Participation of members of the Department in the international scientific conference entitled. "Challenges in the development of modern organizations: digitalization, green governance, diversity".

Participation of members of the Department in the international scientific conference entitled. “Challenges in the development of modern organizations: digitalization, green governance, diversity”.
On 22-24.05.2024, the Department’s staff participated in the XII National Scientific Conference of the Organization Development Management series under the title “Challenges in the development of modern organizations: digitalization, green order, diversity” organized by the Institute of Management of the Technical University of Lodz in Jastarnia.
As part of the conference, Dr. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, Prof. UEP, took part in the panel discussion “Sustainability and the Green Deal – how to reconcile the interests of consumers, the planet and business?”. She also served as a member of the Conference Program Council.
Members of the Department also submitted the following papers:
“Sustainability leaders: discovering structural and market characteristics of companies with positive environmental and social impact” (Dr. Łukasz Małys),
“How to simultaneously achieve sustainability goals and profits. In search of an optimal business model” (Dr. Bartosz Deszczyński, Prof. UEP),
“The Concept of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem – Theoretical and Managerial Challenges and Directions for Further Research” (Dr. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, Prof. UEP, Dr. Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes, Dr. Maja Sajdak, Prof. UEP, Dr. Marcin Wieczerzycki),
“Governance mechanisms in business-to-business relationships – analysis and systematization” (Dr. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, Dr. Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes).