Commercial services
Poznań University of Economics and Business provides a wide range of services related to:
- research;
- research and development;
- studies and expert opinions;
- business model development;
- design (e.g. of systems, packaging, etc.); and
- analytics and forecasts (e.g. for demographics),
as well as training and consultancy in the above areas.
We invite all interested parties to cooperate with us.
Our offer is addressed to:
enterprises (small and medium-sized, including those operating on international markets; large enterprises with Polish capital and subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland)
local government units (municipalities, districts and provinces)
central public administration units
employees of all trades
business-related institutions
Our offer
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Applied Mathematics
Who are the services aimed at?
Financial industry, businesses and analytics companies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Time series analysis, alternative investments, volatility models, multivariate statistical analysis, statistical simulations, analysis in R, portfolio optimisation, programming in R and Python.
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, industrial companies, energy sector entities, financial sector entities, public administration, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, local government entities, local authorities, business-related institutions.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Services concerning:
– labour market research including studies on the employed, the unemployed, junior staff, the problem of retraining, job security, the design of human resource management systems, labour market research and its systemic evolution (impact of digitalisation) , cyclical changes on a local and national as well as international scale,
– sustainable development, digital technologies, cross-border projects for German-Polish border municipalities, small town development, smart city, green cities,
– research into the state of the exchange rate, interest rates, the dynamics of the general price level, the macroeconomic state of the economy, deflationary risk,
– quantitative research including the preparation of forecasts, analyses and statistical models on economic, social or demographic issues,
– training in broadly defined quantitative methods using statistical software (Statistica, SPSS, Gretl),
– research into the energy transition process in coal and carbon-intensive regions; development of a diagnosis of the social needs in the area of energy transition in coal regions; research into the effects of the energy transition on the labour market; training in fair transition,
– advice on housing policy, instruments for implementing this policy for vulnerable groups, in particular the poor, the elderly, university graduates,
– evaluation of housing support programmes, instruments supporting the housing market applied in Poland in the light of the assumed objectives of the housing policy,
– the subject of the opinion may be the valuation of an enterprise, an organised part of an enterprise or shares in its equity.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of the services):
Services using statistical and econometric methods.
Business valuation on the basis of the Common National Valuation Principles, the National Specialist Standard (KSWS). KSWS General Business Valuation Principles are characterised by the following: the result of the valuation may be presented as a single value or a range of values; it is based on a limited range of information; when collecting and analysing information, the appraiser bypasses or simplifies the procedures used.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Marketing departments, R&D departments.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Studying consumer behaviour in a given product category, evaluating product attributes, brand and product perception, effectiveness of marketing activities, decomposition of preferences, organoleptic research, UX, UI, crowdsourcing, FGI
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
About the laboratory
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
FMCG manufacturers, retailers.
Scope/subject-related area of services:
Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
Using physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Investment and Real Estate
Who are the services aimed at?
developers, real estate agents, property managers, real estate consultants, banks, local authorities (municipalities, districts, provinces)
Subject-related scope/scope of services:
Our range of services includes:
broadly understood consultancy in the real estate market, comprising such elements as: market research (studies of demand, supply, prices, preferences), issuing opinions and expert opinions on the feasibility of investments in the real estate market or a SWOT analysis of the real estate, preparing diagnoses and forecasts of the real estate market development;
development strategies of local government units, including the sectoral strategies relating to adaptation to climate change, environmental protection or sustainable development, environmental analyses, analyses of the waste management systems, environmental protection programming for local government administration and provincial authorities. Studies containing diagnoses of the status, development forecasts and objectives and assumptions at the strategic level, together with their possible operationalisation;
training activities – postgraduate programmes in the field of real estate management (specialisations: real estate appraisal and real estate market consultancy and services) and training courses for local government employees in the field of strategic management, environmental management, sustainable development and waste management, cooperation in the implementation of development programmes and strategies, and facilitation of these processes.
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Statistics
Who are our services aimed at?
– our range of services is of universal nature.
– analytical work in the field of statistical and demographic research can support and be carried out with regard to any type of administrative or economic activity
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– we conduct analytical research in the field of social, economic and business statistics,
– we conduct analyses using statistical packages: SAS, R, SPSS or Statistica at an advanced level,
– our domain is partial, sample-based research (our speciality is Small Area Statistics)
– in addition to classical methods of statistical analysis, we also offer the application of non-classical and modern methods of data analysis (e.g. data integration, data calibration, Real Estate Market Analysis, Categorical data analysis),
– we support activities concerning visualisation and reporting of statistical data,
– we have extensive, on-going contact with the practice of statistical research; we cooperate closely with both the Central Statistical Office and the Statistical Office in Poznań.
– we provide training with regard to practical application of the latest statistical methods, not only using Excel, but also R, SAS, SPSS or Statistica – both at a beginner and an advanced level.
Department of Public Finance
Who are the services aimed at?
Individual and institutional investors, banks, etc.;
Services addressed to public administration (mainly at the central level);
Public administration – central and local government;
Public finance sector units; Managers of public finance sector units; Administrators of public funds; Chief accountants;
Business sector (especially SMEs), local government units, non-profit organisations.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial markets, monetary policy of central banks;
Systemic solutions with regard to labour, consumption and wealth taxation. Specifically wealth, capital gains and financial transaction taxes;
Advice with regard to obtaining external financing in the form of European aid funds; analysis of the possibilities of obtaining financing, preparation of application documents; assessment of convergence with EU horizontal policies;
Public finance and public finance law;
Public finance discipline;
Internal audit, management control, risk management;
Training in tax and customs law.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Applied Mathematics
Who are the services aimed at?
Financial industry, businesses and analytics companies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Time series analysis, alternative investments, volatility models, multivariate statistical analysis, statistical simulations, analysis in R, portfolio optimisation, programming in R and Python.
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Marketing departments, R&D departments.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Studying consumer behaviour in a given product category, evaluating product attributes, brand and product perception, effectiveness of marketing activities, decomposition of preferences, organoleptic research, UX, UI, crowdsourcing, FGI
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
About the laboratory
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
FMCG manufacturers, retailers.
Scope/subject-related area of services:
Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
Using physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Public Finance
Who are the services aimed at?
Individual and institutional investors, banks, etc.;
Services addressed to public administration (mainly at the central level);
Public administration – central and local government;
Public finance sector units; Managers of public finance sector units; Administrators of public funds; Chief accountants;
Business sector (especially SMEs), local government units, non-profit organisations.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial markets, monetary policy of central banks;
Systemic solutions with regard to labour, consumption and wealth taxation. Specifically wealth, capital gains and financial transaction taxes;
Advice with regard to obtaining external financing in the form of European aid funds; analysis of the possibilities of obtaining financing, preparation of application documents; assessment of convergence with EU horizontal policies;
Public finance and public finance law;
Public finance discipline;
Internal audit, management control, risk management;
Training in tax and customs law.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics.
