Higher Education for resilient economy (HERE)

The NAWA HERE project is implemented under the NAWA Strategic Partnerships program. The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between Partners focused mainly on two dimensions – conducting joint research, disseminating it and implementing new standards of teaching offerings. The main thematic area, which will be manifested in all activities, is building adaptive capacity in European economies in the face of growing geopolitical challenges. These topics are complex, as they relate to the level of national institutions, industry behavior and company strategies. In addition, the defined research area is characterized by high interdisciplinarity, combining issues of economics, management, international relations, or socio-economic geography, among others. The specific objectives of the project are:

– to strengthen international scientific and publication cooperation of the staff of partner universities going beyond the horizon of the project,

– increasing the international recognition of scientists of partner universities through joint publications in renowned journals and publishing houses,

– expanding teaching offerings by offering courses/workshops aimed at university students jointly implemented by partner universities and based on the results of conducted research.

Partners in the project are: Pforzheim University, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, ESIC University, Iscte Business School.


Activity descriptions

  • Joint research teams

    The project provides an opportunity for conducting research and preparing joint publications in international research teams. Members of these teams may be employees and PhD students of PUEB and at least one of the 4 partner universities of the consortium. The common research is the area of “building adaptive capacities in European economies in the face of growing geopolitical challenges”. As a result of joint work, the publication of two monographs and the preparation of 5 articles with an international authorship is planned. Financial support is planned for data collection and the publication process (open access, proofreading). Based on the recruitment criteria, participants who qualify to partake in this activity will be selected. Work in this activity will be carried out until 31-08-2026.

    Interested persons will be able to submit their applications in the competitive mode specified in the Project Regulations. The recruitment rules are specified in the Rector’s Regulation No. 74/2024. The deadline for applications will be specified on the project website.

  • Individual short-term mobility

    The project provides an opportunity to apply for participation in short-term mobility, which is of a scientific nature. Individual mobility is planned for 8 participants, and the internship can take place at one of the 4 partner universities of the consortium. The length of the research internship (counted together with the travel period) is 14 days. The costs of stay (accommodation, subsistence and travel costs) are covered from the project budget. The applicant is obliged to fill in an application form, which should include research interests. Based on the recruitment criteria, participants who qualify to partake in this activity will be selected. Internships must take place between 01-08-2025 and 31-08-2026.

    Interested persons will be able to submit their applications in the competitive mode specified in the Project Regulations. The recruitment rules are specified in the Rector’s Regulation No. 74/2024. The deadline for applications will be specified on the project website.

  • Research workshops

    The project provides an opportunity to apply for participation in international workshops developing research skills and strengthening research cooperation within the consortium. Group mobility is provided for 12 participants in the case of workshops abroad (4 people for three workshops). The workshop held at the PUEB may involve a larger number of people, depending on the specifics of the training. The costs of participating in the workshop (accommodation, subsistence and travel costs) are covered from the project budget. The applicant is obliged to fill in an application form, which should include research interests. Based on the recruitment criteria, participants who qualify to partake in this activity will be selected. The workshops will be held between 01-01-2025 and 31-12-2025.

    Interested persons will be able to submit their applications in the competitive mode specified in the Project Regulations. The recruitment rules are specified in the Rector’s Regulation No. 74/2024. Dates, training programmes and the deadline for applications will be specified on the project website.

  • Teaching workshops

    The project provides an opportunity to apply for participation in international workshops developing didactic skills and strengthening didactic cooperation within the consortium. Group mobility is provided for 4 participants in the case of workshops abroad. The workshop held at the PUEB may involve a larger number of people, depending on the specifics of the training. The costs of participating in the workshop (accommodation, subsistence and travel costs) are covered from the project budget. The applicant is obliged to fill in an application form, which should include research interests. Based on the recruitment criteria, participants who qualify to partake in this activity will be selected. The workshops will be held between 01-10-2025 and 31-07-2026.

