student Research Group IK Profit is primarily concerned with capital market issues in the broadest sense. Lectures delivered at weekly meetings cover topics related to the stock market, investment banking, corporate finance or mergers and acquisitions. The organization is known for the numerous projects it organizes to learn more about the previously mentioned issues. Under projects such as the London Study Excursion and the Warsaw Study Excursion, participants can travel to London or Warsaw to meet with representatives of leading financial institutions. Initiatives such as the Academy of Analysis, in which one rivals in a competition for the title of Master of Analysis, or the National Scientific Conference, which allows the presentation of scientific research papers, also provide valuable experience.
    Keywords: capital market, investment, financial industry, stock market

  • SRG for Financial Engineering

    Tutor: dr Jakub Morkowski

    Department of Applied Mathematics


  • SRG Spectrum for Food Quality and Security

    Tutors: dr hab. inż. Inga Klimczak, prof. UEP and dr inż. Maria Sielicka-Różyńska

    Department of Food Quality and Security

    The Student Research Group (SRG) of Food Quality and Safety Spectrum operating at the Department of Food Quality and Safety at the Poznań University of Economics and Business brings together dynamic students and PhD students, actively involved in scientific and social life. The mission of SRG is to deepen and promote knowledge in the food science, especially connect to sustainable production and consumption. The association has been involved in co-organizing conferences; moreover, it organizes trainings and workshops on food quality and safety. Members are actively participating in many international and national scientific conferences, winning prizes. The papers of SRG Spectrum members have been published in several scientific journals and monographs.
    Keywords: food quality, food safety, sustainable production and consumption, scientific conferences, workshops

    Link do strony www

  • SRG Qualitas for Quality

    Tutor: dr inż. Katarzyna Joachimiak-Lechman; dr Beata Paliwoda

    Department of Standardized Management Systems

    Student Research Group (SRG) Qualitas operates at the Department of Quality Management in the Institute of Management at the Poznań University of Economics and Business.  The main goal of the SRG is to expand practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of management with particular emphasis on quality, environment, and occupational health and safety. We deal with the most important market trends of sustainable development.  In addition to research activities, our circle  organizes training courses and supports charitable actions.
    Keywords: quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management, sustainable production and consumption

  • SRG – PUEB Debates Club

    Tutors: dr hab. Waldemar Rydzak, prof. UEP and dr hab. Jacek Trębecki, prof. UEP

    Department of Information Economics

  • SRG for Market Communication

    Tutor: dr Natalia Gluza,

    Department of Marketing Strategies

  • SRG for Culture and Economics of Wine

    Opiekun: dr Mateusz Mikutowski

    Department of Investment and Capital Markets

  • SRG Maksimus

    Tutor: dr Julia Jastrząbek

    Department of Macroeconomics and Development Research

    Our Student Research Group Maksimus operates within Department of Macroeconomics and Development Research. We gather individuals who want to develop their interests in the field of macroeconomics. Our main areas of activity include academic work – publications in scientific journals, participation in scientific conferences, as well as popular science activities through producing our own radio show, Oscylator, for Radio Afera.
    Keywords: macroeconomics, global economy, economic growth, ssustainable development

  • SRG for Marketing

    Tutors: dr hab. Robert Romanowski, prof. UEP and dr Andrzej Szymkowiak, prof. UEP

    Department of Commerce and Marketing

    Student Research Group Marketing is one of the oldest student society at PUEB, operating since 1986, helping students of various fields pursue their passions related to carring out research, publishing its results, self-education, organizing events and scientific conferences related to marketing, consumer behavior, innovations in marketing, but also place branding. We are a creative student team, full of marketing enthusiasts from various fields. Our goal is continuous development and giving our members the opportunity to gain practical experience in the world of marketing by participating in projects implemented for external companies! In addition, we have made field trips to Karpacz and Zakopane, during which we not only participated in open lectures given by practitioners, but also learned how to snowboard and ski.