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Applied Mathematics
Who are the services aimed at?
Financial industry, businesses and analytics companies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Time series analysis, alternative investments, volatility models, multivariate statistical analysis, statistical simulations, analysis in R, portfolio optimisation, programming in R and Python.
Department of Accounting and Financial Audit
Who are the services aimed at?
Entities keeping accounting ledgers (public and private)
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial accounting, financial reporting, cost accounting, financial audit, non-financial reporting, controlling, auditing
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Food Quality and Safety
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The offer includes the preparation and publication of:
– expert opinions based on submitted research findings on the composition of food ingredients and products
– expert opinions with regard to formal and legal requirements concerning foodstuffs, e.g. correctness of foodstuff labelling in relation to legal requirements, suspected food adulteration, etc.
– expert opinions and opinions for public administration units (e.g. customs offices)
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, industrial companies, energy sector entities, financial sector entities, public administration, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, local government entities, local authorities, business-related institutions.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Services concerning:
– labour market research including studies on the employed, the unemployed, junior staff, the problem of retraining, job security, the design of human resource management systems, labour market research and its systemic evolution (impact of digitalisation) , cyclical changes on a local and national as well as international scale,
– sustainable development, digital technologies, cross-border projects for German-Polish border municipalities, small town development, smart city, green cities,
– research into the state of the exchange rate, interest rates, the dynamics of the general price level, the macroeconomic state of the economy, deflationary risk,
– quantitative research including the preparation of forecasts, analyses and statistical models on economic, social or demographic issues,
– training in broadly defined quantitative methods using statistical software (Statistica, SPSS, Gretl),
– research into the energy transition process in coal and carbon-intensive regions; development of a diagnosis of the social needs in the area of energy transition in coal regions; research into the effects of the energy transition on the labour market; training in fair transition,
– advice on housing policy, instruments for implementing this policy for vulnerable groups, in particular the poor, the elderly, university graduates,
– evaluation of housing support programmes, instruments supporting the housing market applied in Poland in the light of the assumed objectives of the housing policy,
– the subject of the opinion may be the valuation of an enterprise, an organised part of an enterprise or shares in its equity.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of the services):
Services using statistical and econometric methods.
Business valuation on the basis of the Common National Valuation Principles, the National Specialist Standard (KSWS). KSWS General Business Valuation Principles are characterised by the following: the result of the valuation may be presented as a single value or a range of values; it is based on a limited range of information; when collecting and analysing information, the appraiser bypasses or simplifies the procedures used.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
FMCG manufacturers, retailers.
Scope/subject-related area of services:
Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
Using physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of Management and Corporate Resource Analysis
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturing, service, retail, local government, public administration sectors: RES; Energy, HoReCa
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of financial and economic diagnoses/analyses/forecasts for enterprises
Factual and financial forecasts and simulations
Solutions to improve the efficiency of repetitive and occasional spreadsheet-based calculations
Development of business models
Development of restructuring programmes
Analysis of sales markets
Analysis of customer profitability
Consultancy with regard to the organisation of the personnel function, including: design of the personnel process, design of the structure and organisation of personnel departments, optimisation of the personnel process flow, parameterisation of the personnel function
Job valuation, including: job analysis, creation of job descriptions, designing and conducting job valuation using analytical methods
Managerial coaching, including: analysis of development needs, creation of individual development plans (IDP), conducting coaching sessions
Team building
Designing competence management and employee development systems
Designing periodic employee appraisal schemes
Consulting with regard to organisation and management
Identification, mapping and optimisation of processes
Design of organisational structures
Design of sales structures and systems
Training and dedicated management workshops
Team building and management
Negotiations in business
Art of presentation and public speaking
Personal effectiveness and time management
Development of the HR function
Strategic human resources management
Training methodology
Additional information:
Projects use Excel software (with vba), Confluence, Trello, Zoho Creator
Training and workshops are conducted using a visual moderation method.
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Marketing Strategies
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, including primarily SMEs, public administration units, NGOs
Organic food market, sports and leisure market, pharmaceutical market, B2B market, entertainment industry
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Soft skills training, on such issues as public speaking, interpersonal communication, personal selling, commercial negotiations. Also: marketing communication management, image management, leadership competence development.
Scope: developing a marketing (business) strategy, creating customer value, marketing management in the B2B market, organising the customer service process, managing the customer experience (UX), using social responsibility in organisational management, building and managing a network of stakeholder relationships.
Development of business models:
As above
Assessments and expert opinions:
As above
Department of Investment and Real Estate
Who are the services aimed at?
developers, real estate agents, property managers, real estate consultants, banks, local authorities (municipalities, districts, provinces)
Subject-related scope/scope of services:
Our range of services includes:
broadly understood consultancy in the real estate market, comprising such elements as: market research (studies of demand, supply, prices, preferences), issuing opinions and expert opinions on the feasibility of investments in the real estate market or a SWOT analysis of the real estate, preparing diagnoses and forecasts of the real estate market development;
development strategies of local government units, including the sectoral strategies relating to adaptation to climate change, environmental protection or sustainable development, environmental analyses, analyses of the waste management systems, environmental protection programming for local government administration and provincial authorities. Studies containing diagnoses of the status, development forecasts and objectives and assumptions at the strategic level, together with their possible operationalisation;
training activities – postgraduate programmes in the field of real estate management (specialisations: real estate appraisal and real estate market consultancy and services) and training courses for local government employees in the field of strategic management, environmental management, sustainable development and waste management, cooperation in the implementation of development programmes and strategies, and facilitation of these processes.
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Public Finance
Who are the services aimed at?
Individual and institutional investors, banks, etc.;
Services addressed to public administration (mainly at the central level);
Public administration – central and local government;
Public finance sector units; Managers of public finance sector units; Administrators of public funds; Chief accountants;
Business sector (especially SMEs), local government units, non-profit organisations.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial markets, monetary policy of central banks;
Systemic solutions with regard to labour, consumption and wealth taxation. Specifically wealth, capital gains and financial transaction taxes;
Advice with regard to obtaining external financing in the form of European aid funds; analysis of the possibilities of obtaining financing, preparation of application documents; assessment of convergence with EU horizontal policies;
Public finance and public finance law;
Public finance discipline;
Internal audit, management control, risk management;
Training in tax and customs law.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics.
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Applied Mathematics
Who are the services aimed at?
Financial industry, businesses and analytics companies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Time series analysis, alternative investments, volatility models, multivariate statistical analysis, statistical simulations, analysis in R, portfolio optimisation, programming in R and Python.
