New head of the Department of Information Systems

It is worth recalling that the Department of Information Systems was established in 1990 at our University (at that time the Poznań Academy of Economics) within the Faculty of Economics. From its inception until September 2024, the Department was headed by Prof. Witold Abramowicz. We thank the Professor for many years of setting the development directions of our team! We wish him success in fulfilling the mission of the Rector’s Advisor for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation.
As part of personnel changes, we have bid farewell to Dr. Marcin Szmydt, to whom we wish success in realizing his business endeavors. We welcome our graduate Izabela Czumałowska to the team.
In the photo (from left): Oskar Riewe-Perła, Prof. Krzysztof Węcel, Dr. Szczepan Górtowski, Dr. Milena Stróżyna, Prof. Witold Abramowicz, Dr. Piotr Stolarski, Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Marcin Sawiński, Prof. Agata Filipowska, Izabela Czumałowska, Dr. Elżbieta Lewańska, Aleksandra Wojewoda, Ewelina Księżniak.