HR Excellence in Research
In February 2017, Poznań University of Economics and Business received the HR Excellence in Research distinction awarded by the European Commission to institutions that follow the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This is a mark of quality, confirming that our University maintains transparent recruitment processes for researchers and fosters a friendly environment for working and developing research careers.
The awarding of the HR Excellence in Research distinction is one of the initiatives of the European Commission within its Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, aimed at improving the working conditions of researchers in the EU. These activities are intended to help increase the number of researchers in European institutions. The EC supports organisations that implement the principles of the European Charter and Code by holding meetings and discussions with the institutions involved, and furthermore recommends such institutions to international organisations and researchers as those that provide the best working environment and career development prospects for researchers.
The objectives of the HR Strategy have made their way into the strategic goals of Poznań University of Economics and Business. The execution of the HR Strategy initiated in March 2017 proceeds according to the Action Plan concerning four main areas: ethics and multidimensional professional aspects, recruitment, working conditions and training and professional development.
In February 2019, the individual actions taken were reviewed and evaluated internally and, based on the findings of the focus group survey of researchers, an updated HR Strategy for 2017-2022 was approved and an Action Plan for 2017-2022 was revised.
In 2022, all measures were reviewed and further development was recommended for 2022-2027.
On April 8, 2024, the Poznań University of Economics hosted a visit by EU assessors who evaluated the level of implementation of our HR strategy. During meetings with representatives of the university’s authorities, scientists, doctoral students and administrative staff, the experts assessed the progress identifying both the strengths and weaknesses of our activities and verified their compliance with the principles of the European Charter and the Code for Researchers in the areas of ethics, equality, professionalism, working conditions, development, training and mobility.
On May 6 this year. Poznań University of Economics received official confirmation of its authority to use this prestigious award. This is the result of seven years of work by the entire HR Excellence in Research Strategy implementation team and the commitment of our University’s academic community.
We would like to congratulate everyone who has contributed to this success and we look forward to our continued co-operation.
The European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers are among the most important European policy documents for improving working conditions and career development for researchers in Europe. Employers, including R&D institutions (both public and private) and research funding organisations that implement the principles of the Charter and Code can be awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo by the European Commission.
These documents were issued in 2005 as a recommendation by the European Commission addressed to researchers, employers and research funders operating in the public and private sectors.
The introduction of the principles of the Charter and Code by institutions is undertaken on a voluntary basis, i.e. institutions wishing to introduce the principles of these documents may proceed with the process at any time and apply for the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research logo.
- Action Plan for 2022-2027
- Internal Review for Award Renewal, November 2022
- PUEB Strategy
- HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
OTM-R stands for open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers. OTM-R is a set of ready-to-use tools to be implemented at universities and research institutions to ensure open and transparent recruitment based on applicant qualifications.
OTM-R ensures the accessibility and openness of the labour market for researchers in the EU and comprises:
- an analysis of the benefits of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment,
- principles and guidelines governing the organisation of the OTM-R process,
- a checklist for institutions,
- advice on how to optimise the recruitment process,
- examples of good practice.
OTM-R policy
OTM-R checklist
- Guidelines for the policy of employment of academic teachers at PUEB
- Appendix No 1
- Appendix No 2
- Appendix No 3
- Appendix No 4
- Appendix No 5
PUEB employment procedure for people from Ukraine applying for teaching positions
Guide: welcome to the academic community of PUEB
- OTM-R_policy_EN DOC 75.3 KiB
- OTM-R checklist _en DOC 83 KiB
- Guidelines for the policy of employment of academic teachers at PUEB_109-2020 DOC 261.5 KiB
- PUEB employment procedure for people from Ukraine applying for teaching positions DOC 55.2 KiB
- Appendix No 1_109-2020 DOC 77 KiB
- Appendix No 2 109-2020 PDF 855.5 KiB
- Appendix No 3_109-2020 DOC 76 KiB
- Appendix No 4_109-2020 DOC 488.5 KiB
- Appendix No 5_109-2020 DOC 56.2 KiB
- Periodic evaluation of academic teachers
- Sabbaticals for academic teachers
- Rector’s awards for academic teachers
- PUEB Base of Knowledge
- Box of ideas
- “Together We Change UEP” survey report
- Anti-mobbing policy
- Gender equality plan
- Code of good practice for dealing with harassment cases
- Guide to responding to behavior that is sexual harassment in the workplace and study
- Professional development
- Courses on moodle platform
- Legal acts search engine
- Social media
Descriptions of social impact:
- scientific activities on the functioning of society and the economy
- descriptions of influence
- impact descriptions of our University
- University Statute
- Internal Educational Quality Assurance System
- Rules for conducting hospitalization of classes conducted at the Poznań University of Economics
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee’s responsibilities include:
1) setting strategic goals,
2) adopting key decisions,
3) regular follow-up on the progress of the tasks under the HR Excellence in Research award.
The Steering Committee meets once a year with a view to approving a report on the implementation of the strategy and formulating possible recommendations for individual units of the University. Once a year, the results of the follow-up are presented to the Rector in order to review the implementation of the strategy.
Project Team
The Team’s responsibilities include, in particular:
1) updating the tasks defined in the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers action plan, hereinafter referred to as HRS4R,
2) overseeing the implementation of strategic activities in the University’s organisational units,
3) continuous follow-up on the implementation of the strategy, including conducting regular surveys among University employees,
4) defining the short- and long-term priorities of the strategy and adapting the strategy action plan to the changing organisational and legal environment,
5) integrating the HRS4R strategy into other strategic documents and activities of the University,
6) implementing the communication strategy among members of the University community and the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the idea of the HR Excellence in Research award,
7) drafting a report on the implementation of the strategy and preparing for the visit to the University of the European Commission experts as part of the external review,
8) ongoing monitoring of legal acts and practices applied at PUEB according to the criterion of compliance with the objectives, deadlines and principles of the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers and the PUEB Recruitment Policy,
9) reporting the progress of implementation and changes in the strategy to the Monitoring Committee.
The project team meets on a quarterly basis.
LOGO – Institutions that have been awarded the HR Excellence in Research distinction are entitled to use the online platform of the European network known as Euraxess, which supports the mobility and career development of researchers.
Researchers can access information on grants and fellowships abroad, as well as a database of job vacancies with several hundred postings from various European institutions, universities, research institutes and private companies.
Important links:
Beneficts of earning the HR Excelence in Research
Enhancing the desirability of employment at the University, which offers a friendly working environment for researchers and respects transparent rules when recruiting staff;
Distinguishing the University as an institution that provides researchers with the best working conditions, in line with European standards, when carrying out scientific or research and development (R&D) activities;
Giving the University an advantage in:
- international grant competitions of the European Commission in the HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union for research and innovation;
- national grant competitions of the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development;
- competitions and research funding programmes of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
The Research Units Evaluation Committee awarded an additional number of points in the parameter rating of research units in 2017.
The right to post job openings on the European researcher recruitment platform EURAXESS.