    Linkedin SKN

    Instagram SKN

  • SRG Advantis for International Marketing

    Tutor: dr Marcin Wieczerzycki

    Department of International Marketing

    The Student Research Group of International Marketing Advantis holds regular online meetings where the most interesting cases regarding specific issues (chosen by the members themselves) are presented and discussed, such as marketing in the video game or k-pop industry, shockvertising or influencer marketing. In addition, for students who want to try their hand at marketing practice, there is an opportunity to participate in the Google Nonprofit Marketing Immersion initiative and run a real Google Ads campaign for nonprofit organizations.
    Keywords: international marketing, internet marketing, consumer communities, evaluation of marketing campaigns

  • SRG for Neuromarketing

    Tutor: dr Anna Rogala

    Department of Marketing Strategies


    Tutor: dr inż. Sylwia Sady; dr hab. Alfred Błaszczyk, prof. UEP till 30 Sept. 2024)

    Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance

    The aim of Student Research Group NEXUS is to spread environmental awareness among students and to search for innovative process and product solutions. Our activities focuses on the principles of sustainable development by improving the environment and promoting the concept of circular economy. We carry out projects at the theoretical and empirical levels in the research laboratories available at the University. We present the results of our researches at national and international conferences. We actively participate in nationwide educational programms, scientific research projects and events such as: Festival of Science and Art, Night of Scientists, Days of Young Quality Leaders.
    Keywords: sustainability, waste management, quality in the product life cycle, product innovation, pro-environmental behaviour of producers and consumers

  • SRG for Corporate Taxation

    Tutor: dr hab. Arkadiusz Bernal, prof. UEP

    Department of Corporate Finance

    The Business Taxation Student Interest Group (SKN Opodatkowania Przedsiębiorstw) is a scholarly group that brings together students interested in the broad spectrum of tax-related subjects. Our activities include collective learning, discussions on tax advisory topics, and the development of case studies and presentations. The knowledge we gain extends beyond the Polish tax system, encompassing international tax aspects as well. We work in a constructive environment, drawing insights from experienced tax advisors.
    Keywords: taxation, case studies, international tax law, student research, tax advisory

  • SRG Pecunia Moderna

    Tutor: dr hab. Katarzyna Perez, prof. UEP

    Department of Investment and Capital Markets

    Student Research Group (SRG) Pecunia Moderna is a place where you develop your knowledge and gain practical skills and experience in the area of financial control, financial and non-financial reporting and financial investments. We offer a wide range of events to our members and other students of our University: from workshops with KPMG, EY and BDO in the field of financial and ESG reporting and investments; by PUEB Expert Investors Visits from alternative investments; ending with the Poznań Business Summit conference, during which students present their research on control, financial investments and accounting. We also take part in events organized by the University, including the ones for teenage students.
    Keywords: financial and non-financial control, financial reporting, ESG reporting, financial investments

  • SRG Portfolio

    Tutor: dr Alicja Jajko-Siwek

    Department of Econometrics

    Members of the Student Research Group Portfolio engage in collective discussions, create scientific projects, attend conferences, organize workshops, and open lectures. They conduct research using various data analysis techniques, utilizing tools such as SPSS, Python, R, or Excel. Ultimately, the most intriguing aspect is drawing conclusions that allow for a better understanding of reality.

    Keywords: data analysis, econometric models, Big Data


  • SRG IT Systems Workshop

    Tutor: dr Anna Łozowicka

    Department of Econometrics

    Our goal at SRG IT Systems Workshop is to gather and share expertise on the design and development of IT systems, while maintaining close ties with market trends and real-world business challenges. We cooperate with companies which offer solutions for market leaders. During classes and workshops, specialists share their knowledge with us. Our motto: IT systems… not just for programmers!

    Keywords: IT sector, education, knowledge sharing, development

    Link to website
    Instagram SKN

  • SKN Prysm

    Tutors: dr inż. Marcin Leszczyński and dr Aleksandra Rabczun

    Department of Information Economics

    SRG Prysm consists of students who share a passion for communication and image-building. Our activities cover both theory and practice, enabling members to develop their PR skills through workshops, training and projects. Students have the opportunity to work with industry experts, gaining valuable experience. We aim to combine theoretical knowledge with current trends in PR, allowing our members to keep up to date with the latest technologies and tools.

