Budynek A Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, z frontu, przed budynkiem widnieją drzewa.

Internal System of Quality Assurance in Education (ISQAE)

PUEB’s Internal System of Quality Assurance in Education involves a range of tools and procedures aimed at enhancing the quality of education in first and second degree programs, the Doctoral School, and postgraduate programs.


The main objective of ISQAE is to ensure and improve the quality of education, in particular through:
  • designing and improving study and educational programs
  • ensuring that the main and specific learning objectives set for the undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as the Doctoral School, are achieved
  • constantly monitoring the quality of courses
  • improving the faculty’s competences
  • promoting good practices and role models to develop a culture of quality education
  • endeavor to validate the high standard of education at PUEB by obtaining national and international quality certifications


  • for first degree programs: Analytical thinking skills
  • for first degree programs: Communication and teamwork
  • for first degree programs: Ethics and social responsibility
  • for second degree programs: Critical thinking and creative thinking
  • for second degree programs: Leadership and communication
  • for second degree programs: Ethics and social responsibility

Certificates and accreditations

PUEB’s didactic offer takes into account global models of managerial education and the latest developments in economic thought and business. As one of the oldest universities of this profile in Poland, it specializes in educating business leaders, highly qualified managers, economic experts and employees of government and local administration services.
Learn more!


Office of Educational Quality

The essence of the Office’s work is to plan and coordinate educational quality studies, including supervising the schedule, preparing and providing the academic community with forms for assessing the degree to which the Learning Objectives are being achieved, and compiling statements and reports on educational quality studies.

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