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Businesses – various sectors that do not focus their activities only or primarily on the Internet
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of business models – based on available data – to a large extent also internal data of the company seeking cooperation – assistance in marketing and management analysis of the actual condition of the company and suggestions for better alignment of the business with consumer needs. Creating strategies and tactical plans for marketing activities within well-defined timelines.
Conducting training on:
– savoir-vivre in business,
– professional presentations.
Consultancy with regard to:
– general management,
– management of marketing department,
– marketing activities.
Additional information:
The quality of the listed services is guaranteed by several years of business experience of the instructor obtained in various management and marketing positions (also executive positions – including director) while working in small, medium and very large Polish and international companies, including multinationals.
Department of Management and Corporate Resource Analysis
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturing, service, retail, local government, public administration sectors: RES; Energy, HoReCa
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of financial and economic diagnoses/analyses/forecasts for enterprises
Factual and financial forecasts and simulations
Solutions to improve the efficiency of repetitive and occasional spreadsheet-based calculations
Development of business models
Development of restructuring programmes
Analysis of sales markets
Analysis of customer profitability
Consultancy with regard to the organisation of the personnel function, including: design of the personnel process, design of the structure and organisation of personnel departments, optimisation of the personnel process flow, parameterisation of the personnel function
Job valuation, including: job analysis, creation of job descriptions, designing and conducting job valuation using analytical methods
Managerial coaching, including: analysis of development needs, creation of individual development plans (IDP), conducting coaching sessions
Team building
Designing competence management and employee development systems
Designing periodic employee appraisal schemes
Consulting with regard to organisation and management
Identification, mapping and optimisation of processes
Design of organisational structures
Design of sales structures and systems
Training and dedicated management workshops
Team building and management
Negotiations in business
Art of presentation and public speaking
Personal effectiveness and time management
Development of the HR function
Strategic human resources management
Training methodology
Additional information:
Projects use Excel software (with vba), Confluence, Trello, Zoho Creator
Training and workshops are conducted using a visual moderation method.
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Marketing Strategies
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, including primarily SMEs, public administration units, NGOs
Organic food market, sports and leisure market, pharmaceutical market, B2B market, entertainment industry
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Soft skills training, on such issues as public speaking, interpersonal communication, personal selling, commercial negotiations. Also: marketing communication management, image management, leadership competence development.
Scope: developing a marketing (business) strategy, creating customer value, marketing management in the B2B market, organising the customer service process, managing the customer experience (UX), using social responsibility in organisational management, building and managing a network of stakeholder relationships.
Development of business models:
As above
Assessments and expert opinions:
As above
Department of Statistics
Who are our services aimed at?
– our range of services is of universal nature.
– analytical work in the field of statistical and demographic research can support and be carried out with regard to any type of administrative or economic activity
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– we conduct analytical research in the field of social, economic and business statistics,
– we conduct analyses using statistical packages: SAS, R, SPSS or Statistica at an advanced level,
– our domain is partial, sample-based research (our speciality is Small Area Statistics)
– in addition to classical methods of statistical analysis, we also offer the application of non-classical and modern methods of data analysis (e.g. data integration, data calibration, Real Estate Market Analysis, Categorical data analysis),
– we support activities concerning visualisation and reporting of statistical data,
– we have extensive, on-going contact with the practice of statistical research; we cooperate closely with both the Central Statistical Office and the Statistical Office in Poznań.
– we provide training with regard to practical application of the latest statistical methods, not only using Excel, but also R, SAS, SPSS or Statistica – both at a beginner and an advanced level.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Marketing departments, R&D departments.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Studying consumer behaviour in a given product category, evaluating product attributes, brand and product perception, effectiveness of marketing activities, decomposition of preferences, organoleptic research, UX, UI, crowdsourcing, FGI
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics.
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, industrial companies, energy sector entities, financial sector entities, public administration, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, local government entities, local authorities, business-related institutions.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Services concerning:
– labour market research including studies on the employed, the unemployed, junior staff, the problem of retraining, job security, the design of human resource management systems, labour market research and its systemic evolution (impact of digitalisation) , cyclical changes on a local and national as well as international scale,
– sustainable development, digital technologies, cross-border projects for German-Polish border municipalities, small town development, smart city, green cities,
– research into the state of the exchange rate, interest rates, the dynamics of the general price level, the macroeconomic state of the economy, deflationary risk,
– quantitative research including the preparation of forecasts, analyses and statistical models on economic, social or demographic issues,
– training in broadly defined quantitative methods using statistical software (Statistica, SPSS, Gretl),
– research into the energy transition process in coal and carbon-intensive regions; development of a diagnosis of the social needs in the area of energy transition in coal regions; research into the effects of the energy transition on the labour market; training in fair transition,
– advice on housing policy, instruments for implementing this policy for vulnerable groups, in particular the poor, the elderly, university graduates,
– evaluation of housing support programmes, instruments supporting the housing market applied in Poland in the light of the assumed objectives of the housing policy,
– the subject of the opinion may be the valuation of an enterprise, an organised part of an enterprise or shares in its equity.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of the services):
Services using statistical and econometric methods.
Business valuation on the basis of the Common National Valuation Principles, the National Specialist Standard (KSWS). KSWS General Business Valuation Principles are characterised by the following: the result of the valuation may be presented as a single value or a range of values; it is based on a limited range of information; when collecting and analysing information, the appraiser bypasses or simplifies the procedures used.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
FMCG manufacturers, retailers.
Scope/subject-related area of services:
Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
Using physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of Management and Corporate Resource Analysis
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturing, service, retail, local government, public administration sectors: RES; Energy, HoReCa
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of financial and economic diagnoses/analyses/forecasts for enterprises
Factual and financial forecasts and simulations
Solutions to improve the efficiency of repetitive and occasional spreadsheet-based calculations
Development of business models
Development of restructuring programmes
Analysis of sales markets
Analysis of customer profitability
Consultancy with regard to the organisation of the personnel function, including: design of the personnel process, design of the structure and organisation of personnel departments, optimisation of the personnel process flow, parameterisation of the personnel function
Job valuation, including: job analysis, creation of job descriptions, designing and conducting job valuation using analytical methods
Managerial coaching, including: analysis of development needs, creation of individual development plans (IDP), conducting coaching sessions
Team building
Designing competence management and employee development systems
Designing periodic employee appraisal schemes
Consulting with regard to organisation and management
Identification, mapping and optimisation of processes
Design of organisational structures
Design of sales structures and systems
Training and dedicated management workshops
Team building and management
Negotiations in business
Art of presentation and public speaking
Personal effectiveness and time management
Development of the HR function
Strategic human resources management
Training methodology
Additional information:
Projects use Excel software (with vba), Confluence, Trello, Zoho Creator
Training and workshops are conducted using a visual moderation method.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Investment and Real Estate
Who are the services aimed at?