    Keywords: PR, workshops, cooperation


  • SRG for Business Psychology

    Tutor: dr Katarzyna Mierzejewska

    Department of Organisation and Management Theory

  • SRG Account for Accounting

    Tutor: dr hab. Marek Masztalerz, prof. UEP

    Department of Accounting and Financial Audit

    Student Research Group (SRG) of Accounting Konto has been operating at the Poznań University of Economics and Business since 2004. The aim of our meetings is to expand knowledge in the field of accounting and to develop interests in this direction. We organize the ‘Poznań Accounting Days’ event, which consist of open lectures and workshops with representatives from various companies focusing on accounting, auditing, and taxation. Through our SIG, students have the opportunity for personal development, enrichment of their CV, writing their own articles, and participation in scientific conferences across Poland. Additionally, every spring, we organize our own conference titled ‘Rachunkowość Warta Poznania’ along with a publication.
    Keywords: accounting, conference, event, integration

    Instagram SKN

  • SRG for Research & Analysis

    Tutor: dr Marcin Antoniak

    Department of Market and Services Research

    Areas of activity:

    1. Deepening knowledge in the field of market analysis methods, consumer and marketing research;
    2. Developing skills in planning and conducting quantitative and qualitative research as well as analyzing and interpreting the results;
    3. Disseminating theoretical and practical knowledge related to the area of SKN activities;
    4. Cooperation with other student organizations and business practice entities;
    5. Creating conditions for developing interests and practical skills.

    Keywords: marketing research, consumer research, market analysis, quantitative research, qualitative research

  • SRG KoNtRoL for Aviation Market

    Tutor: dr Sonia Huderek-Glapska

    Department of Microeconomics

    The aim of Student Research Group KoNtRoL’s activity is to acquire, deepen and promote knowledge regarding the economics of the aviation market and the management of entities operating on it by conducting research on the aviation market in Poland and around the world; cooperation with organizations operating on the aviation market and other student scientific organizations in Poland and abroad, as well as through participation and organization of national and international scientific projects.
    Keywords: air transport, airports, airlines, passenger, sustainable development

  • SRG Intersophia for Sociology and Philosophy

    Tutor: dr Krzysztof Durczak

    Department of Sociology and Business Ethics

    This is a group of students, passionate about problems at the borderline of sociology, philosophy and other humanities and social sciences. During meetings, we share our thoughts on the reality around us and expand our horizons with regular meetings, lectures and discussions. Our meetings are open to anyone interested – you don’t have to be a member to attend!

    SRG Intersophia webpage
    Fanpage – Facebook
    Facebook Group – Szkiełkiem, okiem i sercem #Intersophia | Facebook

  • SRG Explorers - Student Centre for Tourism Studies

    Tutor: dr Natalia Latuszek

    Department of International Economics

    Who are we?

    1) Activists – we participate in scientific and non-scientific projects;

    2) Researchers – we analyse tourism from different perspectives and follow the new developments;

    3) Organisers – we arrange meetings with inspiring people and organise conferences, workshops, and other events;

    4) Travellers – together and separately, we travel around Poland and the world.
    Keywords: tourism, travel, events, business tourism, MICE sector

  • SRG Tax

    Tutor: dr Marcin Spychała

    Department of Public Finance

    Student Research Group „TAX” is a group of ambitious students keen on expending their tax knowledge. We kindly invite everyone who wants to begin their journey with taxes and those who are experienced in the matter. As part of our activities we closely cooperate with tax professionals from the biggest advisory companies and law firms. Practical lectures and workshops conducted during our meetings are excellent opportunities to get to know what the job of a tax advisor is really about and what kinds of tax challenges companies and individuals may face. Additionally, we organise one of the biggest events at PUEB – „Majówka Podatkowa” – a series of open lectures and workshops which attract hundreds of atendees every year.
    Keywords: tax, taxes, tax knowledge, tax advisory