    Interested persons will be able to submit their applications in the competitive mode specified in the Project Regulations. The recruitment rules are specified in the Rector’s Regulation No. 74/2024. Dates, training programmes and the deadline for applications will be specified on the project website.

Registration to project's activities

  • Registration to NAWA HERE project Activity 1: building joint research teams is now open!

    We are delighted to announce that the registration to the NAWA’s “Higher Education for resilient economy (HERE)” is officially open! NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites you to participate in the event.

    Candidates who would like to participate in the project may register between January 1st – January 14th, 2025. All related project information is available via project’s website.

    During the registration process, candidates will be asked to provide the following information:

    • Registration form available at the project’s website.
    • Statement of the participant concerning personal data GDPR NAWA (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website,
    • Additional consent of the Participant to the processing of personal data (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website. All documents need to be sent to nawa.here@projekty.ue.poznan.pl.
  • Registration to NAWA HERE project Activity 2: research workshops in Poznań is now open!

    We are delighted to announce that the registration to the NAWA’s “Higher Education for resilient economy (HERE)” is officially open! NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites you to participate in the event.

    The workshops will take place at Poznań University of Economics and Business, 11th-13th February 2025.

    Candidates who would like to participate in the project may register between January 1st – January 14th, 2025. All related project information is available via project’s website.

    During the registration process, candidates will be asked to provide the following information:

    • Registration form available at the project’s website.
    • Statement of the participant concerning personal data GDPR NAWA (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website,
    • Additional consent of the Participant to the processing of personal data (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website. All documents need to be sent to nawa.here@projekty.ue.poznan.pl.
  • Registration to NAWA HERE project Activity 3: research workshops in Madrid is now open!

    We are delighted to announce that the registration to the NAWA’s “Higher Education for resilient economy (HERE)” is officially open! NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites you to participate in the event.

    The workshops will take place at ESIC University, 26th-28th May 2025.

    Candidates who would like to participate in the project may register between February 17th – March 2nd, 2025. All related project information is available via project’s website.

    During the registration process, candidates will be asked to provide the following information (for those wo did not participate in previous Activities):

    • Registration form available at the project’s website.
    • Statement of the participant concerning personal data GDPR NAWA (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website,
    • Additional consent of the Participant to the processing of personal data (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website.

    Unless any important information has changed, for the candidates who have already submitted the abovementioned documents whilst recruiting for other Activities, email notifying the willingness to participate in the workshops is sufficient. The data from previous Activity calls will be taken into consideration. All documents need to be sent to nawa.here@projekty.ue.poznan.pl.

  • Registration to NAWA HERE project Activity 4: individual research stays is now open!

    We are delighted to announce that the registration to the NAWA’s “Higher Education for resilient economy (HERE)” is officially open! NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites you to participate in the event.

    The individual research stays can take place at any Partner University, between 01.06.2025 and 01.08.2026. The duration of the single research stay is 12 consecutive calendar days and 2 days for travelling.

    Candidates who would like to participate in the project may register between March 10th – March 24th, 2025 via email.

    All related project information is available via project’s website.

    During the registration process, candidates will be asked to provide the following
    information (for those wo did not participate in previous Activities):

    • Registration form available at the project’s website.
    • Statement of the participant concerning personal data GDPR NAWA (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website,
    • Additional consent of the Participant to the processing of personal data (English or Polish version) available at the project’s website;

    Unless any important information has changed, for the candidates who have already submitted the abovementioned documents whilst recruiting for other Activities, email notifying the willingness to participate in the workshops is sufficient. The data from previous Activity calls will be taken into consideration.

    In your registration email, kindly include details about the destination of the research stay and your preferred timeline. The information provided in your registration form, along with the institution’s ability to support your research interests, will be included in the evaluation process as outlined in Zarządzenie nr 74/2024 by the Rector of the University of Economics in Poznań.

    All documents need to be sent to nawa.here@projekty.ue.poznan.pl.

    The number of individual research stays planned: 8 for each Partner University (except for HS PF: 4 individual research stays). If the spots are not filled in the first recruitment round, additional recruitment will be organized.


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