Research at PUEB
In the 2022/2023 academic year, 72 research projects were being conducted at Poznań University of Economics and Business.
PUEB staff carry out research by applying for funding to the NCN National Science Centre, the NCBR National Centre for Research and Development, the NAWA National Agency for Academic Exchange, the European Commission, as well as governmental institutions. In addition, researchers at PUEB run commissioned projects, contracted and funded by companies.
In the 2022/2023 academic year, a greater number of research projects was successfully acquired from the above science funding institutions than in previous years, with 22 projects worth a total of PLN 8,041,522.
Furthermore, in the 2022/2023 academic year, Inter-University Research Grants were carried out jointly with other public economic HEIs; within the framework of five project groups, where our University’s staff headed four projects.
In addition, for both doctoral students and academics, PUEB provides funding for research from its own resources, i.e. within the framework of the PUEB for Science competition, as well as Fast Track to Publication and Mini-grants for Research, a monthly opportunity to obtain funding for research and for publicising research findings.

Research Office
Scope of activities:
– Sharing information on research programmes, projects, conferences, training and other initiatives,
– Assisting in the application process for research grants,
– Providing administrative support for research: funds from research subsidies, research projects funded by national and foreign science funding agencies, in-house and commissioned projects,
– Running the Local Contact Point for the EU Framework Programmes,
– Posting data collected on the scope of PUEB research activities to the POLON system and the PUEB Knowledge Base,
– Coordinating activities undertaken with regard to PUEB’s industrial property protection proceedings and aimed at commercialisation of research findings and R&D work, as well as know-how related to these findings,
– Performing the tasks arising within the ongoing cooperation of the Office with the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, the Directors of the Institutes and other units of the University, including the Senate Committee on Research and International Relations.