  • SRG Service Club for Services Management

    Tutor: dr hab. Monika Dobska, prof. UEP

    Department of Market Research and Services Management


  • SRG for Sustainable Finance

    Tutors: dr Dawid Banaś and mgr Filip Kliber

    Department of Money Theory and Banking

  • SRG UELogistics

    Tutor: prof. dr hab. Waldemar Budner

    Department of Logistics

    Student Research Group (SIG) UELogistic is a student research club focused on the broad field of logistics. Our main goal is to develop passion and skills related to the field of logistics, providing members of the club with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge. We achieve our goals by organising and participating in a variety of events, such as workshops, lectures and logistics webinars, which allow circle members to broaden their horizons in the field of logistics.  As a community focused on education and development, SIG UELogistic creates an inspiring environment for students, enabling them to gain valuable experience and knowledge in the field of logistics.
    Keywords: logistics, warehousing, transport, forwarding, procurement

  • SRG “Trade Fair” for Sustainable Business

    Tutor: dr Magdalena Śliwińska

    Department of European Studies

    TRADE FAIR’s Sustainable Business Student Research Group brings together people interested in the topics of sustainable and ethical business. We gather information about new innovations and business models that support sustainability and fair trade, have discussions about their nature, but most importantly we actively promote these ideas and encourage the local community to get involved.
    Keywords: sustainability, business, ethical, fair trade, environment


Contact information for the Rector’s Representative for Student Research Groups

dr hab. Maja Sajdak, prof. UEP

Significant information


A Student Research Group – also known as an SRG – is a university student organisation that aims to enhance and promote knowledge, research skills and the practical application of acquired knowledge and skills, also through the joint work and study of its members.

Student Research Groups, within the scope of their activities, are entitled to:

– applying for financial support,

– supervision by an academic staff member,

– using the University’s infrastructure,

– taking active part in scientific, social and cultural events at the University.

Detailed information about the rules of the activity of SRG at PUEB and the financing of its operations is included in the side panel.


Procurement – an application for the financing of a specific expenditure (a ticket, participation in a conference, etc.)

To apply for a grant to purchase goods or services, a completed procurement document should be emailed to or delivered to the Social Benefits and Scholarship Unit. After processing the application, the staff of the SBSU will notify the applicant of the acceptance of the application or of the reasons for its rejection.

Procurements can be submitted by 30 November!

Funds that have not been secured by this date (not included in any procurement) will become available to the Vice-Rector for Education and Students. Undistributed funds can be allocated to other SRGs, under the following conditions:

  • the SRG has spent the entire amount allocated for the year in question (a SRG which has not received funding for the year in question may not apply for funding from this pool);
  • requesting additional funds and procurement for goods and services from the Vice-Rector for Education 6 December. The documents must be sent to;
  • declaring the probability that the spending will have been completed by December 31 of the same year – the deadline for the sale or provision of the service indicated on the invoice.

Student Research Groups are obliged to submit an action plan once a year. The plan may take the following forms:

–  the short form – if SRG does not apply for subsidies,

–  the full form – if the Group is willing to obtain funds for its social and cultural activity.

The signed and scanned action plan should be sent to the email address of the Social Benefits and Scholarship Unit of the Student Affairs Office ( by 20 December of the year preceding the year covered by the action plan.

The name of the SRG should be included in the title.


The activity report is also mandatory if the University’s funds are not used.

Student Study Circles must report on their activities, including the use of funds provided by the University’s budgets, which are not solely for social and cultural activities.

The signed and scanned activity reports must be sent to the email of the Social Benefits and Scholarship Unit of the Student Affairs Office (, twice a year:

– by 15 June for the academic year,

– by 20 December for the calendar year.

The report must include:

–  all undertaken activities,

– funds obtained and spent from the social and cultural activity fund (submitted via Social Benefits and Scholarship Unit of the Student Affairs Office),

– funds obtained from other entities, e.g. the Rector, or the International Relations Office.

The name of the SRG must be included in the title.


Regulation No. 62-2022 Rules for Operating of Student Entities

Rules for operating and financing of student organisations, including SRGs, at Poznań University of Economics and Business have been compiled in the document: Rules for operating of student and doctoral student organisations and allocating funds for their activities by PUEB.

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