Institute of Economics

The Institute of Economics began operations on 1 October 2019. The Institute are four departments: the Department of Business-Cycle Research and Economic Policy, the Department of Macroeconomics and Development Studies, the Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics and the Department of Microeconomics. Both Departments of Macroeconomics previously operated within the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Microeconomics within the Faculty of Management. In turn, the Department of Business-Cycle Research and Economic Policy was established as a result of the merger of two previously separate units, which were the Department of Economic Policy and Local Government operating within the structures of the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Business-Cycle Research working within the Faculty of Commodity Studies.

About Institute of Economics

When writing about the current Institute of Economics tradition, one should also mention the period even earlier, i.e. before 1990, when the then Academy of Economics had institutes within the faculties. The Institute of Economics, due to its scientific and didactic profile, refers directly to the tradition of the Institute of Economic Theory and its director and, at the same time, a leading figure of the Poznan School of Economics – Professor Wacław Wilczyński, as well as to the tradition of the Institute of Planning headed for many years by Professor Seweryn Kruszczyński, in 1954-1956 the rector of the then Higher School of Economics. The staff of the Institute of Economics consists of more than forty academic teachers, of which more than half are professors or university professors. In the scientific sphere, the Institute’s staff conduct research in many areas of macro- and microeconomic analysis and economic policy in both the sectoral and spatial dimensions. Research results are published in monographs and on the pages of leading Polish journals and significant foreign journals. In the didactic sphere, the Institute’s staff teach core subjects in the curricula of all majors, particularly Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, as well as many subjects of a more specialised or profiled nature, especially in the Economics major.

Prof. dr hab. Anna Matuszczak

Prof. dr hab. Anna Matuszczak

  • Director of the Institute
  • Head of Department
  • Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics Professor
Director of the Institute
Komisja Konkursowa ds. oceny wniosków na otrzymanie dofinansowania w ramach konkursu pn. "Szybka ścieżka do publikacji" - Członkini, Komisja ds. Oceny Okresowej Nauczycieli Akademickich - Przewodnicząca
Collegium Altum, room no 1513
contact data


Mgr Anna Stawna-Dudniczek Coordinator
Collegium Altum, room no 1014
Mgr Magdalena Kowalska starszy specjalista do spraw administracyjnych
Collegium Altum, room no 1015


Institute of Economics
Al. Niepodległości 10
61-875 Poznań

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