developers, real estate agents, property managers, real estate consultants, banks, local authorities (municipalities, districts, provinces)
Subject-related scope/scope of services:
Our range of services includes:
broadly understood consultancy in the real estate market, comprising such elements as: market research (studies of demand, supply, prices, preferences), issuing opinions and expert opinions on the feasibility of investments in the real estate market or a SWOT analysis of the real estate, preparing diagnoses and forecasts of the real estate market development;
development strategies of local government units, including the sectoral strategies relating to adaptation to climate change, environmental protection or sustainable development, environmental analyses, analyses of the waste management systems, environmental protection programming for local government administration and provincial authorities. Studies containing diagnoses of the status, development forecasts and objectives and assumptions at the strategic level, together with their possible operationalisation;
training activities – postgraduate programmes in the field of real estate management (specialisations: real estate appraisal and real estate market consultancy and services) and training courses for local government employees in the field of strategic management, environmental management, sustainable development and waste management, cooperation in the implementation of development programmes and strategies, and facilitation of these processes.
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Statistics
Who are our services aimed at?
– our range of services is of universal nature.
– analytical work in the field of statistical and demographic research can support and be carried out with regard to any type of administrative or economic activity
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– we conduct analytical research in the field of social, economic and business statistics,
– we conduct analyses using statistical packages: SAS, R, SPSS or Statistica at an advanced level,
– our domain is partial, sample-based research (our speciality is Small Area Statistics)
– in addition to classical methods of statistical analysis, we also offer the application of non-classical and modern methods of data analysis (e.g. data integration, data calibration, Real Estate Market Analysis, Categorical data analysis),
– we support activities concerning visualisation and reporting of statistical data,
– we have extensive, on-going contact with the practice of statistical research; we cooperate closely with both the Central Statistical Office and the Statistical Office in Poznań.
– we provide training with regard to practical application of the latest statistical methods, not only using Excel, but also R, SAS, SPSS or Statistica – both at a beginner and an advanced level.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics.
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Applied Mathematics
Who are the services aimed at?
Financial industry, businesses and analytics companies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Time series analysis, alternative investments, volatility models, multivariate statistical analysis, statistical simulations, analysis in R, portfolio optimisation, programming in R and Python.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Food Quality and Safety
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The offer includes the preparation and publication of:
– expert opinions based on submitted research findings on the composition of food ingredients and products
– expert opinions with regard to formal and legal requirements concerning foodstuffs, e.g. correctness of foodstuff labelling in relation to legal requirements, suspected food adulteration, etc.
– expert opinions and opinions for public administration units (e.g. customs offices)
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, industrial companies, energy sector entities, financial sector entities, public administration, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, local government entities, local authorities, business-related institutions.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Services concerning:
– labour market research including studies on the employed, the unemployed, junior staff, the problem of retraining, job security, the design of human resource management systems, labour market research and its systemic evolution (impact of digitalisation) , cyclical changes on a local and national as well as international scale,
– sustainable development, digital technologies, cross-border projects for German-Polish border municipalities, small town development, smart city, green cities,
– research into the state of the exchange rate, interest rates, the dynamics of the general price level, the macroeconomic state of the economy, deflationary risk,
– quantitative research including the preparation of forecasts, analyses and statistical models on economic, social or demographic issues,
– training in broadly defined quantitative methods using statistical software (Statistica, SPSS, Gretl),
– research into the energy transition process in coal and carbon-intensive regions; development of a diagnosis of the social needs in the area of energy transition in coal regions; research into the effects of the energy transition on the labour market; training in fair transition,
– advice on housing policy, instruments for implementing this policy for vulnerable groups, in particular the poor, the elderly, university graduates,
– evaluation of housing support programmes, instruments supporting the housing market applied in Poland in the light of the assumed objectives of the housing policy,
– the subject of the opinion may be the valuation of an enterprise, an organised part of an enterprise or shares in its equity.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of the services):
Services using statistical and econometric methods.
Business valuation on the basis of the Common National Valuation Principles, the National Specialist Standard (KSWS). KSWS General Business Valuation Principles are characterised by the following: the result of the valuation may be presented as a single value or a range of values; it is based on a limited range of information; when collecting and analysing information, the appraiser bypasses or simplifies the procedures used.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Marketing departments, R&D departments.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Studying consumer behaviour in a given product category, evaluating product attributes, brand and product perception, effectiveness of marketing activities, decomposition of preferences, organoleptic research, UX, UI, crowdsourcing, FGI
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
FMCG manufacturers, retailers.
Scope/subject-related area of services:
Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
Using physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturers mainly from the FMCG sector, trading companies
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Analysis of in-store purchasing behaviour.
– Use of physiological measurement to diagnose in-store shopper behaviour. Physiological measurement can be carried out using a mobile ophthalmoscope (eye-tracker) and sensors of sweat secretion (EDA).
Additional information:
The services referred to above are carried out in the ShopLab laboratory, which has been set up to conduct research into in-store purchasing behaviour. Its characteristics and equipment create a space that reflects as much as possible the nature of physical retail outlets.
The laboratory’s surface area of 50 m2 allows it to accommodate a range of shop furniture. The ShopLab includes a fruit and vegetable rack, a refrigerated counter for displaying cold cuts and meats, a rack for bakery products, a rack for promotional products, high and low shelving units and a cash register.
The variety of furniture makes it possible to carry out research into shopper behaviour across most product categories sold by grocery and convenience stores.
The laboratory also makes it possible to control the elements that create the atmosphere (so-called ambient conditions). Depending on the purpose of the research, it is possible to play the desired music, set the appropriate temperature or lighting intensity.
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech research equipment. The laboratory includes a mobile eye-tracker for analysing visual observation. This makes it possible to identify elements in the sales space (products, promotional materials, etc.) that catch the eye of buyers.
Eye-tracking studies can be augmented with data indicating the emotional involvement (arousal) of shoppers, triggered by stimuli coming from the in-store space. This is possible thanks to the psychophysical signal recorders. Indeed, the ShopLab is additionally equipped with apparatus for recording electrodermal response (EDA) and bioelectrical heart activity (ECG).
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Businesses – various sectors that do not focus their activities only or primarily on the Internet
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of business models – based on available data – to a large extent also internal data of the company seeking cooperation – assistance in marketing and management analysis of the actual condition of the company and suggestions for better alignment of the business with consumer needs. Creating strategies and tactical plans for marketing activities within well-defined timelines.
