Careers and Alumni Office

The PUEB Career Office connects students, graduates and employers.

Our activities target these three groups. In a natural way, students become graduates, enter the labor market and co-create it by becoming employers. We expect our graduates/employers to create new jobs and internships for PUEB students. That is why cooperation with business is crucial for us. We are an intermediary for companies looking for employees, and we also help students interested in internships and apprenticeships, as well as graduates looking for jobs.

Our activities:

  • Organizing workshops, trainings and lectures for students and graduates conducted by business practitioners;
  • Obtaining job and internship offers from companies and posting them on the PUEB website;
  • Assistance in the preparation of application documents;
  • Career counseling;
  • Optional practices.

Job and internship opportunities for students

Check out what offer we have for you!

Informations for students

We invite you for individual career counseling consultations!

If you are looking for answers to questions:

  • What mistakes shouldn’t you make in your resume and cover letter?
  • How do corporations recruit and how to prepare for a recruitment interview?
  • What does online recruitment look like?
  • What is an Assessment Center?
  • How do you start your career?
  • How do you make choices and changes in your career path?

We invite all students and graduates of the Poznań University of Economics and Business to consult online or at PUEB.

How do I sign up for an individual meeting?

E-mail: or call 61 856 91 92 and set a convenient date and form of meeting. Advance registration applies.

JOB SPOT at the Poznań University of Economics and Business is one of the largest events aimed at the Poznań academic community. We meet the expectations of students and take measures to bring them closer to the specifics of the labor market.

Since 2003, we have been invariably supported in this by the PUEB Partner’s Club – a prestigious group of leading companies and institutions from Wielkopolska. At the same time, the event provides entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to directly reach out to students of our University, and attract job candidates who meet their expectations.

Information for employees

How to post an offer (job, internship, apprenticeship)?

Please send your announcements in PDF format according to the digital accessibility rules to our e-mail address:

In addition to the requirements and scope of duties, please indicate in your offer how candidates should apply to the company. We post bids for 3 weeks, if no other date is indicated in the announcement.

We post listings of recruiting companies only with the name of the employer looking for employees.

Posting of offers is free of charge.

How to organize a meeting, workshop, training for students?

Please e-mail or call the Office, we are open to suggestions and proposals.

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Send a PDF announcement to:
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The posted announcement will be available for 3 weeks.
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All submitted applications will go directly to you.


Mgr Monika Magdziarek starszy specjalista do spraw administracyjnych w zakresie doradztwa zawodowego
Bud. A-skrzydło, room no 230

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