
The legal basis for the creation of a federation of state higher education institutions. Continued

February 16, 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I encourage you to read the content of the attached letter of The Council for Integration of the Poznań Academic Community, which is the ending of the previous letter, published on the websites of public universities in Poznań on March 6, 2022.

The content of the letter still concerns the issues of legal basis of the federation. The Council explains in it, inter alia, who would be an employee of the federation, what internal organs the federation must have and what category will the same disciplines of different universities get after the federation is created.
I recommend You the website of the College of Rectors of the city of Poznań (, on which The Council for Integration of the Poznań Academic Community’s letters are also regularly published.

prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski

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