Conducting training on:
– savoir-vivre in business,
– professional presentations.
Consultancy with regard to:
– general management,
– management of marketing department,
– marketing activities.
Additional information:
The quality of the listed services is guaranteed by several years of business experience of the instructor obtained in various management and marketing positions (also executive positions – including director) while working in small, medium and very large Polish and international companies, including multinationals.
Department of Management and Corporate Resource Analysis
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturing, service, retail, local government, public administration sectors: RES; Energy, HoReCa
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of financial and economic diagnoses/analyses/forecasts for enterprises
Factual and financial forecasts and simulations
Solutions to improve the efficiency of repetitive and occasional spreadsheet-based calculations
Development of business models
Development of restructuring programmes
Analysis of sales markets
Analysis of customer profitability
Consultancy with regard to the organisation of the personnel function, including: design of the personnel process, design of the structure and organisation of personnel departments, optimisation of the personnel process flow, parameterisation of the personnel function
Job valuation, including: job analysis, creation of job descriptions, designing and conducting job valuation using analytical methods
Managerial coaching, including: analysis of development needs, creation of individual development plans (IDP), conducting coaching sessions
Team building
Designing competence management and employee development systems
Designing periodic employee appraisal schemes
Consulting with regard to organisation and management
Identification, mapping and optimisation of processes
Design of organisational structures
Design of sales structures and systems
Training and dedicated management workshops
Team building and management
Negotiations in business
Art of presentation and public speaking
Personal effectiveness and time management
Development of the HR function
Strategic human resources management
Training methodology
Additional information:
Projects use Excel software (with vba), Confluence, Trello, Zoho Creator
Training and workshops are conducted using a visual moderation method.
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Marketing Strategies
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, including primarily SMEs, public administration units, NGOs
Organic food market, sports and leisure market, pharmaceutical market, B2B market, entertainment industry
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Soft skills training, on such issues as public speaking, interpersonal communication, personal selling, commercial negotiations. Also: marketing communication management, image management, leadership competence development.
Scope: developing a marketing (business) strategy, creating customer value, marketing management in the B2B market, organising the customer service process, managing the customer experience (UX), using social responsibility in organisational management, building and managing a network of stakeholder relationships.
Development of business models:
As above
Assessments and expert opinions:
As above
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Statistics
Who are our services aimed at?
– our range of services is of universal nature.
– analytical work in the field of statistical and demographic research can support and be carried out with regard to any type of administrative or economic activity
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– we conduct analytical research in the field of social, economic and business statistics,
– we conduct analyses using statistical packages: SAS, R, SPSS or Statistica at an advanced level,
– our domain is partial, sample-based research (our speciality is Small Area Statistics)
– in addition to classical methods of statistical analysis, we also offer the application of non-classical and modern methods of data analysis (e.g. data integration, data calibration, Real Estate Market Analysis, Categorical data analysis),
– we support activities concerning visualisation and reporting of statistical data,
– we have extensive, on-going contact with the practice of statistical research; we cooperate closely with both the Central Statistical Office and the Statistical Office in Poznań.
– we provide training with regard to practical application of the latest statistical methods, not only using Excel, but also R, SAS, SPSS or Statistica – both at a beginner and an advanced level.
Department of Public Finance
Who are the services aimed at?
Individual and institutional investors, banks, etc.;
Services addressed to public administration (mainly at the central level);
Public administration – central and local government;
Public finance sector units; Managers of public finance sector units; Administrators of public funds; Chief accountants;
Business sector (especially SMEs), local government units, non-profit organisations.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial markets, monetary policy of central banks;
Systemic solutions with regard to labour, consumption and wealth taxation. Specifically wealth, capital gains and financial transaction taxes;
Advice with regard to obtaining external financing in the form of European aid funds; analysis of the possibilities of obtaining financing, preparation of application documents; assessment of convergence with EU horizontal policies;
Public finance and public finance law;
Public finance discipline;
Internal audit, management control, risk management;
Training in tax and customs law.
Department of Logistics
Who are the services aimed at?
Logistics operators and companies with large-scale logistics operations. Public authorities and agencies.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
- Assessment and streamlining of logistics processes in the company,
- Assessment and streamlining of supply chain management,
- Training in logistics and supply chain management,
- Consulting in the field of logistics 4.0
- Assessment and improvement of city logistics.
- Training in city logistics.
Department of Controlling, Financial Analysis and Valuation
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies and employees of all sectors
– individuals
– public administration
– institutions facilitating the commercialisation of research, e.g. Technology Transfer Centres, Technology Parks, Business Incubators, students (including doctoral students) and research and teaching staff of universities and research institutes
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– economic analysis (including as part of management control and for pre-litigation mediation)
– investment profitability analysis, business plans
– advanced valuation of companies and capital groups
– design of controlling, measurement and performance management systems
– determination of the right moment for filing for bankruptcy
– diagnostics and forecasting on the basis of advanced econometric models
– training on innovation strategy, commercialisation of research, financing of innovative ventures
– counselling with regard to financial analysis and controlling and assessment of the commercial potential of research and technology, innovation audit
Department of Information Systems
Who are the services aimed at?
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The Department’s expertise is in developing cutting-edge applications of data science. The team has many years of project experience in various industries: security, international and national defence, government, Industry 4.0, telecommunications, energy, commerce, electromobility.
Department of International Competitiveness
Who are the services aimed at?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises, including those operating on international markets
– Large enterprises with Polish capital, including those operating on international markets
– Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Poland
– Local government units – municipalities, districts and provinces
– Central public administration units
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Training in the field of corporate strategies on international markets and foreign trade transactions.
– Analysis of international markets based on secondary and primary data, with emphasis on competitive benchmarking, estimation of demand in terms of volume and value, determination of distribution structure, legal requirements for market entry, etc.
– Assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for Polish companies and the attractiveness of the Polish market for foreign investors.
– Testing of concepts and products on international markets with a view to adapting products to the needs of foreign customers or formal requirements.
– Design and adaptation of marketing communications to the needs of international markets.
– Support for the establishment of trade and R&D relationships in international markets.
– Audit of export potential and revision of the company’s existing internationalisation strategy.
– Audit of the company’s innovation and cooperation efficiency.
– Design of tools to support the internationalisation of enterprises (offer addressed to the public sector).
– Analysis of the experience of regional entities with regard to the creation and development of cooperation links based on the idea of clusters.
– Developing recommendations on cluster support policy in the region.
– Preparation of development strategies for municipalities, districts and provinces, other programme documents (redevelopment programmes, Low-Emission Economy Plans, Local Development Plans), in addition to prospective diagnoses and economic forecasts (including demographics), local development models, statistical processing of local data, support with regard to applications for structural funds (including in particular the preparation of investment feasibility studies).
– Training in project management. Advice with regard to development planning and fund-raising.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– Using a network of international analysts in international markets where service users wish to establish or expand their activities.
Department of Information Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– business entities
– local administration,
– members of the Polish parliament,
– parliamentary clubs
– councillors at various levels of local government,
– councillor clubs,
– executive bodies of local government units,
– non-governmental organisations,
– research institutions.
With regard to:
image building,
media relations,
crisis management,
policy forecasting at national, European and global level
research into environmental awareness and “green” knowledge in public administration
nature-based solutions for sustainable development, and thus the involvement of public administration in the development of the green smart city concept
text editing
communication audit
communication strategy
public speaking
public affairs and lobbying
corporate social responsibility
designing and implementing electoral campaigns
business communication
analysis of the information needs of the environment
consumer needs analyses
analyses of willingness to pay and willingness to buy
analysis of the impact of the country of origin (country of production) on consumer assessment of the attractiveness of a product
recommendation of directions for the development of Polish development aid, in particular as an emerging donor.
Additional information:
Services provided taking into account:
consumer research with the use of a TV studio and CATI studio – CAVI
theoretical and non-source knowledge and
personal experience resulting from hands-on work in:
– mass media (TVP SA, Głos Wielkopolski),
– public institutions (Ogrody Housing Estate Council, Poznań City Council, Wielkopolska Province Assembly, Polish Parliament, European Parliament),
– non-governmental organisations (including educational, generational, local, research, international, humanitarian and charitable organisations).
Department of Food Quality and Safety
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The offer includes training and consultancy on:
-assessment of sensory responsiveness of applicants to perform sensory evaluations,
-monitoring of sensory performance,
-methodology of sensory testing,
-sensory methods in consumer research,
-assessment of sensory quality of food.
The scope and duration of training, as well as the scope of the consultancy services, are tailored to the needs of the recipient. The instructors have many years of experience in providing training to the food industry and training bodies, and they also conduct research with regard to the above issues.
Department of Labour and Social Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, local government units, schools, universities, chambers of commerce).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Human resource management (including recruitment sources and techniques, selection procedures for applicants for employment, employee adaptation systems, employee appraisals, competence profiles of personnel systems, personnel audits), labour market analyses and diagnoses, social security system, organisation and financing of long-term care systems, graduate career research, social analyses, including demographic analyses (research of attitudes and preferences and satisfaction).
Additional information:
The Department’s staff has extensive experience in cooperation with the bodies and agencies of the Sejm and the Senate, public administration (central and local government, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)), common courts, state control and law protection bodies (e.g. Ombudsman) financial market institutions and chambers of commerce (e.g. the Association of Polish Banks, the National Association of Cooperative Banks, association banks, cooperative banks), production and service companies, employers’ associations (Poznań Employers’ Association, Coalition to Assist the Dependent) as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We use specialised computer programmes (e.g. Atlas, SAP HR, SPSS).
Department of Quality Management
Who are the services aimed at?
Business organisations, public administration
Businesses in various sectors
Manufacturing companies and service providers, regardless of sector
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the aviation and railway sectors
Any organisation from a wide range of industries.
All stakeholders interested in systemic quality management, environmental management, information security management and project management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS, LCA, CSR, Lean Management, RODO, Prince2, Agile Management). Due to the specific nature of some standards/methodologies, the offer should be tailor-made, e.g. for automotive suppliers (TISAX, IATF 16949).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Systemic approach to management (quality, environment, security) and troubleshooting in the organisation using management methods and techniques, as well as sustainability and corporate social responsibility and product consulting with regard to eco-design and environmental impact of products. This includes:
– implementation, maintenance and development of management systems (ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, EMAS),
– business continuity assurance,
– project management (Prince2, Agile Management),
– socially responsible management in the organisation, building a CSR strategy, CSR initiatives and tools (e.g. SA 8000, ISO 26000, AA 1000)
– with regard to legal requirements – EASA Part 21G, EASA Part 145
– with regard to the implementation of IAQG and APQP requirements for the aviation industry
– application of qualitative and semi-quantitative eco-design tools to identify environmental critical points of the facilities under analysis
– formulation of eco-design strategies
– evaluation of the adopted eco-design solutions in terms of environmental impacts (excluding the LCA method) and eco-design costs
– quality management systems – ISO 9001, AS 9100
– environmental management systems – ISO 14001, EMAS
– occupational health and safety management systems
– management system audits (quality, environmental, security)
– Problem solving methods and techniques
– Lean management
– life cycle assessment methods – environmental life cycle assessment methodology,
– calculating the environmental footprint of products
– performing LCA analyses, closed loop (circular) economy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
SimaPro software
Department of International Management
Who are the services aimed at?
– businesses (both SMEs and large corporations, including family businesses);
– administration (e.g. Provincial Office, Marshal’s Office, Central Administration).
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– consultancy on the impact of modern technologies on business, business models, development strategies (development of business models, strategies and their implementation);
– diagnosis, analysis and development of ways to improve company processes, products/services;
– preparing proposals for measures aimed at boosting the competitiveness of business entities both at home and abroad (also advice on methods of foreign expansion of enterprises);
– strategic consulting with regard to company development; internationalisation of activities and modern business models using design thinking and service design methods;
– support in the preparation of EU grant applications;
– training in the development of business models and building communication systems in the company;
– strategic consultancy with regard to the succession process (especially in the case of family businesses);
– preparation of studies on strategic plans or organisational procedures to optimise the international activities of enterprises
– advice on domestic and international innovation cooperation, acquisition of cooperation partners in Poland and abroad.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
Our services stand out due to our understanding of contemporary trends and many practical approaches to implementation, i.e. know-how.
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, industrial companies, energy sector entities, financial sector entities, public administration, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, local government entities, local authorities, business-related institutions.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Services concerning:
– labour market research including studies on the employed, the unemployed, junior staff, the problem of retraining, job security, the design of human resource management systems, labour market research and its systemic evolution (impact of digitalisation) , cyclical changes on a local and national as well as international scale,
– sustainable development, digital technologies, cross-border projects for German-Polish border municipalities, small town development, smart city, green cities,
– research into the state of the exchange rate, interest rates, the dynamics of the general price level, the macroeconomic state of the economy, deflationary risk,
– quantitative research including the preparation of forecasts, analyses and statistical models on economic, social or demographic issues,
– training in broadly defined quantitative methods using statistical software (Statistica, SPSS, Gretl),
– research into the energy transition process in coal and carbon-intensive regions; development of a diagnosis of the social needs in the area of energy transition in coal regions; research into the effects of the energy transition on the labour market; training in fair transition,
– advice on housing policy, instruments for implementing this policy for vulnerable groups, in particular the poor, the elderly, university graduates,
– evaluation of housing support programmes, instruments supporting the housing market applied in Poland in the light of the assumed objectives of the housing policy,
– the subject of the opinion may be the valuation of an enterprise, an organised part of an enterprise or shares in its equity.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of the services):
Services using statistical and econometric methods.
Business valuation on the basis of the Common National Valuation Principles, the National Specialist Standard (KSWS). KSWS General Business Valuation Principles are characterised by the following: the result of the valuation may be presented as a single value or a range of values; it is based on a limited range of information; when collecting and analysing information, the appraiser bypasses or simplifies the procedures used.
Department of Commerce and Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
Businesses – various sectors that do not focus their activities only or primarily on the Internet
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of business models – based on available data – to a large extent also internal data of the company seeking cooperation – assistance in marketing and management analysis of the actual condition of the company and suggestions for better alignment of the business with consumer needs. Creating strategies and tactical plans for marketing activities within well-defined timelines.
Conducting training on:
– savoir-vivre in business,
– professional presentations.
Consultancy with regard to:
– general management,
– management of marketing department,
– marketing activities.
Additional information:
The quality of the listed services is guaranteed by several years of business experience of the instructor obtained in various management and marketing positions (also executive positions – including director) while working in small, medium and very large Polish and international companies, including multinationals.
Department of Management and Corporate Resource Analysis
Who are the services aimed at?
Manufacturing, service, retail, local government, public administration sectors: RES; Energy, HoReCa
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Development of financial and economic diagnoses/analyses/forecasts for enterprises
Factual and financial forecasts and simulations
Solutions to improve the efficiency of repetitive and occasional spreadsheet-based calculations
Development of business models
Development of restructuring programmes
Analysis of sales markets
Analysis of customer profitability
Consultancy with regard to the organisation of the personnel function, including: design of the personnel process, design of the structure and organisation of personnel departments, optimisation of the personnel process flow, parameterisation of the personnel function
Job valuation, including: job analysis, creation of job descriptions, designing and conducting job valuation using analytical methods
Managerial coaching, including: analysis of development needs, creation of individual development plans (IDP), conducting coaching sessions
Team building
Designing competence management and employee development systems
Designing periodic employee appraisal schemes
Consulting with regard to organisation and management
Identification, mapping and optimisation of processes
Design of organisational structures
Design of sales structures and systems
Training and dedicated management workshops
Team building and management
Negotiations in business
Art of presentation and public speaking
Personal effectiveness and time management
Development of the HR function
Strategic human resources management
Training methodology
Additional information:
Projects use Excel software (with vba), Confluence, Trello, Zoho Creator
Training and workshops are conducted using a visual moderation method.
Department of International Marketing
Who are the services aimed at?
All actors in the business, government and NGO sectors.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Internationalisation of business activities:
– training,
– development of an internationalisation strategy.
Cultural differences in international business:
– Training on topics related to cultural differences and their impact on the development of cooperation in the B2B market and on marketing activities in the B2C market.
Business networks:
– Consultancy (assessing and measuring the nature and strength of relationships within business networks and their impact on the performance of network members and building customised plans to develop these relationships).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
– training on the three dimensions of CRM (strategy, IT systems, change management), including in the form of postgraduate programmes,
– advice for companies deciding to implement or re-implement CRM-class IT systems and strategic CRM programmes.
Knowledge management:
– training (the nature and implementation of knowledge management processes and systems),
– counselling ( diagnostics, analysis of current activities and identification of future courses of action to ensure efficient knowledge management, including, in particular, its transfer between employees and the integration of market and technical areas of the enterprise in order to generate innovation),
– creation of innovative business models on local and foreign markets.
Managing a multicultural workforce:
– training on the awareness and importance of differences in cooperation in a multicultural team and the synergies arising from the cultural diversity of the company.
Department of Information Technology
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies and public sector entities interested in introducing or analysing new technical and business solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular multimedia technologies, virtual reality, the internet of things and blockchain technology, while maintaining a high level of security for systems, information and users.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Employees of the Department of Information Technology at PUEB conduct research and development work in the areas of multimedia systems (including virtual and augmented reality and games), the internet of things (including local internet of things systems using new types of radio transmission, in particular mesh and ad-hoc networks), information systems security and blockchain technology. The work carried out is largely applied research and is carried out on behalf of and in collaboration with industrial entities from home and abroad.
Services offered include research and analysis of technical solutions, design and implementation of IT systems, construction of 3D interactive virtual environments, security analysis of IT solutions, preparation of diagnostics and forecasts with regard to development and use of information technologies, as well as training and consultancy.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
The Department of Information Technology is equipped with state-of-the-art research laboratories: Virtual Reality Laboratory and Internet of Things Laboratory. The services offered are largely based on current research findings from the department.
Department of Education and Personnel Development
Who are the services aimed at?
– Executives of for-profit and non-profit organisations;
– Teachers (various tiers of education);
– All entities (manufacturing, retail, service companies, offices, institutions) in need of support with regard to human resources management, personnel, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– NGOs, social enterprises.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– Counselling in the field of personal and professional development (use of coaching approach as a modern tool in the area of career planning, self-efficacy management, team management);
– Training in public speaking (effective preparation and presentation using virtual tools); negotiation and conflict resolution; overcoming barriers in teacher-student communication; modern teaching methods (e.g. case study, oxford debate);
– Human resource management, training, outplacement, outsourcing, management by objectives, restructuring, remuneration, work psychology, motivation, recruitment;
– Human resource management and development, team management, organisational development.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features):
– The trainer is a certified tutor and has completed postgraduate studies in management coaching;
– Use of specialised psychological tools, including psychological tests available only to psychologists (e.g. tests distributed by the Psychological Tests Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association).
Department of International Economics
Who are the services aimed at?
– Companies from various sectors planning or implementing international transactions (exports or imports of goods and services, investments in foreign markets, non-equity cooperation, etc.);
– enterprises operating in the so-called leisure sectors (tourism, entertainment, recreation, sports) as well as in the events sector;
– Entities/companies in the hospitality industry;
– Tourism organisations and trade associations operating in the tourism and meetings and business events sector;
– Local government units (local and regional level);
– local action groups.
Department of Insurance
Who are the services aimed at?
The range of activities foreseen within the framework of bilateral agreements is addressed to companies, industry associations, public administration entities, as well as to entities in the financial sector, in particular the insurance sector. The scope of the proposed solutions depends on the existing regulatory environment (e.g. introduction of new legislation) as well as the market and economic situation (e.g. emergence of new risks or technological changes).
Companies interested in business data analysis and forecasting, research staff, individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills with regard to analytical methods.
Subject-related scope/area of service:
Enterprises and public administration units:
– Risk analysis and preparation of risk management programmes (including those based on the ISO 31000 standard) with regard to insured and uninsured events,
– analysis of existing policies and evaluation against market conditions,
– preparation of new insurance solutions (products), including index solutions (using research activities),
– providing opinions and expert opinions with regard to insurance claims,
– preparation of insurance solutions with regard to insurance as a complementary product to the company’s products,
Industry associations:
– developing dedicated, new insurance products for specific industries, sectors or types of companies,
– initiation and determination of economic efficiency for own mutual insurance companies or mutual membership associations,
– training with regard to the development and implementation of risk management standards,
Financial and insurance market players (insurance companies, distributors and intermediaries):
– dedicated training with regard to insurance, including: property, agricultural, environmental, credit and insurance guarantees.
– Economic analysis and preparation for implementation with regard to new insurance products, application of new technologies at different stages of the value creation chain.
For everyone:
Applications of statistical and econometric methods in financial and economic analyses, including analysis of survey results, modelling of consumer behaviour and preferences, multidimensional ordering of objects (rankings). Advice and training with regard to methods of analysis.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): the tasks carried out are based on both expert knowledge and practical insight into the insurance market in Poland and worldwide.
Department of Investment and Financial Markets
Who are the services aimed at?
Companies (private and local government institutions) wishing to raise equity or debt capital on the capital market, financial institutions
Subject-related scope/area of services:
The staff of the Department of Investment and Financial Markets can provide research and business services concerning the assessment of the operation and development of entities from various industries involved in the financial market, including:
– valuation of financial and non-financial assets,
– investing assets in the financial market, either directly (e.g. on the stock exchange) or indirectly (through investment funds)
– structuring and managing an investment portfolio for individuals, including wealthy individuals,
– raising equity or debt capital on the capital market, including on the private market (e.g. by a professional investor, from venture capital funds) or the public market, i.e. on the stock market, through crowdfunding, or through loans based on a proprietary credit scoring methodology.
The Department’s employees have advisory skills, supported by professional experience, in the above areas, as well as in business management in the broadest sense, including M&A transactions, preparation of business plans, due diligence, or financial and budgetary modelling and transfer pricing.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive features of services): we have a team of researchers with extensive professional experience, combining science and practice, who are equipped with software tools (e.g. R, Python, Statistica) to carry out analyses and forecasts in the financial market
Department of Marketing Strategies
Who are the services aimed at?
Enterprises, including primarily SMEs, public administration units, NGOs
Organic food market, sports and leisure market, pharmaceutical market, B2B market, entertainment industry
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Soft skills training, on such issues as public speaking, interpersonal communication, personal selling, commercial negotiations. Also: marketing communication management, image management, leadership competence development.
Scope: developing a marketing (business) strategy, creating customer value, marketing management in the B2B market, organising the customer service process, managing the customer experience (UX), using social responsibility in organisational management, building and managing a network of stakeholder relationships.
Development of business models:
As above
Assessments and expert opinions:
As above
Department of Investment and Real Estate
Who are the services aimed at?
developers, real estate agents, property managers, real estate consultants, banks, local authorities (municipalities, districts, provinces)
Subject-related scope/scope of services:
Our range of services includes:
broadly understood consultancy in the real estate market, comprising such elements as: market research (studies of demand, supply, prices, preferences), issuing opinions and expert opinions on the feasibility of investments in the real estate market or a SWOT analysis of the real estate, preparing diagnoses and forecasts of the real estate market development;
development strategies of local government units, including the sectoral strategies relating to adaptation to climate change, environmental protection or sustainable development, environmental analyses, analyses of the waste management systems, environmental protection programming for local government administration and provincial authorities. Studies containing diagnoses of the status, development forecasts and objectives and assumptions at the strategic level, together with their possible operationalisation;
training activities – postgraduate programmes in the field of real estate management (specialisations: real estate appraisal and real estate market consultancy and services) and training courses for local government employees in the field of strategic management, environmental management, sustainable development and waste management, cooperation in the implementation of development programmes and strategies, and facilitation of these processes.
Department of Microeconomics
Who are the services aimed at?
Industrial, service, retail and construction companies, public administration
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Analysis and forecasting of consumer demand for goods and services. Diagnosis and forecast of economic activity of a given sector, market or the economy as a whole. Analysis of the micro and macro environment for various types of projects under development. Analyses of technical and economic efficiency of economic entities. Studies on the impact of businesses on the environment, including externalities. Training combined with, for example, internal recruitment of employees for new positions using a professional enterprise simulator (Marketplace business simulation), where fundamental decisions related to the operation and development of the enterprise are required.
Additional information (e.g. use of specialised equipment, distinctive service features): For many years, the staff of the Department of Microeconomics have produced the Business Cycle Bulletin, a publication to which private and public economic entities, libraries, including the NBP Library, subscribe.
Department of Statistics
Who are our services aimed at?
– our range of services is of universal nature.
– analytical work in the field of statistical and demographic research can support and be carried out with regard to any type of administrative or economic activity
Subject-related scope/area of services:
– we conduct analytical research in the field of social, economic and business statistics,
– we conduct analyses using statistical packages: SAS, R, SPSS or Statistica at an advanced level,
– our domain is partial, sample-based research (our speciality is Small Area Statistics)
– in addition to classical methods of statistical analysis, we also offer the application of non-classical and modern methods of data analysis (e.g. data integration, data calibration, Real Estate Market Analysis, Categorical data analysis),
– we support activities concerning visualisation and reporting of statistical data,
– we have extensive, on-going contact with the practice of statistical research; we cooperate closely with both the Central Statistical Office and the Statistical Office in Poznań.
– we provide training with regard to practical application of the latest statistical methods, not only using Excel, but also R, SAS, SPSS or Statistica – both at a beginner and an advanced level.
Department of Public Finance
Who are the services aimed at?
Individual and institutional investors, banks, etc.;
Services addressed to public administration (mainly at the central level);
Public administration – central and local government;
Public finance sector units; Managers of public finance sector units; Administrators of public funds; Chief accountants;
Business sector (especially SMEs), local government units, non-profit organisations.
Subject-related scope/area of services:
Financial markets, monetary policy of central banks;
Systemic solutions with regard to labour, consumption and wealth taxation. Specifically wealth, capital gains and financial transaction taxes;
Advice with regard to obtaining external financing in the form of European aid funds; analysis of the possibilities of obtaining financing, preparation of application documents; assessment of convergence with EU horizontal policies;
Public finance and public finance law;
Public finance discipline;
Internal audit, management control, risk management;
Training in tax and customs law.